TRIANGLE Episode 18

Once you commit, can you turn back?

Yang Ha is worriedly waiting in the office as Leader Bae returns with an update. The license plate of the van is a fake. He asks if they should report it to the police. Yang Ha answers no. He calls Bok Tae instead and asks if he has anything to do with a kidnapping. Bok Tae denies knowing anything. Yang Ha thinks he is playing dumb and tells him to let her go because she is important to him. Bok Tae denies again and hangs up. There is a flashback scene where Pil Sang fills Bok Tae in on the position changes. Bok Tae believes Chairman is ruthless. Pil Sang thinks this is actually a good thing for them both. In the present, Bok Tae's man enters the office. Bok Tae asks if he heard about Myung Jae kidnapping anyone, which he hasn't. His man voices his opinion, stating it is better for Bok Tae to not get involved with this.

Jung Hee is tied up in a boiler room. A group of men report back to Myung Jae, telling him they have succeeded with the kidnapping. They ask if they should contact Young Dal now. Myung Jae thinks it is better that he comes on his own.

Young Dal, Jerry, and Junho are worriedly waiting to hear anything about Jang Soo. All of a sudden, Jang Soo calls and reports Yang Ha stole the chairman of Myungahnsoo with the help of Hanchang Group. He explains he was kidnapped by some thugs and was just now released. He is scared to death. He starts apologizing to Young Dal, who expresses he will feel relieved once Jang Soo makes it back safe. After the call, Junho pipes in that Myungahnsoo Group is responsible for all of Lucky Casino's Chinese clientele. Just then Yang Ha barges in. Young Dal takes him by the collar and demands to know why he pulled such a dirty trick. He threatens him, saying if Jang Soo doesn't return safely, Yang Ha is dead. Yang Ha yanks Young Dal's hands off him. He tells him the person he should be worried about right now isn't Jang Soo, but Jung Hee. He tells them she was kidnapped. Young Dal asks by who. Yang Ha believes Young Dal should know because she was likely kidnapped because of him. Yang Ha orders him to find her now and leaves. Young Dal tries calling her, but her phone is turned off.

Young Dal calls Dong Soo, who tells him not to get too emotional since this is what Myung Jae wants. Dong Soo assures him he will look into it. He calls his old team and they are on the case. Young Dal meets with Man Bok and President Min to tell them the situation. He asks if they have any idea where she would be. President Min breaks it to him that even if they did, it would be too dangerous. Young Dal wants to end this and is willing to give Myung Jae anything. Man Bok tells him to reflect on his words. He explains to him that if he starts looking weak, then Myung Jae will come at him strong. President Min tells him to calm down and think carefully. After Young Dal leaves, President Min suggests they barge in to which Man Bok signals to her to calm down as well.

Jung Hee is a no show at work. Leader Hwan is irritated and starts bad mouthing her to Leader Bae. Leader Bae tells her in confidant that Jung Hee was kidnapped. Leader Hwan secretly calls Pil Sang to tell him this information. This then leads Pil Sang to call Bok Tae. Bok Tae guesses the word has spread. Pil Sang says this is like killing two birds with one stone. Bok Tae asks why. Pil Sang informs him that Jung Hee is Young Dal's girlfriend and Yang Ha is in love with her. Bok Tae finds this love triangle interesting.

Yang Ha meets with Young Dal on the garden rooftop. Young Dal acknowledges that Yang Ha was right, but says they share responsibility in the kidnapping. Yang Ha calls bullshit. Young Dal argues that Bok Tae is indirectly involved in this. Since Yang Ha is connected with Bok Tae, this makes him guilty. Young Dal believes because of this connection, Yang Ha could have stopped this from happening. Yang Ha doesn't believe this and says he already checked with Bok Tae. Young Dal questions if he really believed him. Yang Ha perks up. Young Dal fills him in that someone close to Bok Tae by the name of Myung Jae did the kidnapping. Young Dal tries to strike up a truce in order to find Jung Hee. Yang Ha questions if Bok Tae and Myung Jae are working together. Young Dal tells him to find out himself if he doesn't believe him.

Dong Soo gets word that Myung Jae and some of his men are in Seoul. His friend thinks they might be in Shinsadong. He asks if they should barge in. Dong Soo thinks getting the law involved would complicate things. He promises to not go alone if he'll give him the address.

Shin Hye meets with Young Dal. He asks for her assessment of the situation. Shin Hye believes that Jung Hee isn't in any danger given that this kidnapping is more as a way to get to Young Dal as opposed to wanting a ransom. Shin Hye inquires if he met with Myung Jae, which he says he has. He tells her what Myung Jae wants. She advises him to do as she says; don't let Myung Jae get to you psychologically.

Myung Jae meets with Jung Hee face-to-face. She is scared and asks why he is doing all of this. He tells her she chose the wrong boyfriend. He then takes her phone.

After the meeting, Young Dal gets in the car where Jerry is waiting. He thinks they should go back to Sabuk. Jerry is flustered and asks what about Jung Hee. He says that they have to do something. That's when Young Dal gets a call. The caller ID says it is Jung Hee. Young Dal is shaking as he is deciding to answer or not. He picks up and Jung Hee is yelling on the other line. Young Dal doesn't say anything. She asks why he isn't saying anything to which he coldly asks what she wants. She is telling him how she is being held hostage before Myung Jae takes over the call. He asks Young Dal if he figured it out yet. Young Dal replies that he doesn't have a girlfriend. Jung Hee is in shock. Myung Jae calls him a coward and warns him that if he keeps this up, his girl will be really hurt. Young Dal explains that Jung Hee means nothing to him and that they can do whatever they want to her. One of Myung Jae's men approaches her and strokes her hair. During this, Jung Hee is yelling for him to not come near. Young Dal is shaking on the other line. Jung Hee yells for Young Dal to save her. Myung Jae asks again if she means nothing to him. Young Dal counters that if Myung Jae thinks these threats will work, he is wrong. He elaborates again that she means nothing to him and they can do whatever to her. Jung Hee is crying out, asking why he is doing all this. Young Dal asks why she is being pathetic. He explains he isn't the same old Young Dal. He doesn't want to be tied down to a lowly dealer. Everyone including Myung Jae is looking at her with pity. Young Dal on the other hand is greatly upset after the call. He has to leave the car to yell. Myung Jae feels humiliated after this situation. Hyun Tak assures him that Jung Hee is Young Dal's girlfriend. Myung Jae thinks that if this is the case then Young Dal is really a low life. His men ask what they should do with her. Myung Jae says to wait and see. All the while, Jung Hee is crying her eyes out.

Yang Ha pays Bok Tae an unexpected visit. He demands that they let Jung Hee go. Bok Tae says he'll take care of it and tells him not to get involved. This isn't enough for Yang Ha, who demands they let her go now. Bok Tae deducts that what he has heard about them is true. Yang Ha makes it clear that his feelings aren't any of Bok Tae's business. He warns him that he won't forgive him if he doesn't do this now. He even threatens to take back the shares and stake in the new resort.  Bok Tae challenges him by bringing up his former director position. Yang Ha warns him that this can end their partnership. Bok Tae explains that this was all just a jab at Young Dal. Yang Ha says he'll take care of Young Dal. He also offers Bok Tae shares in the new venture with Myungahnsoo Group. Bok Tae calls Myung Jae on the spot and tells him to let her go.

Man Bok and his men arrive somewhere and storm in, taking out anyone in their way. Yang Ha finds Jung Hee tied up. He unties her and asks if she is alright. Jung Hee starts to cry. Yang Ha helps her up and wipes her tears. They hug and Yang Ha also cries. Man Bok breaks the mood and gets a hold of Yang Ha. Just as he was about to punch him, Jung Hee tells Man Bok to stop and explains that Yang Ha was the one that saved her. Yang Ha yanks Man Bok's hands off of him and takes Jung Hee away. Young Dal and crew are waiting to hear back from Man Bok. He gets the text saying she is safe and for them not to worry. Everyone is relieved. President Min gets a call from Man Bok. He gives her the update and informs her Hyun Tak has switched sides.

Yang Ha drops Jung Hee off at her home. He says he'll talk to Leader Bae about her taking a few days off. Jung Hee assures him that she just needs to rest for the night. Jung Hee turns to leave when Yang Ha calls to her. He tells her to think of this incident as a nightmare and to put it behind her. She says she is relieved that she was able to wake up from this nightmare. Young Dal is watching them from afar.

Some time has passed. Yang Ha is now back to sitting in on the meetings in Chairman's office. The casino now has more Chinese clients than they ever had. Chairman praises Yang Ha for this. He asks how Young Dal's plans are going. Young Dal says he is working on it. Chairman tells him time is essential and if he can't handle it, he just needs to tell him now. Pil Sang chips in that Hanchang is targeting their clients. Yang Ha doesn't think Hanchang is a threat to them and assures everyone they don't have to worry. Chairman agrees. After the meeting, Young Dal calls Jang Soo to see if they have a solution to their problem. Jang Soo can't come up with anything. He meets with Junho and asks him about the relationship between Yang Ha and Chairman Sung's daughter. Junho says both chairmen are talking about an arranged marriage for the two.

Pil Sang is meeting with the chairman's daughter. He tells her he has some information on Yang Ha. She wants to why he is doing this. He says he sees her as a younger sister and doesn't want to see her being used. She questions if Yang Ha is really using her and wants to know how.

Young Dal and his team are in the office, trying to think of a solution. Jerry wonders if they can do this in one blow. This sparks up an idea. Young Dal says they need to return the favor by stabbing Yang Ha in the back.

Myung Jae casually strolls into President Min's office. After the small talk, Myung Jae cuts straight to the chase - he wants them to walk away from Young Dal. He says a war will erupt if they don't. President Min corrects him by telling him a war has already started. President Min refuses to follow his advice. Myung Jae says they should see how far the war goes.

Yang Ha receives a text from Jung Hee while at work. She wants to treat him to dinner.

Jung Hee and Young Dal cross paths at work. Jung Hee is visibly angry. They stare at each other before leaving. She waits for Yang Ha. He comes happily strutting, saying he must have hit the jackpot. Jung Hee explains that she thought just saying thank you wasn't enough. She asks what he would like to eat. Yang Ha is fine with anything. Jung Hee suggests a spicy noodle place. Yang Ha is unfamiliar with the dish and Jung Hee explains it to him. They are off and Young Dal is secretly watching them. Another set of eyes are also watching them, Chairman Sung's daughter. She makes her way into the building to meet with Young Dal. At the restaurant, Yang Ha is curiously looking around. Jung Hee thinks he hasn't really been to places like this. Yang Ha tries to convince her he goes to places like this all the time and even drinks makgulli (rice wine). She doesn't buy it, but finds it amusing.

Dong Soo meets with Shin Hye. Earlier, Shin Hye met with the aid from Dae-Jung to ask about the orphanage Yang Ha came from. The aid stays loyal and doesn't tell her anything. At the restaurant, Shin Hye tells Dong Soo she knows who Dong Woo is. She tells him Yang Ha is his brother, Jang Dong Woo.

Well.. I spoke too soon. I get why Young Dal acted the way he did during the call with Jung Hee and Myung Jae, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hurtful. It was slap after slap the more he talked. He just went too far, plain and simple. Hopefully Jung Hee stays away, but I doubt it.

I know that everyone was trying to help by giving him advice on how to handle the situation, but I don't think anyone put themselves in Young Dal's shoes. They are all so far into the plan that it appears more like they are advising Young Dal on what to do to not mess up their plan versus looking out for Young Dal's well-being. The people most hurt in the situation were Young Dal and Jung Hee.

Yang Ha came to the rescue. He dropped his front and stepped it up. Unlike Young Dal, he was willing to strike up deals. No matter what he tries to show, his feelings are evident. Yang Ha seems to be on a roll. But as we seen in this drama, lucky streaks are just temporary and you better be ready when it comes to a halt.

I want to know what Shin Hye knows. She wouldn't reveal Yang Ha's true identity based on a hunch. Something must have happen after the meeting with the aid from Dae-Jung for her to reveal this information. I wonder how Dong Soo will handle things. It was easier with Young Dal because they were on the same side. How is he going to reveal their shared bloodline to someone he considers as the enemy?


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