TRIANGLE Episode 24

An unexpected turn of events can be what this family needs.

Jung Hee calls out to Young Dal, who now senses the car coming near. Both were able to dodge the vehicle before it speeds away. Jung Hee memorizes the license plate number before going to Young Dal's side. He asks what happened. Jung Hee says he sent her a text to meet here. Young Dal denies and says he received the text from her to meet here. It now makes sense to them that this was a set up. Knowing the license number doesn't matter since it would likely be fake. From a distance, Yang Ha is observing them.

Pil Sang gets word of the failed mission. He tells Bok Tae's man to stay put until he orders him. Right after, he makes a call to a mystery person telling him Myung Chun has gone missing since yesterday. They think they have been caught. He orders the person on the other line to silence Myung Chun.

Now inside Dae-Jung, Jung Hee asks Young Dal if he knows who did this. There are people after him, but he can't pinpoint which person is behind this. Jung Hee informs him that someone informed her Young Dal would be in danger and urged her to get to him immediately. This person is Yang Ha. Young Dal asks if she is sure and she answers yes. Jerry and Jang Soo rush to the pair's side. Jung Hee tells them about  Young Dal's almost hit and run. Highly upset, Jang Soo and Jerry ask if they should call the police or inform Dong Soo. Young Dal doesn't to worry Dong Soo. He says he'll take care of it.

Yang Ha is staring out the window in a daze. Young Dal enters the office. He asks if there is anything Yang Ha wanted to say. He mentions this can be the only chance he gets to express his feelings. Without giving him a chance to speak, Young Dal expresses his thoughts on things. He hopes this thing that Yang Ha is protecting is worth it. To him it means nothing, but seeing how obsessive Yang Ha is about it, he sees that it is meaningful to him. For Yang Ha's sake, Young Dal hopes it is meaningful. If it isn't, then what does that say about Yang Ha's life. They sadly look at each other before Young Dal leaves. Alone, Yang Ha is teary eyed. Young Dal walks away with a conflicted look on his face.

Young Dal walks Jung Hee home. She invites him in, saying her grandma really wants to see him. They are greeted by a happy grandma. She tells Jung Hee's younger brother about Young Dal's true identity. Looking at him now, grandma comments how she can see bits of his younger self. She asks how he has gone so many years without remembering the past. Jung Hee sees his hesitation and answers for him. Grandma asks about his brothers. She wants to meet them both even though she knows the youngest won't remember her, but the oldest surely would. Young Dal tells her he will bring his older brother over soon. Grandma hesitantly brings up his mother. She can identify a bit with how his mother felt. At the time, the miners' strike had the family in a dire financial situation. She also had Dong Woo and suffered from postpartum depression. Grandma shares how it was so bad that his mother attempted suicide. She asks that he doesn't resent his mother too much if they meet.

Man Bok tells President Min about the almost hit and run. President Min reaches her breaking point after hearing this. She demands they bring Bok Tae to her.

Leader Hwan and Leader Bae are walking side by side with Pil Sang. Pil Sang asks Leader Bae if he considered the deal of joining forces. Leader Bae says he has. Pil Sang says if he agrees, he has to watch Yang Ha and report back to him any important information. The police arrive to arrest Pil Sang for attempted murder. Pil Sang asks what evidence do they have against him. He is informed Myung Chun confessed. With that, he is handcuffed and taken away.

Word travels fast. Chairman hears the news and orders Jin Soo to stay calm and call their attorney. Leader Bae shares the news with Yang Ha. On the rooftop, Dong Soo informs Young Dal. Dong Soo is sure Pil Sang was ordered by Chairman. Young Dal asks if Pil Sang confessed. Dong Soo says they will make him. For the time being, Dong Soo tells Young Dal to not get involved. He also breaks the news that he is leaving with Shin Hye to start new. Young Dal offers his support. So that he will be at peace, Dong Soo says they have to take care of Dong Woo first.

Bok Tae goes to meet with Hyun Tak. Hyun Tak apologizes before a van full of men pull up. Bok Tae gets what is happening. Before he can lay a hand on Hyun Tak, he gets punched in the stomach and is taken away.

Chairman is in his office, pondering. Yang Ha enters and asks if he heard the news. He shares how the man Pil Sang enlisted was caught and has confessed everything. He believes Chairman is in danger. Chairman assures him this isn't something to get worked up over. Yang Ha doesn't understand. Chairman says Pil Sang will take care of it. He explains how Pil Sang will never give up on Chairman and Dae-Jung. Pil Sang knows that if he does, his life is over. Chairman assures Yang Ha everything will be okay. He is just a bit upset he no longer has someone to take out Dong Soo and Young Dal. To him, these guys can ruin everything he has built. Yang Ha can't understand how Chairman handles his problems and can't agree with his methods of dealing with his problems. He questions if he has to be like this. Chairman lashes out, asking what does he have to do to make Yang Ha understand. He questions if Yang Ha thinks he has to fall victim to those who want to kill him. Chairman tells Yang Ha not to show himself if he is going to be weak.

In the interrogation room, Myun Chun is brought in and sits facing Pil Sang. On the other side of the glass wall, two detectives note how Pil Sang was trying to hide his nervousness.  Pil Sang is shown Myung Chun's written statement, recounting when and where the orders were given and compensation. Pil Sang doesn't feel the need to look. He denies giving the orders and questions why Myung Chun is doing this. Myung Chun fires the question back to Pil Sang. He questions if Pil Sang thinks if he acts this way then he will get out of it. Pil Sang yells at him to shut up. He wants to see what evidence they have, not just a written statement.

Dong Soo and his team member meet. Since there isn't evidence to back up the statement, he believes they can't get a warrant. Dong Soo tells him to let Pil Sang go, explaining that it is only a matter of time since Chairman and Bok Tae are cornered. Just then, he gets a phone call. On the other line is Park Yong Ho, his mother's stepson. Yong Ho breaks the news - mother passed away

Man Bok pays Young Dal a visit. He has a gift for him - Bok Tae. He tries to persuade Young Dal to participate in some payback. Young Dal asks for them to take it easy on Bok Tae and to let him go. He explains how he wants to make Bok Tae hit rock bottom. Man Bok goes to the warehouse where Bok Tae is kept. He informs President Min that Young Dal isn't coming and his reason. Bok Tae says he'll forgive them if they let him go. This earns him a slap from President Min. She orders Man Bok to teach him a lesson, but to not finish him completely. After she leaves, Bok Tae provokes Man Bok. He says he'll kill Man Bok if he doesn't kill him right now. This amuses Man Bok, who tells Bok Tae what his real problem is - his mouth. With this, Man Bok starts beating him.

Dong Soo arrives at the funeral home. He looks at the memorial in disbelief. Yong Ho wakes up and straightens up. Dong Soo demands to know why this happened. Stuttering, Yong Ho confesses that this wasn't sudden and that he didn't know either. He informs him she passed away from pancreatic cancer. Dong Soo asks why he waited to call him. He yells that Yong Ho should have called before she passed. Yong Ho apologizes and says he didn't realize it would happen so sudden. Dong Soo stares back at the memorial. He tells her she is heartless. He asks what does she expect him to do if she leaves like this. Tears start to fall. He tells her he is still dealing with the resentment from the past and asks the same question. He yells out for her to answer him. He tells her she shouldv'e have at least seen Dong Woo and apologized to Dong Chul. After he calls her heartless, he cries out for her.

It is late at night and Young Dal is still in the office. He gets a call from Dong Soo, who starts the call by calling him Dong Chul. Dong Soo breaks it to him the news about their mother. There is silence on both ends. Young Dal asks where he is at. He says this is all bullshit. He didn't get to tell her back then who he was. Upset, he yells that she didn't know who he was and questions how this could happen. Both brothers are in tears.

Junho informs Jung Hee of the news. Jerry, Jang Soo, and Young Dal are dressed in their suits as they head to the funeral home. In the backseat, Young Dal is in tears.

The crew arrives at the funeral home. Dong Soo is drinking as he sits in front of the memorial. Young Dal looks at the memorial and starts talking. He asks if she remembered him and if she couldn't recognize him. He questions how she could leave again. There was something he really needed to tell her. He yells this out again, questioning how he is suppose to tell her now. The others are emotional just watching and hearing him. Young Dal stands, trying to hold back his tears.

Jang Soo calls President Min and tells her the situation. He asks for their help. There isn't anyone at the funeral home, which is really sad. President Min tells him she'll take care of things. After the call, she tells Man Bok the news. She suggests they gather up their men.

Junho and Jung Hee arrive. She goes to approach Young Dal, who is off by himself. She calls to him and he looks up at her with red eyes. Not saying anything, she goes to hug him.

Pil Sang enters Chairman's office and they sit. Pil Sang tells him how they had no real evidence against him. Chairman tells him he did well. He talks about how Pil Sang has never let him down. Chairman makes an interesting statement: The future of Dae-Jung is in Pil Sang's hands. With that, he orders Pil Sang to take care of Young Dal immediately.

Leader Bae and Yang Ha are leaving the elevator when Leader Bae gets a call. He informs Yang Ha that Pil Sang has been released. Before he can process things, Yang Ha gets a call from Shin Hye, who wants to meet. In a corridor, Shin Hye breaks the news about his mother. Yang Ha looks away. She believes it would be good for him to know. Yang Ha says this woman holds no meaning to him. He dismisses things, saying he'll pretend he never heard this. Shin Hye tells him he can deny it all he wants, but he can't ignore his connection to her. She goes on to insinuate that he may regret it if he doesn't go see her. He explains that since he has no feelings, there is nothing to regret.

The funeral home is now bustling with people. Jang Soo's father expresses his condolences before meeting with the rest of the crew. Madame Jang explains to him how their mother abandoned them. Man Kang asks who the youngest brother is. President Min tells them who- Yoon Yang Ha. This is a complete shock to everyone.

Shin Hye tells Dong Soo about how she broke the news to Yang Ha. She explains that he seemed very confused. She warns Dong Soo to not expect Yang Ha to change overnight. If they are more anxious, it'll make them more disappointed. Dong Soo isn't worried about that. He is more worried that Chairman will ruin any chance of a relationship. Shin Hye tells him that is something only Yang Ha can decide.

Yong Ho and Young Dal are sitting next to the memorial when Jung Hee approaches. She suggests that Young Dal should eat. Even though he says he is fine, Jung Hee goes off to fix him a small plate of food. Now alone together, Young Dal apologizes to Yong Ho for taking out his anger on him. He explains that he was really mad at himself for not telling his mother who he really was. Yong Ho assures him that it is fine and that he did deserve it. Young Dal tells him to come see him after the funeral. Yong Ho answers "yes, hyungnim." Young Dal tells him how he has a younger brother. He believes he will never hear his younger brother call him "hyung." Yong Ho is in disbelief, suggesting he go give him a beating like the one he received. He says it will make a human out of him.

Yang Ha is driving off somewhere. He recalls his conversations with Young Dal and Shin Hye. He ends up in front of the funeral home. He sits inside the car, hesitating to get out. He finally makes it inside. The others are fast asleep. Next to the memorial are Young Dal and Dong Soo, who are also alseep. Yang Ha slowly approaches the memorial and kneels down. Tear fall as he starts to silently cry.

Jung Hee bumps into Yang Ha as he is leaving. She calls out to him, but he doesn't say a word and leaves. Despite her calling out to him again, Yang Ha leaves. Jung Hee enters to see everyone asleep. She approaches Young Dal to wake him up, but holds back.

At a cafe, Jung Hee, Young Dal, Dong Soo, and Shin Hye meet up. Dong Soo thanks Jung Hee for her help. Shin Hye is set to leave in a few days. She says it would've been nice if Yang Ha had joined them. Jung Hee shares how Yang Ha came to the funeral home. She believes he came to meet his mother. At the time, she thought to wake up Young Dal so the brothers can talk, but decided not to. It was better for Yang Ha to have time alone. Shin Hye tells her she made the right decision. What matters is Yang Ha is starting to have a change of heart. She advises them not to rush things and to approach him cautiously. Dong Soo says as long as they don't give up, Yang Ha will see how they truly care for him. Changing the subject, Shin Hye asks the couple when they plan to marry. Young Dal says Dong Soo and Shin Hye need to get married first. Shin Hye asks him to help since Dong Soo hasn't proposed. Jung Hee and Young Dal playfully give him a hard time. Dong Soo declares he will do it. Shin Hye exclaims she doesn't like that she had to twist his arm to make him. Everyone has a good laugh at this.

Bok Tae and Pil Sang meet. Pil Sang asks about Bok Tae's facial wounds. Bok Tae is too embarrassed to talk about it. Bok Tae tells him how he was thinking of eliminating Young Dal and his crew. Pil Sang tells him there is someone else he should eliminate first - Yang Ha. Pil Sang informs him who Yang Ha's brothers are. He also informs him how Yang Ha has fallen out of Chairman's favor. Pil Sang's reasoning for getting rid of Yang Ha is his unpredictability and that it is better to take care of him now before he comes out swinging. Bok Tae's man enters and tells him everything is ready. Bok Tae tells him to put the President Min plan on hold and to take care of Yang Ha first.

Chairman questions Yang Ha about the investment deal between Hanchang and Anderson. He asks how things are going with Miss Sung. Yang Ha tells him he is working on it. Chairman angrily questions what has he even done. If the deal goes through, their resort plans will become a joke. He asks if he needs to bring in Pil Sang for the job. Yang Ha tries to assure him he can handle it. Chairman yells that he entrusted the casino to him. Again, Chairman angrily asks what he has contributed to the company. He orders Yang Ha to either break the deal or take it over. If he can't, everything he has will be given to Pil Sang.

Young Dal and his crew go to thank Man Bok and President Min for their help. President Min tells him there is no need to thank her since they are family. Man Bok breaks it to him that the chances of Bok Tae retaliating is high. Young Dal asks that they avoid a full on war with Bok Tae. President Min thinks it is inevitable. Young Dal shares that he has one more hidden card from Elder.

As they are strutting around the casino, they are talking about the hidden card. It must be big since Jang Soo says all they have to do is watch Bok Tae crumble. Jerry tells them about a rumor he heard. Pil Sang was going to take Yang Ha's CEO position. Young Dal stops in his tracks and listens. Just then, Yang Ha approaches them. Jerry and Jang Soo excuse themselves. Young Dal tells Yang Ha how he knows Yang Ha went to the funeral home. Yang Ha looks down. Young Dal continues on, telling him he heard the rumors. He genuinely tells him to not try to stay afloat by himself and to let them know if he is having a hard time. If only Yang Ha would change his mind, then they would have no reason to fight. Young Dal walks away. Yang Ha looks sad as he stands frozen.

Leader Hwan and Pil Sang are having a secret meeting in the stairwell. She congratulates him and asks about Yang Ha. Pil Sang informs her he has been cast aside by Chairman. He says he is going for the kill pretty soon. She asks what he means. Pil Sang says he plans to eliminate Yang Ha for good. Junho is uneasily watching and listening from above.

Young Dal goes to meet Junho on the rooftop. Junho tells him everything he heard from the conversation between Pil Sang and Leader Hwan. Dong Soo is having a meal with his friends when he gets a call from Young Dal. Young Dal frantically tells him they have to meet. Dong Soo asks why. Young Dal tells him that Dong Woo is in danger.

Bok Tae's man meets someone at the park and hands him an envelope before leaving. This person opens the envelope, revealing a picture of Yang Ha.

Yang Ha is making his way to the rooftop. From afar, the hired hit man is watching Yang Ha's moves. On the rooftop are Dong Soo and Young Dal. Yang Ha approaches them and asks what this is all about.

Everyone is finally caught up on everyone else's secrets as we head to finale week. Now if only we could find out what Young Dal's final hidden card is.

Young Dal escaped a major accident thanks to Yang Ha. It shows that Yang Ha has a conscious.

The death of their mother was unexpected. I had a feeling she could bring the brothers together, but I didn't think she would have to die to do so. The brothers conversing with her through the memorial was heartbreaking.

Yang Ha seems more aware. His conversations in this episode with Young Dal seemed to have had an impact. In both conversations, he stood silent and took in Young Dal's words. Yang Ha is finally cracking. Even though he didn't really let him talk, Young Dal seemed very genuine when it came to approaching Yang Ha. Hopefully these guys can pull together in time since they are wanted dead and their enemies are acting fast.

Side Note:
The song played at the end of this week's episodes is "Coincidence" by Kim Jaejoong (plays Young Dal). I like this song. I've always thought his voice suited rock music well.
Check it out!


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