TRIANGLE Episode 21

Sometimes things just don't go according to plan.

Yang Ha greets Chairman. He asks for another chance. He promises to apologize to Miss Sung, make things right with Hanchang Group, and is even willing to marry Miss Sung. Chairman orders his people to cancel everything on his schedule for the day and walks off.

Dong Soo and Young Dal take their conversation to the garden rooftop. Dong Soo shares what he found out from Jin Soo. In a way, he feels relieved Dong Woo was adopted after hearing about how hard Young Dal had it. Young Dal takes this as Dong Soo wanting to forgive Chairman and to let Yang Ha keep living his life as is. Dong Soo argues that their bloodline probably won't mean anything to Yang Ha since he was adopted as a baby. If Yang Ha were to know the entire truth, it would only confuse and torment him. He says the only thing he can do is let Yang Ha keep his current life without knowing the past. He asks for Young Dal to stop. Young Dal can't understand why they need to stop. Chairman did something brutal to their father and Yang Ha means nothing to him. He says he won't forgive the Chairman or Yang Ha. Young Dal storms off, but doesn't make it that far. He recalls the moment he lost Dong Woo and starts to cry.

Chairman and Yang Ha stand outside of the Dae-Jung Group building. Chairman says there is nothing he isn't capable of and says he stopped at no cost to get what he wanted. Although he didn't show any warmth, Chairman says he raised Yang Ha under strict rules so he would be worthy of being the heir. He tells Yang Ha not to make promises he can't keep and gives him a chance to walk away if he can't lead Dae-Jung Group. Yang Ha declares he will do whatever it takes and will get rid of anything in his way. Chairman says Dong Soo and Young Dal are in his way now. He asks if Yang Ha can take care of them to which he says yes. He says he'll do whatever he has to do and Chairman warns him that this is his last chance. If he fails, not only will he lose his inheritance, but his father also.

Young Dal is in deep thought as different scenes with him and Yang Ha replay. He gets a text from Jung Hee, inviting him to dinner. He texts back that he can't.

Dong Soo meets Shin Hye outside the building. He informs her he told Young Dal, but he can't accept it nor forgive them. Shin Hye tells him this is expected. Dong Soo doesn't know what to do. He can't stand seeing his brothers fight. Shin Hye tells him to be patient because Young Dal needs time to process it. Although Dong Soo told Young Dal to forgive, he expresses to Shin Hye how angry he is at Chairman for starting everything.

Bok Tae is meeting with Pil Sang to ask about the details of his takeover plan. The way he sees things, Pil Sang thinks they need to get rid of Yang Ha since Chairman won't easily let go of him. Bok Tae comments on how cruel Yang Ha can be and that it is hard to believe that they aren't from the same bloodline. Pil Sang says Yang Ha's true nature won't allow him to be as cruel. His downfall is his mental health. If they corner him, he wouldn't know how to handle it and would self-destruct. Pil Sang knows exactly how to corner him - use the girl he cares about.

Miss Sung meets with Yang Ha at a bar. She wants to know what is up. Yang Ha asks if she would accept if he apologized. Miss Sung is cold to this. Yang Ha says they can even get married. Miss Sung makes it clear he can't have his way with just words. He wants to know if they can start over. She challenges him to move her heart a bit with some sincerity. He finds this hard. She expresses she has some interest in Young Dal right now. Hear this makes him agree to the challenge.

Leader Hwan confronts Jung Hee about showing up for work although there is an order for her termination. Jung Hee states that she will continue to work until they give a good reason for her firing. Leader Hwan tells her Pil Sang is going to try to have her reinstated. For the reason why, she is told it was because of her courage.

Young Dal has been drinking at the villa when he gets a call from Yang Ha. Yang Ha wants to talk and asks where he is at. Young Dal refuses and says he might do something stupid if they were to meet now. Yang Ha tells him he is in the mood to do something stupid, which is why he is asking to meet. Young Dal tells him to sleep if he is drunk and hangs up. Frustrated, he hits the table.

Grandma rushes home to ask Jung Hee if she was really fired. She assures grandma it isn't true. Grandma is relieved. She was worried about how they would take care of the kids if it were true. Jung Hee tells her she will always find a way to care of her brothers even if she isn't working. Grandma is curious why she says it like that. Jung Hee makes up an explanation about how her coworkers quit after marrying. Grandma wants to know if she is planning something and with who. Jung Hee assures her she isn't getting married soon. She shares that she has something going on with Young Dal. Grandma still feels the same way.

Dong Soo goes to meet Pil Sang. He tells him to get straight to the point. Pil Sang proposes Dong Soo help him in exchange for Pil Sang helping Dong Soo get revenge on Chairman.

The crew is asking what Young Dal's plan is - destroy the casino or get revenge on Chairman. Young Dal wants to make the casino grow before he snatches it from the Chairman. Junho enters and announces Yang Ha is back as the new interim CEO.

Leader Bae congratulates Yang Ha on his new position. Yang Ha thanks him for staying at his side. He goes to leaves and crosses paths with Young Dal. Yang Ha questions why Young Dal avoided him last night. Young Dal looks a bit somber. Yang Ha announces his new position. He firmly declares this is the Chairman's company and that he is his son; their bond can't be easily broken. The first thing he wants to do with his new position is get rid of Young Dal. As Yang Ha leaves, Young Dal stops him with a question - are you happy with your life right now? Yang Ha wants to know what is up with the question. Young Dal says he pities how he is living. He thinks Yang Ha is just being used by Chairman. He says there is still time to stop and walks away. Yang Ha watches him leave. It seems like Young Dal's words affected him.

Chairman is planning a little party to celebrate Yang Ha's new position. He appears happier than usual. There is a flashback scene. Earlier, Jin Soo turned in his resignation letter. Jin Soo gets on his knees and confesses that Yang Ha is Jang Jong Kook's son. He explains that he did this so they can both repent on what they did to him. Chairman doesn't think he had anything to repent. Jin Soo tells him that Dong Soo knows this too. Chairman sees this foolish mistake as working to his advantage. He orders Jin Soo to bring back Yang Ha as the interim CEO. He wants to see if Young Dal and Dong Soo will go against their bloodline. He warns Jin Soo not to tell Yang Ha or he will never forgive him.

Dong Soo tells Shin Hye about his meeting with Pil Sang. Pil Sang offered to give him information that will have Chairman arrested. Dong Soo can't figure out his motive for the offer though. Shin Hye tells him he is after Yang Ha's spot. We find out Pil Sang's father was the co-founder of Dae-Jung and his family has a lot of shares. Shin Hye asks what Pil Sang wanted in return. Dong Soo says all he has to do is take the Chairman down. Dong Soo shares he wants to take up the offer. Shin Hye questions if he thought about Yang Ha and how it would affect him. Just then, Yang Ha calls. He tells her about his new position and says he'll take her out to dinner as a thank you for her encouraging words. She tells Dong Soo about Yang Ha's new position. She strongly believes they have to stop the fighting.

Jung Hee goes to confront the senior dealer about her running her mouth about the firing. Surprisingly, she apologizes and says she didn't intend for her grandmother to hear about it. Leader Hwan is looking for Jung Hee. When they meet Leader Hwan informs her about Yang Ha's new position and how he is waiting for her at that moment. Jung Hee goes to meet him. He apologizes for causing her difficulties and tells her the termination was repealed. She congratulates him on his new position. He says he will get over his feelings for her so she won't have to suffer anymore. But he says his ill feelings toward Young Dal won't change.

Young Dal is working into the night when he gets a text from Jung Hee. She says she has a day off, but assumes he is too busy. She says at this rate, she'll forget what he looks like. This brings a smile to his face. Jung Hee gets his reply. He says he will make time for her even though he is busy.

The next day, the two are enjoying a date. They go hiking and have a picnic. Jung Hee brings up Yang Ha. She wants them to stop fighting. She explains that Yang Ha confided in her in the past about his adoption and mental health. She thinks Young Dal shouldn't be battling with him because he is too lonely and damaged. Young Dal says it isn't a matter that will go away if he ignores it.

President Min has the gambling bug seeing as she is now at the underground casino. This catches Madame Jang and Man Kang's attention. They agree to take her money. President Min is on the losing end when Jang Soo's father approaches and gives her some advice. A stranger walks in. It is a man named Kang Sun Tae. Hearing the name causes President Min to charge at him.

Junho tells Young Dal about Yang Ha's inauguration and asks if he will attend. Young Dal chooses to go so he wouldn't look bad. Junho informs him President Min is waiting to see him. He goes to see her right away. President Min informs him about a guy who took her money and ran in the past. This guy showed up and says he can get her money back if she would introduce him to someone on the executive board of Dae-Jung. President Min gives Young Dal some background information on the guy. Young Dal agrees to meet. At the meeting, Sun Tae declares he knows something about the Chairman that can send him to jail immediately. He busts out a book of names of people he lobbied for on Chairman's behalf. After the meeting, the crew moves to President Min's office to discuss the matter further. Young Dal is thinking of using the guy in his revenge.  Back at the office, Young Dal tells Jerry and Jang Soo about Sun Tae. Jang Soo is familiar with him and recalls how Sun Tae scammed every private lender in the area before running off. Jerry wants to know exactly what they are going to do. Young Dal says he'll use Sun Tae to get Chairman arrested. Jang Soo questions if it'll be that easy. Young Dal assures them it is since he discussed this with the Elder. 

Junho approaches Leader Bae, asking about Sun Tae. Leader Hwan remembers he was once a high roller at their VIP rooms. Leader Bae recalls how Dae-Jung was in danger because of him. Leader Bae is curious why he was asking about Sun Tae. Junho shares that Sun Tae is back in town. Junho reports back to the team after implanting the information. The crew wonders why Young Dal wanted them to know. Young Dal argues that it is no fun to take them down easily. Chairman made him suffer for years. He just wants Chairman to feel anxious for once. He orders Junho to keep close watch on Yang Ha.

The traitor is brought back to President Min's office. He begs for forgiveness, which President Min grants. Man Bok says the traitor still has ties to Bok Tae. She relays a message to Bok Tae through him - try anything foolish again and I'll kill you with my bare hands. 

Bok Tae gets word of Sun Tae. He is pissed and says he'll meet Chairman himself.

Dong Soo comes to Dae-Jung to find Young Dal. Young Dal shares how they can finish things with Chairman and Bok Tae. Soon enough they will be arrested and investigated. He tells him about Sun Tae. Dong Soo remembers investigating a case against him before. Once everything is over, Young Dal says he'll just let Yang Ha be. Dong Soo thinks he made a good decision.

Bok Tae meets with Chairman and tells him the news. Chairman is pissed Bok Tae didn't take care of Sun Tae like he asked in the past. Bok Tae is irritated and tells Chairman he called him in too late. Sun Tae had already disappeared. Bok Tae says he going to be disappointed if Chairman is going to act this way. Chairman shouts at him to shut up and tries to put him in his place. Bok Tae says Sun Tae is not the only person he should be worried about running his mouth. He should be scared of his mouth as well. Chairman takes this as a threat and tells Bok Tae to get lost.

Yang Ha enters Chairman's office. Chairman knows they can't avoid an investigation so he orders Yang Ha to take the fall. Chairman reasons that if he were to be arrested, it will ruin their resort plan. If Yang Ha gets arrested, Chairman promises he'll get him out as soon as possible. Chairman tells him has to do this to save Dae-Jung. Yang Ha agrees to do it. 

Yang Ha meets up with Shin Hye and she congratulates him on the inauguration. Yang Ha sighs and tells her it isn't going to happen. He explains he is going to be investigated. As the CEO, he has to take the responsibility. Shin Hye argues he hasn't even been inaugurated as the CEO yet. Yang Ha explains this is a part of being a business man. Later, Shin Hye is worriedly waiting for Dong Soo and Young Dal at her home. Shin Hye asks about the investigation. Young Dal takes responsibility for it. He says Chairman and Bok Tae will be arrested and everything will be over. Shin Hye tells them Chairman won't be arrested, Yang Ha will. She says Chairman cut a deal with the prosecutors and Yang Ha is taking his place. Young Dal is shocked while Dong Soo exclaims they need this from happening.

Pil Sang goes to Bok Tae's office. He informs Bok Tae about Chairman avoiding the situation by having Yang Ha take the fall. He thinks Yang Ha's action is his way of solidifying his inheritance. Bok Tae's man asks if someone can take the fall for Bok Tae. Pil Sang shakes his head.

Jin Soo reports to Chairman that the person who turned in Sun Tae was Young Dal. Chairman is highly amused.

Young Dal is consumed in thought as he walks around. He gives Yang Ha a call, but he doesn't answer. Yang Ha is drinking away at a bar. Young Dal texts him, asking where he is. Yang Ha texts back - even though he wants to meet and kill him, he isn't going to meet him tonight. He doesn't want to see his smug face. Young Dal calls again and Yang Ha picks up this time. Yang Ha admits defeat for this round, but says it isn't over. Young Dal asks where he is. The next scene shows them meeting face to face. Young Dal asks if it is all true, is he going to take the fall? Yang Ha brings up the family bond he mentioned to Young Dal before. Young Dal reminds him he is adopted. Young Dal stops himself from going in deeper. He asks Yang Ha if he knows he is being used. Yang Ha says there is nothing that he wouldn't do for his father. Young Dal tells him to stop. He looks up at him with teary eyes. He doesn't want Yang Ha involved in any of this. Yang Ha questions him - isn't this what he wanted. He calls him a pathetic bastard and leaves. Young Dal calls out to him and tells him his name before he was adopted was Jang Dong Woo. He reveals his real name is Jang Dong Chul. They both turn to face each other. Young Dal tells Yang Ha he is Dong Chul's younger brother, Dong Woo.


I had a feeling Young Dal would have a hard time accepting it, but I didn't expect he would be the one to reveal the truth to Yang Ha. 

Chairman is a bastard through and through. This episode just shows you there is not a single thread of good in him. He wasn't even that upset at the fact that Yang Ha shares a bloodline with his enemies. He thought of it as an advantage. I feel bad for Yang Ha. He put everything on the line for his last chance, but he is going to be unfairly cut as Chairman makes his moves.  

I wonder when Bok Tae will finally snap. He can only take so much from Chairman before he does something major.

This episode seems like the beginning of the final stretch in the series. Kind of like how it took so long to set up the story, it feels like they are starting to set up the slow road leading to the finale. It kind of makes sense that they extended the show.


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