ROOMMATE Episode 9

Episode Title: Sweetness, Spiciness, and Bitterness

Rise and shine at the share house. Nana and Min Woo are off to the market for ingredients for breakfast. Sung Woo opens up a package filled with Poong Poong's (Bom's stuffed doll) family, which was enough to fill the couch. Soo Hyun and Sung Woo lug the entire family upstairs for Bom to see when she gets up. Nana and Min Woo arrive back to the house. Things are starting off on the wrong foot as Min Woo drops the eggs. Sung Woo hears the commotion in the kitchen. The background music changes into something more intense, awaiting Mama Shin's impending anger. But alas Mama Shin doesn't get angry and background music changes into something more chipper. Se Ho is sprawled out on the couch. When it is time for breakfast, Nana gives him an awakening with a hit. Mama Shin playfully scolds and hits him for always going back to sleep right before breakfast. In contrast, Sung Woo gently goes to wake up Chanyeol and even fixes his hair.

It is now time for the breakfast prepared by Nana and Min Woo - dumpling soup. They personally bring up a bowl for Bom in her room. They try enticing her with the smell of their dish, but she doesn't wake up. They leave the food next to her bed before heading downstairs to join the others. A little while later, Bom wakes up and enjoys her breakfast in bed. Downstairs, the roommates are enjoying their breakfast. They start discussing things they think they are best at. Se Ho suggests they have a competition to see who'll have do extra chores.

Before the competition, the roommates scatter throughout the house. Bom finally comes out from her room to see her family of Poong Poong. She is over the moon with the newest additions to her family. She hauls each one into her room and places them on her bed, which ends up taking up majority of her bed. Se Ho comes in asks about her family and their names. Bom starts naming them on the spot. Se Ho says that owners usually give up their puppies, which Bom quickly denies because she knows where this is going. She reluctantly gives Se Ho one named Roo Roo. She immediately regrets it and tries to take it back. Se Ho refuses to give him back and gives him a kiss. Bom pretends to have a crying fit. As Se Ho is leaving he waves Roo Roo's hand before abruptly turning away.

The roommates gather in the back yard to begin the competition. Losers would have to wash the windows and clean the living room and first floor. The first game is women's hula hooping. Ga Yeon, Bom and Nana are competing. Things start slow, but  missions were added along the way. All three make it through the mission of changing positions when hula hooping. They change things up by having the women spin too. Nana is out and Ga Yeon and Bom compete for the extra chore exemption. The next mission is to hula hoop on one foot. Bom struggles, but eventually fails with Ga Yeon as the victor. The men compete next. Hilariously Se Ho manages to fail first in both the practice and actual rounds. Soon after Min Woo also fails, leaving just Kang Joon and Chanyeol. They have to change places. As they are, the roommates are teasing Chanyeol about his facial expression. Bom yells out to him to open his eyes wider, which he does. But it doesn't make him look anymore handsome. Chanyeol fails after the one foot mission and Kang Joon wins. Before the next competition, Nana has a chance to redeem herself after losing at hula hooping even though she was the one to suggest the game. She manages to hula hoop for 30 seconds with 4 hula hoops.

The next game is chicken fighting (where you hop on one foot while trying to knock over your opponents). The men competing are Kang Joon, Min Woo, and Chanyeol. Right away, Kang Joon sides with Chanyeol and the two try to eliminate Min Woo. Things aren't working and Min Woo and Chanyeol team up to take out Kang Joon. Kang Joon is quite impressive in this game, but is eventually eliminated. Chanyeol immediately takes the opportunity to eliminate Min Woo, which he does. With that the games end. Everyone gets to cleaning with the losers given extra chores.

After spring cleaning, some of the roommates gather to call Sora, who was off at work. They tell her about their competition and how much fun it was. Sora shares that she doesn't sweat when she eats, no matter how spicy the food is. Se Ho makes up a challenge on the spot - if they can make her sweat, they win. The roommates hurriedly get ready to find the spiciest foods.

They split into two teams - MinWoo/Chanyeol/Soo Hyun and Se Ho/Nana/Kang Joon/Ga Yeon. Se Ho's team goes to an Iranian restaurant, which is known for their spicy curry. They order some to go and some to try. To determine who tries the dish first, they play rock-paper-scissors. Kang Joon loses and tries out the curry. He was only able to manage a poker face for a few seconds, but the spice hits him. He rushes out of his seat for water. The next to try it was Se Ho, who had a similar reaction to Kang Joon. Nana and Ga Yeon are looking at them, wondering if it is really that bad. Se Ho and Kang Joon were profusely sweating and looked completely miserable. Ga Yeon samples some and says it isn't spicy. Nana tries some as well and is completely poker faced. The team agrees that this won't be enough to make Sora sweat and plan to visit somewhere else.

Chanyeol's team head to a spicy chicken feet restaurant. Chanyeol, who isn't great with spicy foods, is eating chicken feet for the first time. He tries some and immediately feels the spiciness. Min Woo tells him to think of it as a growing a pain. Soo Hyun and Min Woo are carrying on a conversation as Chanyeol is struggling with the heat. Soo Hyun jokingly asks if he is growing. Chanyeol storms to get a carton of juice in hopes that it will extinguish the burning. Things aren't looking too good for Min Woo either. He is profusely sweating before excusing himself to the bathroom where he takes a break. There is a flashback scene in the car where Min Woo was the most excited about getting to eat spicy food. Now he is in the bathroom as Soo Hyun goes to check on him. During the car ride, both Min Woo and Chanyeol are passed out after the meal. Soo Hyun declares herself as the best out of the team when it comes to spicy food.

Se Ho's team arrive at a jjampong (spicy seafood noodle soup) restaurant. The owner makes a bet with the ladies - if they can finish 1 bowl, he will give any viewer that comes in after watching the show 1 free bowl of jjampong. Se Ho and Kang Joon are struggling right away, while Nana and Ga Yeon are enjoying it. Both men are sweating again and Kang Joon rushes away to the bathroom. Ga Yeon and Nana finish their bowl and Se Ho announces to the viewers how to get a free bowl of jjampong.

By 4 PM, Sora is home. The teams are reheating their dishes in the kitchen. Before starting, Se Ho's team tries the other team's dish. To them, the dish is not spicy. Even Kang Joon was able to keep a straight face as he tells them their dish it sweet. He was sweating as he was telling them. Sora gives it a try and does not sweat. She takes a short break before trying the next dish. Sora won't admit anything as she laughs and turns red. She does end up sweating and the roommates win.

To cool themselves, the roommates make shaved ice. Min Woo sneaks away to buy flowers and cake. It is for Ga Yeon's coming of age (tradition for when one is recognized as an adult age-wise). He makes it back stealthily and the others prepare to surprise her. They all gathered upstairs while Ga Yeon sat on the couch on the first floor. As they were heading down, they forgot about Sung Woo and head back up. Sung Woo is actually already asleep so they proceed with the surprise without him. They all gather behind Ga Yeon before giving her flowers and the cake. Ga Yeon is surprised and thankful at their gesture. Now that she is an adult, they ask her what are some things she wants to do. Ga Yeon says she wants to date. Se Ho says they should introduce her to some guys.

The day is winding down as the roommates retreat to their rooms. Se Ho ends the day with a serenade to the camera. Hilariously, the camera would turn away from him. Se Ho continues to sing as he tries to find the camera. Sora is writing Ga Yeon a note. She thought she would do it while Ga Yeon is washing up, but Ga Yeon is back in the room minutes after. Sora quickly finishes the letter. She gives it to Ga Yeon along with a present. Ga Yeon is ecstatic about the gift, which were a pair of sneakers she wanted. She tries them on and Sora takes a bunch of pictures. They sit a bit to chat. Sora asks if she ever been to a club. Ga Yeon says she hasn't, but would like to go. Sora says she'll ask Bom and Nana about it. As she gets up to leave, they hug. Ga Yeon thanks her and tells her she'll treasure the gift. While Sora is washing up, Ga Yeon reads the letter. The letter is very touching, which brings tears to her eyes.

The next day, Sora and Nana are preparing a meal - geotjeori (fresh kimchi salad) and samgyetang (ginseng chicken soup). Mama Shin shows Nana the correct way of salting the cabbage, which she doesn't follow completely. Sora coaches Nana in stuffing the chicken with rice flour. Afterwards Nana goes to make the geotjeori, which ends up being too salty. They call in Mama Shin to help them fix it. Sung Woo figures she forgot to wash the cabbage before seasoning. He adds in sugar and the dish is saved. Se Ho comes in the kitchen and samples it. He says it is actually good and praises her, saying she can now get married. While cooking, they get a ring at the door. Nana answers and lets in their guests. The guests are Se Ho's parent.

The parents enter the home and are happily greeted by the roommates. Se Ho makes his way downstairs and is surprised to see his parents. His parents came over with side dishes and some other food to share with the roommates. What was in the large box they brought was a giant octopus. While in the kitchen, Se Ho's mother tries Nana's geotjeori. She finds it delicious and gives her tip to make it even more delicious. Hearing this, Se Ho's father makes his way into the kitchen. He also tries the dish and praises Nana. He doesn't stop there. He also praises her looks, saying she looks good on TV and even better in person. Se Ho's mother starts cutting up the octopus. Nana is by her side to help and keep her company. Se Ho's mother is impressed that she isn't scared or disgusted by it. When her back is turned, Nana starts playing with the octopus. Se Ho's mother starts asking Nana some questions to get to know her better. Nana mentions she is the closest to Se Ho. From the table, Se Ho asks if his mother is saying weird things. His mother shouts back that she would never do that to someone else's precious daughter. Despite being cut up, the octopus manages to escape the bowl. Se Ho's mother returns it to it's place and Nana cleans up, which greatly impresses Se Ho's mother. Se Ho's father yells out, suggesting mother take the day off - by mother he hilariously meant Mama Shin. He says his wife will take care of everyone. They decide to blanch the octopus. Se Ho's mother asks Nana to give Sung Woo a piece to try. Instead she give the piece to Se Ho's father. In her interview, Se Ho's parents were impressed with her gesture. His mother said she only told Nana to have Sung Woo taste it to get his opinion, but instead she had a  lot of sense in giving the first piece to her husband, who was a guest.

The octopus is cooked and everyone is gathered to enjoy this pre-dinner snack. Kang Joon and Bom are back from the market and introduce themselves to Se Ho's parents. They ask about Se Ho - does he give them a lot of spending money? His mother answers he doesn't, but he told her to quit her job instead. Because she has tendinitis, he hired someone to help around the house. She brags that he even buys her a purse sometimes.  Sung Woo is curious to know if they think one of the roommates is a good match for their son. His mother explains she doesn't have any requirements for a daughter-in-law as long as her son is happy. Bom notices Se Ho and Nana smiling at each other and calls them out. Se Ho defends himself, asking if he smiles at you, does that mean I like you. Bom counters that he was smiling a certain way and impersonates him. Se Ho gives up.

It is time for dinner. They have the parents rate Sora and Nana's food. His mother gives them 100/100 and explains her reasoning. His father one ups her and give them 120/100. Their conversations continue on after dinner. Sora asks how they felt about Se Ho's early career. His mother shares a story. When she used to call him, she wouldn't believe him when he said he couldn't get work. She would usually stop by his apartment once a week to clean. One time she was over there, Se Ho told her he thought about jumping from the 15th floor. As she recalls this memory, the roommates are in tears. After hearing this from her son, she became worried. The words weighed heavily on her. When he wasn't working, she would be anxious. After seeing a couple episodes of ROOMMATE, she felt happy to see he had friends that support him. She says this made her want to meet the roommates even  more so she can thank them. Sung Woo says some wise words - you have to go through hardships if you want to achieve anything and those who are handed things can't make anything on their own. He assures her not to worry since Se Ho is on his way up. Se Ho's mother expresses her adoration for everyone and wishes the best for each roommate. She tells them to do their best and embrace everyone. After her speech, Se Ho playfully tells her she can go home now.

Sora asks about the rumor about Se Ho's family being rich. His mother debunks that rumor, explaining her husband is just a regular salary man. He is paid well enough that they don't have to borrow money and are able to live comfortably. Se Ho suggests Kang Joon have a conversation in English with his father. Bom does so instead and we get to hear where Se Ho learned his English from, which he refers to as Daegu English. Their visit is about to come to an end. Bom presents mother with one of her stuffed dolls, Sha Sha. Se Ho's mother wanted to tell her some things before parting ways. She tells Bom to stay strong. She assures her that there are a lot of people that care about her and tells her not to be lonely. She hopes Bom is happy and tells her she is amazing. In her interview, Se Ho's mother explained that on one hand Bom is busy, but on the other she might be really lonely. She felt inclined to let her know that there are many people who care about her. As they are leaving, Se Ho jokes that they are making his friends cry before they leave. All of the roommates see them out.

Family was the theme of this episode. There was a good mix of fun and seriousness.

The competitions were fun to watch especially the spicy food challenge. I love that although Sora wasn't there for the earlier competitions, they had one specifically for her when she got home. Watching the roommates go sample different dishes was too funny. I know I shouldn't laugh at their misery, but it can't be helped. Their reactions were just too funny not to laugh.

The roommates coming together to celebrate Ga Yeon's coming of age was pleasant. She seemed very happy at her roommates' gesture. The relationship between Sora and Ga Yeon is just so precious. I will say it again- Sora is a great addition to the cast. She really takes on the big sister role. She has a strong bond with Ga Yeon despite the age difference. When she gave the gift, Ga Yeon was genuinely happy and excited.

Se Ho's parents are just great. The fact that they wanted to meet the roommates to thank them was touching. It makes you realize how deep of a friendship they have developed with each other. Sure we see them having fun, but they seem to have a real bond that isn't just for the show.


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