
Showing posts from 2014

In View: The King's Face

Synopsis : One's face tells a lot including whether he is fit to be king. The current king does not have the right face for the position, but he does everything he has to do to keep this spot. His son, on the other hand, has the face of a king. When one group secretly plans out the dethroning of the king, will the rightful king be able to take the throne? Or will it be a head-to-head match between the king and his son for the same love interest as well as the throne? Number of Episodes Watched So Far:  2

Review: Plus Nine Boys

Synopsis:   Beware of the number 9. For one family where the males are ages 9, 19, 29, and 39, the curse of the number 9 is real. Number of Episodes:   14

ROOMMATE Episode 20 (Season 1 Finale)

Episode Title:  A Passionate Goodbye Cucumber arrives home with her new family. As Ruby is getting a tour of the house, Dong Wook is sleeping away in his bed. He goes unnoticed when Ruby is shown his room. After the tour, Dong Wook emerges from his room. Soo Hyun questions why he is home alone. Dong Wook forwardly answers that it is because he doesn't have any work. He is introduced to Ruby and Cucumber.

Review: Let's Eat

Synopsis:  Food, Mystery, Food, Romance, Food, Comedy, Food, Food, Food Number of Episodes:  16

ROOMMATE Episode 19

Episode Title: Chase or Be Chased All of the roommates are gathered in Chanyeol and Sung Woo's room. Se Ho brings up the wish that he won when they played games during the camping episode. In front of everyone, he asks Nana out to the movies. While Nana is pondering, the others speak up, saying things like "it's Se Ho's wish" and "she doesn't have time." Ultimately, Nana says yes. Dong Wook pipes in that they should go see Transformers. Se Ho questions him, asking why he was coming along. This causes the others to chime in that they want to go too. Se Ho diffuses the situation by telling them they could go another time. Dong Wook asks the couple what they plan to watch to which Se Ho answers a horror movie. The roommates are up in arms with how obvious he was. Nana jokingly warns Se Ho not to hug her if he gets scared. Se Ho denies that he will, claiming that he is a man.

ROOMMATE Episode 18

Episode Title: Looking Back The episode starts off with some reflection on how these past 4 months have been. One similar thought is that the house felt like there were people living there (like a home). Other similar thoughts are not doing enough for each other and not knowing enough about each other. With that, this sets the direction of the episode.

ROOMMATE Episode 17

Episode Title: Enjoy It, Song Ga Yeon Ga Yeon, Se Ho, and Dong Wook are off to Jeju Island, where Ga Yeon is originally from. With only one week before her debut, Ga Yeon wants to go to Mount Halla. As they drive through the island, Ga Yeon points out the middle school she went to. She recalls when she started hapkido during that time. She shares that she left Jeju for Busan to attend high school, where she learned more martial arts. The guys are curious to how she became interested in this since girls usually want to learn other things. Ga Yeon says that her father has always kept her active. While her father went to a golfing range, she would go to the boxing gym next door. This grew her interest. Dong Wook comments that fighting is in Ga Yeon's blood. Ga Yeon shares that her father was good at fighting as well.

ROOMMATE Episode 16

Episode Title:  Begin Again at the End After the success of the fan meeting, the roommates and Ling Qi gather at a cafe. Ling Qi asks if they want to go on a Taiwanese TV show. Fast forward to the next day where Nana and Se Ho are heading inside a TV station. They meet up with Ling Qi and his friend. They are there as guests on a TV show called 100% Entertainment. They go to greet the MCs, who turn out to be jokers. In their waiting room, they discuss the fan meet. Ling Qi informs them he didn't let the fans know about their appearance on the show today. Se Ho tells them everything will go smoothly today, which is one of his catchphrases. He then proceeds to teach Ling Qi his catchphrase and the accompanying hand gestures.


I haven't posted anything in awhile so I thought I should give a little update...

ROOMMATE Episode 15

Episode Title: A Midsummer Night's Miracle Dong Wook arrives to the airport after everyone has left. To his disappointment, it is only him and a camera lady. Sistar's "Alone" is playing in the background as he checks in and is on the plane. In his interview, he feels down that not even one or two staff members stayed behind to go with him. In Osaka, the group is heading to Sung Woo's fan's family restaurant, Omoni. Mr. Hong, who is driving them, tells them how famous this okonomiyaki restaurant is. During the car ride, Kang Joon comments that boxing with Mr. Hong was memorable. Sung Woo jokingly says Kang Joon's "dance" in the ring was memorable.

ROOMMATE Episode 14

Episode Title: Will there be reward after toil? It is nightfall at the share house when they suddenly get an announcement from the PD. Everyone is ordered to gather in the upstairs living room. After assembling, the PD announces that they have been living together for 100 days. The roommates applaud and start bowing to Mama Shin. For this celebration, the roommates are gifted a 3 days/2 nights overseas trip to Taiwan and Japan. Chanyeol reads aloud the travel rules for the trip. The roommates have to stay at a local share house. The trips are divided by gender with the option to switch out one member of the group if necessary. They can only use the money that is provided by the production team. Meals are the responsibility of the group. They may also eat with the locals if offered. The last rule is taking 10 unique group pictures. The money envelopes are handed out and each team is given 1 million won.

TRIANGLE Episode 26 (Finale)

As the drama comes to an end, so does some of their lives. But for the others, it is just the beginning. Before going to meet with Pil Sang, Bok Tae gives out the orders to kill Yang Ha. Young Dal and Dong Soo still can't reach Yang Ha. They have no choice, but to face Bok Tae's men. The two go running to the casino. Man Bok and President Min have their men gathered. They are ordered to take out Bok Tae's men and to bring back Bok Tae if they see him. Jung Hee is worriedly on the phone, trying to get a hold of Yang Ha.

TRIANGLE Episode 25

It is time to face reality. Young Dal informs Yang Ha that Pil Sang is after him. Yang Ha already knows and tells them not to concern themselves since he can take care of it himself. He tries to walk away when Young Dal yells after him. Young Dal tells him Pil Sang wants more than his position, he wants his life. Dong Soo warns Yang Ha his life is in danger. Young Dal shares that Pil Sang was behind his almost hit and run. He believes either Pil Sang or Bok Tae or both are behind all of this. They know about their relationship and how Yang Ha is no longer favored by Chairman. Dong Soo says they can't have Pil Sang thrown behind bars because all they have is knowing his intentions to kill. He warns Yang Ha to be cautious. Yang Ha scoffs. He asks why it matters to them if he lives or dies. He tries to leave again, but Young Dal goes to grab him. Young Dal angrily asks why he is acting like a child when his brothers are just worried about him.  Yang Ha claims that Chairman is the

ROOMMATE Episode 13

Episode Title: Achieve the Goal Sunday Sora, Sung Woo, and Soo Hyun make it home safely from the trip. Soo Hyun goes right to calculating their budget. With the generous gift from Lee Deok Hwa, they have money left over. Sora joins the twosome, nicely dressed. The occasion is for the arrival of their guest, Baekhyun from EXO. Earlier, Chanyeol received a call from a bored Baekhyun. Chanyeol invited him to sleepover. Back at the house, the doorbell rings, but Soo Hyun brushes it aside, saying the sound came from the TV. The doorbell rings again and they rush downstairs. The roommates go to greet him outside. Baekhyun is told Chanyeol hasn't arrived yet. Sung Woo asks if he has ate yet to which he answers no. The roommates assemble in the kitchen to prepare a meal for him. Soo Hyun gives him a snack in the mean time. Baekhyun awkwardly sits at the table. He tries to join in on the conversation in the kitchen, but no one is paying attention to him. The roommates are looking in the

TRIANGLE Episode 24

An unexpected turn of events can be what this family needs. Jung Hee calls out to Young Dal, who now senses the car coming near. Both were able to dodge the vehicle before it speeds away. Jung Hee memorizes the license plate number before going to Young Dal's side. He asks what happened. Jung Hee says he sent her a text to meet here. Young Dal denies and says he received the text from her to meet here. It now makes sense to them that this was a set up. Knowing the license number doesn't matter since it would likely be fake. From a distance, Yang Ha is observing them.

TRIANGLE Episode 23

Last call for bets... where does one's loyalty lie? Dong Soo arrives to the hospital and gets the update from Young Dal about Elder's condition. We learn from Elder's man that it was a hit and run and that there were no witnesses. Young Dal has a weird feeling about the situation. Dong Soo is on it and calls his team to look into it. Jang Soo gets the update via call. He informs the crew who are waiting beside him. President Min is worried about Young Dal if the worse were to happen and Elder passes away. She is afraid he will be eaten alive at Dae-Jung. Man Bok deducts their enemies were responsible. Jerry agrees, saying it is very likely.

ROOMMATE Episode 12

Episode Title: It's Always Darkest Before Dawn The time is 5:50 PM and the roommates are setting up camp and prepping dinner. Chanyeol and Ga Yeon go off to clean their catch of the day - trout. As guide, Chanyeol teaches Ga Yeon how to descale and gut the fish all the while struggling himself. On the other hand, Ga Yeon takes up the teachings quickly and performs with ease. She even takes it upon herself to behead one of the trout, which causes Chanyeol to cringe. They take their fish back to the team for Se Ho to salt. Se Ho takes notice of how Ga Yeon has been behaving, commenting that she is cute. He tries to have her say "why, oppa" in a cute manner. Sung Woo warns him he can get beaten up this. Se Ho still tries to egg her on. He tries to also get Nana to say it, but she speaks to him in a chic manner. Not to be beaten, Se Ho tells Kang Joon to asks the ladies. Nana answers him in a cute manner. When he has a try with Ga Yeon, she attempts to answer cutely,

TRIANGLE Episode 22

Who will have your back when things go bad? Jin Soo arrives soon after Yang Ha called him. Yang Ha informs him he knows Jin Soo was in charge of his adoption. He asks for the name of the orphanage and if there is a way to find information about his biological parents. Jin Soo asks why he wants to know all of a sudden. Yang Ha expresses how he feels like it is the right time for him to know. Jin Soo asks if he can just keep his past buried where it belongs. Yang Ha asks if his real name is Jang Dong Woo. He starts naming off his father and brothers. He wants to know if this is all true. Jin Soo says he knows nothing and gets up to leave. Yang Ha tearfully pleads with him, wanting to know the truth. Jin Soo confesses Dong Soo and Young Dal are indeed his brothers. Yang Ha questions how this all happened. Jin Soo informs him Chairman knew nothing about it. He says he did it so Yang Ha could live comfortably and happily. Yang Ha fires back, asking what right Jin Soo had to decide on

TRIANGLE Episode 21

Sometimes things just don't go according to plan. Yang Ha greets Chairman. He asks for another chance. He promises to apologize to Miss Sung, make things right with Hanchang Group, and is even willing to marry Miss Sung. Chairman orders his people to cancel everything on his schedule for the day and walks off.

ROOMATE Episode 11

Episode Title: Wouldn't it be nice if only good things happen? Something must have happened. We start off the episode with the cast interviews where they expressed frustration, worry, and nervousness over something that happened. Mama Shin arrives to an almost empty home. He starts cleaning here and there before heading to the kitchen. He arrives to see s sink full of dirty dishes. We see the time lapse of how the sink got full as one by one, the roommates leave their dishes. In his interview, Sung Woo expresses his anger and mentions how he cleans up after the cast. If that wasn't bad enough he turns to see that the trash has accumulated as well. To vent out his frustration, he goes to mow the lawn. After calming down a bit, he goes back to kitchen. Min Woo enters after just waking up. Sung Woo tells him this doesn't make him happy. Min Woo assures him that everyone that ate will clean it up. Sung Woo tells him that isn't the point. He has told everyone that they

TRIANGLE Episode 20

You win some, you lose some. As their attention is drawn to Dong Soo, Young Dal shoves Yang Ha's hands off him. Young Dal reminds him he has an image to uphold as the heir of the establishment. Yang Ha warns him of his mistake. Young Dal shares that he knew Yang Ha was behind sending them to jail. Young Dal gives him fair warning that he will came at him hundred folds if he plays dirty. Yang Ha glances from Young Dal to Dong Soo, who has a worried look on his face. Yang Ha walks away and Young Dal turns his attention to Dong Soo. Dong Soo approaches Young Dal while his attention stayed on Yang Ha. Dong Soo asks what the altercation was about. Young Dal says pay back and asks what Dong Soo is doing here. Dong Soo wanted to check on Young Dal. Young Dal assures him things are going according to plan.

TRIANGLE Episode 19

Well.... I didn't see that coming... The episode starts back up at the restaurant where Shin Hye breaks the news about Dong Woo. There is a flashback scene where Shin Hye goes to Jung Hee's home. She is met by grandma. Shin Hye is looking for someone named Oh Sang Chun. Grandma informs her this person is her son, but he passed away years ago. Shin Hye asks if she knows Jang Jong Kook, which she does since he was good friends with her son. Inside of the home, Grandma shows Shin Hye a picture of her son and Jung Hee with Dong Chul and his father. Shin Hye asks if grandma knows the young boy's name. She doesn't remember until Shin Hye tells her. Grandma shares that Jang Jong Kook had three sons and names them off except the youngest. She only remembers the baby as cute with big eyes. Their mother ran away after giving birth to the youngest. After their father's death, the three brothers were sent away to the orphanage. She expresses her heart ache about this. She

ROOMMATE Episode 10

Episode Title: Youth Doesn't Come Again It's time for dinner duty. Sung Woo declares a cooking contest using the octopus from Se Ho's parents. The teams are divided as "We Want To Be Octopus Tentacles" (Bom/Se Ho/Kang Joon) versus "Hong Gil Dong and the Two Workers" (Soo Hyun/Ga Yeon/Min Woo). Sora and Sung Woo are the judges. Each team are discussing what dish to make.

Update on TRIANGLE

The series has been extended by 2 episodes for a grand total of 26 episodes. Source:  mwave

TRIANGLE Episode 18

Once you commit, can you turn back? Yang Ha is worriedly waiting in the office as Leader Bae returns with an update. The license plate of the van is a fake. He asks if they should report it to the police. Yang Ha answers no. He calls Bok Tae instead and asks if he has anything to do with a kidnapping. Bok Tae denies knowing anything. Yang Ha thinks he is playing dumb and tells him to let her go because she is important to him. Bok Tae denies again and hangs up. There is a flashback scene where Pil Sang fills Bok Tae in on the position changes. Bok Tae believes Chairman is ruthless. Pil Sang thinks this is actually a good thing for them both. In the present, Bok Tae's man enters the office. Bok Tae asks if he heard about Myung Jae kidnapping anyone, which he hasn't. His man voices his opinion, stating it is better for Bok Tae to not get involved with this.

TRIANGLE Episode 17

When you get pushed down, you get back up again with vengeance. Young Dal is looking at a picture of his father as he returns to Dae-Jung. He is greeted by a secretary, who escorts him to the Chairman's office. Chairman praises his plan. He mentions that he looks at a person's performance, not their past. There is a flashback scene where Dong Soo is telling him that they will do anything for money and reminds him they killed our father. Young Dal tells him there is one thing he is grateful about his past - he knows that whatever they can do, he can do even worse. Dong Soo apologizes to him. He is sorry for leaving. He didn't know they would've been separated for over 20 years.

ROOMMATE Episode 9

Episode Title: Sweetness, Spiciness, and Bitterness Rise and shine at the share house. Nana and Min Woo are off to the market for ingredients for breakfast. Sung Woo opens up a package filled with Poong Poong's (Bom's stuffed doll) family, which was enough to fill the couch. Soo Hyun and Sung Woo lug the entire family upstairs for Bom to see when she gets up. Nana and Min Woo arrive back to the house. Things are starting off on the wrong foot as Min Woo drops the eggs. Sung Woo hears the commotion in the kitchen. The background music changes into something more intense, awaiting Mama Shin's impending anger. But alas Mama Shin doesn't get angry and background music changes into something more chipper. Se Ho is sprawled out on the couch. When it is time for breakfast, Nana gives him an awakening with a hit. Mama Shin playfully scolds and hits him for always going back to sleep right before breakfast. In contrast, Sung Woo gently goes to wake up Chanyeol and even fixe

TRIANGLE Episode 16

A new and improved Young Dal appears and he is ready to takeover. Yang Ha informs Elder he can't accept Young Dal at all. Elder says he will have take back his funds then. Chairman steps in says they'll accept this condition and tells Young Dal to introduce himself. Young Dal talks humbly about his connection to the casino as he introduces himself. Later, he is shown to his office. Elder tells him everyone will be watching him from here on out.

TRIANGLE Episode 15

Now that one relationship has been uncovered, how will it affect everyone... Shin Hye and Young Dal arrive to the hospital. They get the status of Dong Soo from his friend. Dong Soo is in serious condition and is currently in emergency surgery. There aren't any suspects yet, but he has the team checking CCTV from the surrounding area. Later, Dong Soo is out of surgery and is being transported to a room. The doctor tells them Dong Soo's spleen had to be removed and they are not sure of his condition due to the excessive blood loss. Young Dal cries as he watches his brother being wheeled to his room.

ROOMMATE Episode 8

Episode Title: You're My Number One The episode begins with a more recent event- the World Cup. Se Ho's friend, Chang Hee has come to the house bright and early. Se Ho gets the wake up call and lets him in before proceeding to wake the rest of the roommates. By 5:50 AM, Ga Yeon, Soo Hyun, Min Woo, Se Ho, and Chang Hee have made it to the streets where the game was going to broadcast on an enormous screen. The streets are already packed with a sea of red jerseys. The rest of the roommates are watching the game from home. The game starts and cheering ensues. Back at home, Bom talks about her 4 years of playing soccer in high school. By half time, the game is still scoreless. The group watching with the crowd are dancing and messing around. Se Ho suggests Ga Yeon low kick his friend. Chang Hee has a hard time standing after the kick. The game resumes and Korea scores a goal. The roommates go wild. At home, Nana and Bom fall down while celebrating. Bom whines that the guys don

TRIANGLE Episode 14

Just when you think you have the upper hand, don't turn your back for one second. We return to the hypnosis session. Shin Hye asks for permission to continue. She takes his silence as a go ahead. She tells him there is a second door that will open and reveal more memories. Young Dal starts describing what he sees. There is a black car and a man taking away his younger brother. He explains he had to protect his brother, but he was taken away. He feels sorry that he wasn't able to do this. Shin Hye asks if he is okay. Young Dal continues on, saying he is afraid and has no idea what he is going to say to his older brother when he returns. With that the session ends.

TRIANGLE Episode 13

As one side strikes, how will the opposing side react.... We start off with the reunion between Jung Hee and Young Dal. Jung Hee approaches him and ask a few questions. He tells her he had things to take care. Disheartened, Jung Hee asks if he really had no time to just give her a call. Young Dal confesses that he wasn't sure if he should call or not because he wasn't confident about changing his life around. Jung Hee feels discouraged and lashes out about how she waited for him for a year. As she walks away, Young Dal stops her to tell her how much he missed and thought of her. He says the reason he was embarrassed to go see her was because he realized how pathetic his life was in jail. Jung Hee calls him a fool and they hug.

ROOMMATE Episode 7

Episode Title: Nana the Magical Girl and Funny Kang Dash Man It is another day at the share house. Bom is heading out to the airport for the Philippines, styled by Sora. Min Woo and Kang Joon are off to Daejun to Min Woo's parent's blanket shop. Some of the roommates remaining are gathered in the dining area after breakfast. Nana announces she bought presents for everyone while she was in Japan. The first two to get presents were Sung Woo and Ga Yeon. Ga Yeon is gifted portable exercise equipment. Sung Woo is given a cute set of cooking tools for eggs. In his interview, we find out it was actually Sung Woo's birthday. He expressed how it felt like he was getting a birthday gift. Upstairs in their room, Nana gives Soo Hyun her present, a breathalyzer since she enjoys drinking.

TRIANGLE Episode 12

This episode marks the halfway point of the series. Things just keep turning around and around again. Young Dal goes into his meeting with Man Bok with an agenda. He strikes a deal with him - he'll get all of Man Bok's money returned within 1 year of his release. In the case that he can't, Man Bok can do anything with his life. Man Bok is amused. He agrees with this deal, but warns Young Dal he will chase him down and kill him with his bare hands if he fails. They end the meeting without any beatings.

TRIANGLE Episode 11

When you're at the bottom, the only way is up supposedly. Young Dal is being escorted to his cell. Once inside, he introduces himself and shares his prior record as a youth and adult. The inmates take this as him trying to scare the others. A fight ensues between Young Dal and two inmates with Young Dal with the upper hand. The others watch on with fearful looks. After the scuffle, Young Dal apologizes to the eldest inmate in the cell and sits away from the group. Later that night, we see Young Dal wide awake as the others are sound asleep. Flashback to the police station. Young Dal and his crew are getting cuffed and ready to be escorted to the jail. Jung Hee makes it just in time, but unfortunately for her, Young Dal is hauled away without saying so much how he feels embarrassed that she had to see him like this.

ROOMMATE Episode 6

Episode Title: Bom's Text Message Becomes a Reality We jump right into the core of this week's episode - Bom's prank on the roommates. After being tricked time after time, Bom decides to get her revenge with the help of Min Woo. Their plan is to pretend to be a couple to see the roommates' reactions. They sent a series of messages to the cast's chat room where they announced they were dating.

In View: Doctor Stranger

Synopsis:  A genius doctor in search of his first love after escaping North Korea starts working as a doctor in one of the prestigious hospitals of South Korea. What he doesn't know is a lot of watchful eyes are on him. Number of Episodes Watched So Far:  6

TRIANGLE Episode 10

The stakes are getting higher as the war wages on. The game begins. Young Dal's plan is lose first to ward off suspicions before really beginning after the cards are switched out. Yang Ha waits for this moment and asks Dong Soo to check out the live stream. He tells him his plan and asks him to remove Young Dal once they catch him. Dong Soo is perplexed as he infers for more information why. Yang Ha makes it clear he wants Young Dal locked up behind bars.

TRIANGLE Episode 9

Episode 9 is chuck full of orders, schemes, and a pinch of reunion as the story line gets underway. Young Dal has successfully pulled a fast one on the underground casino. To celebrate, he takes out Jung Hee to a fancy restaurant outside of Sabuk. During dinner, Young Dal makes a confession of sorts. He starts off by thanking her for spending time with him despite his reputation. He says he realizes the shameful life he has been leading after meeting her. Instead of being shameful of his life, he tells her he is making changes. Jung Hee is quietly looking on while listening to his confession. When they return home, Jung Hee tells Young Dal that he is no different from her and that he shouldn't be embarrassed around her. Both head in with smiles on their faces, especially Young Dal who is seen cheesing it up in his room long after the conversation is over.

ROOMMATE Episode 5

Episode Title: "You Are My Bom (Spring)" We start the episode off checking in with the missing members, Dongwook and Kang Joon through phone calls. Both are away on set of their respective dramas. I found it funny how Se Ho mentions to Dongwook that he is lying in Dongwook's bed while making this call. They chat a bit about visiting the set and Dongwook ends the call with "get off of my bed." Minwoo and Nana make a video call to Kang Joon, which coincidentally gets cut off after Nana tells him how she misses him. Once they get back in contact with him, everyone has a round of conversations with Kang Joon, where he tells the ladies to not cry while he is away.

In View: SBS's Roommate

Synopsis:  Reality series where 11 celebrities are living under one roof. Number of Episodes Watched So Far:  4

In View: Triangle

Synopsis:  Three brothers separated for more than 20 years are fatefully reunited, but under complicated circumstances. Detective, Gangster, and Chairman's Son.  Number of Episodes Watched So Far:  8

My Journey into Dramaland...

Here is my back story  of how I've become the avid drama watcher I am today...
start in 3..2..1...