ROOMATE Episode 11

Episode Title: Wouldn't it be nice if only good things happen?

Something must have happened. We start off the episode with the cast interviews where they expressed frustration, worry, and nervousness over something that happened. Mama Shin arrives to an almost empty home. He starts cleaning here and there before heading to the kitchen. He arrives to see s sink full of dirty dishes. We see the time lapse of how the sink got full as one by one, the roommates leave their dishes. In his interview, Sung Woo expresses his anger and mentions how he cleans up after the cast. If that wasn't bad enough he turns to see that the trash has accumulated as well. To vent out his frustration, he goes to mow the lawn. After calming down a bit, he goes back to kitchen. Min Woo enters after just waking up. Sung Woo tells him this doesn't make him happy. Min Woo assures him that everyone that ate will clean it up. Sung Woo tells him that isn't the point. He has told everyone that they need to clean up after eating. Sung Woo is done and says he won't say anymore. They both leave.

Sung Woo heads upstairs to talk about this with Soo Hyun. She says they'll take care of it after returning from the market. Still frustrated, Sung Woo says that although it is nice that everyone takes turns cooking, everyone has the responsibility of cleaning up. Soo Hyun wakes Ga Yeon up to tell her to wash the dishes while she goes to the market. She tells the same thing to Min Woo. Min Woo is frustrated with how the same members clean up. He understands that everyone is busy, but all he wants is for them to express their gratitude to those who cleaned up for everyone. Soo Hyun believes their chore system isn't working and says she'll say something.

After she leaves, Min Woo starts on the dishes. Ga Yeon wakes up and tries to help, but Min Woo says he is doing it himself. He told Sung Woo earlier that if he does this alone, then he has the right to say something to the others. Not knowing what to do, Ga Yeon sits quietly at the dinner table. The only things Min Woo asks her to do is put his headphones back on and to place one of Soo Hyun's items in the living room.

Sora arrives home. She asks why Min Woo is doing everything on his own. He says that he is going to say something to everyone afterwards. Sora apologizes. Min Woo goes on about how the real problem is the trash. He says he'll take care of it since Ga Yeon and Sung Woo already do a lot. Sora defends herself, saying she does a lot as well. Min Woo says she just puts things in the dishwasher. Sora says she specifically scrubs the pans in the mornings. Min Woo didn't know and Sora snaps back saying it is because he isn't awake when she is. Sora asks if he is bitter that he has to wash the dishes. Min Woo says it is always either him, Ga Yeon, or Sung Woo that takes care of it. He wants to tell everyone to take care of their own dishes. Sora joins Ga Yeon and asks her if she thinks Sora does a lot of dishes. Ga Yeon agrees and the two sit silently. Sora can tell Min Woo is frustrated by the way he is working noisily. She gets up and goes to her room. In her interview, Sora explains how Min Woo must be stressed. Ga Yeon approaches Min Woo and asks why he looks unhappy and if it is because he had to do the dishes. He says it is not like that and asks if Sora is mad at him. She assures him that she isn't.

Fast forward to a happier time. The cast bust out a scale. Se Ho expresses that he will lose weight. Sora suggests Pilates and Min Woo suggests he stops drinking. Bom brings up a time where Se Ho was out drinking when she called him. Sung Woo looks directly into the camera ans announces the news. Anyone that catches Se Ho drinking and sends them a picture will get one of Se Ho's possessions. Min Woo chirps in that Se Ho has expensive clothes. Se Ho tries to stop them, but they make him take a pledge. Se Ho asks why his things were going to be given away and suggests that he does things for the family instead if he can't lose some weight. Before Se Ho is weighed, the roommates take turns on the scale. After some persuasion, Nana stands on the scale, which reads 52 kilograms. She says she gained some weight and Bom argues that she weighs more than that. Soo Hyun tries to shush her, but Bom challenges her. She asks what she will do if she is over 50 kg. She suggests a gift. Now comes the moment of truth. The scale reads 83 kg with only one leg on. He tries it again slowly and the final reading is 85 kg. The group decides that 10 kg is good amount for Se Ho to lose.

The group assembles to discuss a trip. Sora suggests fishing. They agree on Dangwondo since it isn't too far from Dong Wook's filming site. Some one suggests camping and the ladies look uneasy. The members assure them there are air mattresses and camper cars so that they won't have to sleep in a tent outside. Kang Joon volunteers to be the guide. Se Ho asks if he is going to organize everything. Kang Joon coolly tells the group that they just need to enjoy. Everyone is impressed with his confidence. They think he should have some help and suggest Chanyeol. Later, Kang Joon gives Chanyeol a call and they discuss the trip.

Bom and Kang Joon head out to gather supplies. Right off the bat, they are bickering, but more like Bom bickering about how Kang Joon is acting. In the car, Kang Joon keeps changing the subject, which Bom points out. At the store, there are various clips of them disagreeing about whether to buy this or that. Bom gets frustrated that although Kang Joon asks what she wants, he only gets what he thinks they need. But things start to change. Kang Joon agrees to buy something Bom wanted. At a clothing store, they get along while discussing which hats and clothing to buy.

The night before the trip, Chanyeol and Kang Joon are discussing their plan. But first they had to come up with a name. They agree on Kang Yeol Travel Agency. Next they set out some rules - don't wander off; listen and follow the guides; stay within the budget; cooperate and enjoy the schedule. Min Woo is eavesdropping on the conversation. Chanyeol brings up the idea of teaming up people who are awkward with each other. Min Woo tries to eavesdrop from his bedroom door, but they catch him. After Min Woo closes the door, the guys block his door with weights. Min Woo tries to open his door and fails. Instead, he leaves through the window and reenters through the kitchen door. He interrupts their planning again and escapes. Chanyeol and Kang Joon scour the kitchen area and find nothing. Min Woo peeks his head from his room and the guys ask if he was there the whole time. They ask why he was so out of breath like he had been running and he explains it was from trying to open the door. Min Woo leaves the room and goes to the kitchen. He pretends to go back to his room, but detours to the back of the couch. While the guys are into the planning, Min Woo interrupts them again. The guys drag him back to the room. Min Woo tells them not to block the door again. Chanyeol jokes that he will block his ears instead.

Bom is dressing up Ga Yeon in short dresses. Chanyeol and Kang Joon are preparing matching hats for the teams. Se Ho is putting on a face mask. Everyone else is preparing for the trip. That was how the night ended.

Chanyeol and Kang Joon are up early as they still have some things to prepare. Ga Yeon is already up and exercising. Slowly the other members are waking up. Everyone gathers in the living room as they wait for their guides. Kang Joon and Chanyeol are practicing their introduction. Both are nervous. They blast some music and head to the living room. There are a few stumbles in the introduction, but they are well received. They prepared pamphlets with the scheduled activities. They lay out the rules. The first is no cell phones. Sora immediately says that isn't possible for her since she needs to be in contact regarding her dog, Giselle. They move on to the next rule, which is stay within the 100,000 won per person budget. Anyone who goes over is fined 4,000,000 won. The last rule is no straying from the group. They announce the teams. On Chanyeol's team is Sora, Sung Woo, Se Ho, and Nana. On Kang Joon's team is Bom, Soo Hyun, Min Woo, and Ga Yeon. They present to the crew personalized travel bags which includes a letter, pen, and snacks. Before heading off, the roommates enjoy the sandwiches the guys woke up early to make. They load their respective teams' cars and are off.

The mood is good in Chanyeol's car as the team sing and dance along to some of their roommates' songs. The mood in the other car is different. The air conditioner in the car isn't working, which puts some members in a not so great mood. Min Woo is busy talking away, which the roommates weren't interested in. While driving, he went up a curb. Soo Hyun is on alert since she has been in two car accidents prior. Things get better as they open the windows. They try to figure out the air conditioner and whether they can find out how to work it or would have to switch cars. Suddenly Bom asks if they know she likes Kim Tan and asks if they know him (Lee Minho's character in the drama "Heirs"). When no one answers, she says she won't talk anymore. This sparks Min Woo and Bom to start bickering. Kang Joon gets a hold of Chanyeol and asks how things are going. They ask about their air conditioning. Chanyeol's team assume the other team's must not work. Kang Joon suggests a game at the rest stop to switch cars. Min Woo takes the phone and hands it to Soo Hyun. She asks how to work the air conditioner. She hands the phone back to Kang Joon to get the instructions. It must not work, so Chanyeol immediately wishes them a nice trip and hangs up. Min Woo suggest they brainstorm, but this causes him and Bom to bicker. Kang Joon tries his best as the guide. He asks Bom what is wrong and suggests they go buy water. He says they should get the trailer first before going to change the air conditioner. He asks that everyone believes in him. The mood goes up a bit. But that didn't last long. They are stuck at a red light for a very long time. During that time, Min Woo accidentally presses the accelerator, which scares Soo Hyun. Kang Joon asks if he should drive. Min Woo says he is fine, but mentions he didn't sleep well.

Chanyeol puts on Se Ho's song, which wakes him. Not before long, they arrive in Pangyo to pick up their trailer. The street is no longer blocked off and Kang Joon's team is off. Min Woo seems tired, which doesn't escape Soo Hyun's attention. Min Woo tells her to sleep. She says his driving is scary. Chanyeol's team checks out their trailer. They are impressed that it has the amenities of home. Kang Joon's team finally arrives. Min Woo goes to check out the other team's car. He is impressed and tries to think of a way to switch. Sung Woo escorts him out and says directly to the camera that he will not let this car go. Chanyeol goes to check on the air conditioner of the other team's car. He tries some things, but to no avail. Kang Joon says they'll just have to stop at a garage to get it fixed. The ladies of Kang Joon's team are resting in the trailer. They ask to stay there while they drive to the next stop. Kang Joon informs that they can't because it is against the law. The entire group gathers together before heading out. Kang Joon blows a whistle to get everyone's attention. Se Ho asks if everything is going as planned. Chanyeol jokes that he broke the air conditioner as planned. He says that it was his way of showing them the preciousness of having air conditioning. Se Ho asks about lunch since it is 10 minutes before noon. He wants to know if the plan was to have lunch at the trailer pickup place. Kang Joon explains that since they were all used to a set meal time, they don't understand how precious a meal is. Chanyeol pipes in that the trip theme is preciousness.

The teams split back to hook their trailer to the car. Kang Joon is pulled away by Min Woo first. He tells him to be assertive. Kang Joon tries to find the person who was going to help him. The ladies, especially Soo Hyun are delirious. Min Woo keeps on calling Kang Joon. The team looks like a complete mess at that moment. The trailers are hitched and the teams get ready to leave. Min Woo feels drained from the heat and says he feels sleepy.

In his car, Chanyeol explains how they organized the team. He explains he wants Sora and Sung Woo to be closer. Se Ho and Nana were a good match. Se Ho jokes that hearing this makes him uncomfortable. Sora jokes that he should go to the other team if he feels this. Se Ho jokes right back as he pretends to reach for the door and tells Sora to get out. Chanyeol brought his own mini DJ equipment and plays DJ for the car ride. He turns on Orange Caramel's "Catellena" and the crew dance and lip sync along.

Kang Joon's team stops at a garage. Unfortunately, the compressor is broken and would require a whole day to fix. The guys break the news to the ladies, who have negative things to say. Bom suggests they just go back or find a new car. Soo Hyun says they should find a bus. Min Woo keeps going on and on about playing a game to switch cars. After thinking about it, the ladies just accept this fate since it is burdensome. Min Woo keeps talking about the game. Soo Hyun suggests they call the other team to ask for their help. Frustrated, Min Woo tries to leave the situation. The team stops him, telling him they have to talk about it. He says he doesn't want to burden the other team by asking for a switch. That is why he suggested the game since they planned to play a game at the rest stop. Kang Joon says they should just get to the rest stop first before deciding on what to do.

They get into the car, but start to face more problems. The car wouldn't start at first. They released the parking brake, but the car kept showing that it was still on. While they pull out, the car keeps beeping. They try closing all the doors again, but the sound won't stop. Min Woo tries to assure them the car was fine since it was beeping at the garage as well. No feels assured though. So they continue with nervous hearts to the rest stop.

Chanyeol's team arrives first and immediately goes to eat. Chanyeol reminds them that this is the same pit stop that Nana and Se Ho went to. To commemorate this, they will eat the same dessert. They plan to ask the same lady if Nana and Se Ho look good together. They get to the stand, but another lady was there. They ask her the question and she says yes. They ask which two did she mean and she points to Nana and Sung Woo. Se Ho says they meant him and Nana. She replies that they don't match. He keeps asking and she keeps giving him the same answer. The crew sits at the same spot Se Ho and Nana did before. Sora asks about the significance of the spot. Se Ho explains this was the first time Nana went to a pit stop with a man. Nana shares that there was another man before - her father. The team takes a commemorative picture. Chanyeol suggests Sora and Sung Woo take turns feeding each other. The team even clears out the spot where Se Ho and Nana fed each other before. The two are complimented by the team for how sweet they looked. They head to a gas station before heading out. Se Ho is trying to teach Chanyeol impressions. Once on the road, Sora joins in on the teachings.

Kang Joon's team seems to be in a better mood. They have music blasting and the ladies are chatting and joking around. Min Woo has grown more tired. Kang Joon sees this and suggests they switch drivers at the rest stop. Min Woo nods to this. After awhile, it becomes more apparent that Min Woo is tired. His driving is swaying. Kang Joon suggests they just find a stop now to switch. The ladies become more quiet and uneasy. An emergency vehicle passes by and Soo Hyun looks uneasy. The car starts veering towards the guard rail. Kang Joon tries to get Min Woo's attention, which causes him to sharply veer to the left. This surprises everyone. They find a spot to stop and Min Woo and Kang Joon switch places. In his interview, Min Woo explains that he was so sorry that he couldn't look his team members in the eyes. This was the first time something like this occurred. In her interview, Soo Hyun explains how the mood changed after. Everyone was more sensitive.

Chanyeol's team arrives safe and sound. After setting up their trailer, they head to the stream to fish. Se Ho is too grossed out to hook a worm on Sora's line. Soon after Kang Joon's team arrives. They are greeted by Dong Wook, who has been waiting for everyone at the site for a long time. They meet with the others at the stream. The game begins- whoever catches the least number of fish in thirty minutes has to set up the tents and cook the fish. While the rest are using nets, Chanyeol and Dong Wook acquired fishing poles. But the things is they don't really know how to use them. One by one, their cast mates are catching trout with their nets.

After the competition, Min Woo approaches his team and apologizes. He said he was only thinking of Kang Joon, who is a less experienced driver and he didn't want to burden Kang Joon by making him drive with a trailer attached. He didn't realize the situation was bad. They accept his apology and understand where he is coming from. Soo Hyun hopes this can make them like family and asks everyone to joins hands. They do and then leave to pitch tents and cook in a better mood.

Ah where to begin with this episode....

It was frustrating to say the least.

Who wouldn't be frustrated with a sink full of dishes. Min Woo came off as bitter because he was the one on the receiving end of Sung Woo's frustrations. He can say he isn't, but his actions were telling. I hated the way he acted in front of Sora. To downplay her contributions was very rude. I don't get why he thinks he can be all high and mighty for washing dishes.

I don't know if it was the heat or combination of people, but it would have been a pain to be in Kang Joon's car. I was frustrated with some of the behaviors of the members. You can blame the heat, but when they thought of even going back just to get a different car, I felt bad for Kang Joon. He isn't the most outspoken, but he was trying as the team leader. They were so whiny it was embarrassing. I don't think the other team would have acted the same way. Mama Shin would have kept them in their place.

The potential accident was preventable to say the least. When it comes to driving, you got to know when to give. If you are tired, you should stop. Min Woo didn't want to budge, but he should have thought of the greater good and safety of everyone in the car. Kang Joon even offered numerous times to switch. I'm glad Min Woo learned his lesson and apologized.

The heated argument that we saw clips of here and there throughout the episode seems too be overly hyped up. Or at least that is my mindset seeing as they've done this too many times.


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