TRIANGLE Episode 19

Well.... I didn't see that coming...

The episode starts back up at the restaurant where Shin Hye breaks the news about Dong Woo. There is a flashback scene where Shin Hye goes to Jung Hee's home. She is met by grandma. Shin Hye is looking for someone named Oh Sang Chun. Grandma informs her this person is her son, but he passed away years ago. Shin Hye asks if she knows Jang Jong Kook, which she does since he was good friends with her son. Inside of the home, Grandma shows Shin Hye a picture of her son and Jung Hee with Dong Chul and his father. Shin Hye asks if grandma knows the young boy's name. She doesn't remember until Shin Hye tells her. Grandma shares that Jang Jong Kook had three sons and names them off except the youngest. She only remembers the baby as cute with big eyes. Their mother ran away after giving birth to the youngest. After their father's death, the three brothers were sent away to the orphanage. She expresses her heart ache about this. She explains that everyone was struggling back then so it wasn't possible to help. Shin Hye asks if she heard anything about the kids after they were sent away. Grandma recalled a rumor about Yoon Tae Joon, the owner of Dong-Jin Mines adopting the youngest. She says she didn't see it herself, but this is what she heard.

Shin Hye and Dong Soo are at Shin Hye's home. Dong Soo is looking at the picture Shin Hye received from grandma. Dong Soo recognizes the man as his father's friend. Shin Hye shares grandma's heart ache about them being sent away. She also shares the rumor she heard from grandma. Based on this, Dong Soo's conversation with his mother, and the timeline, she deducts that it is highly possible that Yang Ha is Dong Woo. Dong Soo is still in disbelief and says he will only believe it if he hears this from the Chairman himself. Shin Hye brings up the possibility that the Chairman doesn't know. She explains that she met with the aid from Dae-Jung who has been with the company for many years. She recounts her encounter earlier when he was flustered after she asked about the orphanage Yang Ha is from. She has a feeling that the aid knows the truth. She assures Dong Soo that she will look into the issue and asks that he be patient.

At Dae-Jung, the aid is doing his own snooping. He approaches Pil Sang to ask about Shin Hye. He says his pretense for asking about her is for the Chairman to know more about Yang Ha's psychologist.

Leader Bae meets with Yang Ha at the garden rooftop. Yang Ha is informed about Young Dal meeting with Miss Sung. Leader Bae doesn't have an explanation yet and Yang Ha orders him to find out. Yang Ha has a feeling that Young Dal is trying to stab him in the back. From afar, Junho is keeping close watch on the two. He reports back to the crew about Leader Bae. Jang Soo and Jerry are livid. Young Dal on the other hand is calm. He says to let Leader Bae be. He thinks this can be a good thing if he really is relaying everything to Yang Ha.

Jung Hee is at home. Grandma reminds her that her father's memorial is the next day. Grandma asks if she remembers a boy named Dong Chul. She shows her a picture and explains how they used to be close. Jung Hee doesn't remember and grandma thinks it is because she was too young to remember.

Bok Tae and Chairman are having a meeting, which is more like a scolding. Chairman is tired of having Dong Soo and Young Dal around and asks Bok Tae what he is going to do about it. Chairman warns him that if he can't take care of them, then he should just give up and stay away. After the meeting, Bok Tae is pissed. He has his man on it. His man makes a call to Myung Jae to take care of the situation right away. Myung Jae is at the underground casino. After the orders, he makes a call to one of his men to gather up the crew and head to Sabuk. Man Kang overhears this and goes back to the office. He informs Madame Jang.

Leader Bae and Junho meet with Young Dal in the office.Young Dal orders Leader Bae to get him a contact at Lucky Casino since he used to work there. He explains that he needs to know how Lucky Casino manages their big Chinese clients in order to win against Yang Ha. After Leader Bae leaves, Young Dal tells Junho that this is just a test to see where Leader Bae's loyalty lies. Just then he gets an urgent call from President Min. In the lobby, he meets with President Min and Man Bok, who inform him about Myung Jae calling all of his men down to Sabuk. They advise him to leave for awhile while they stop his men from coming after him. Young Dal tells them to watch their own backs and not to worry about him. He explains that he has to pay Myung Jae back for what he has done.

Leader Bae reports back to Yang Ha and asks what to do. Yang Ha says it is obvious what Young Dal is doing and orders him to do what Young Dal asks. After their meeting, Jung Hee and Yang Ha cross paths. He asks if she is free that night. She explains that she is actually leaving early for her father's memorial. Young Dal walks up the stairs to where the two are. They all stare at each other before Young Dal leaves first. As he is leaving, Jung Hee is sadly watching him as Yang Ha is watching her.

As Jung Hee is getting ready to leave, her deal friend approaches her. She heard about Jung Hee's date with Yang Ha through her aunt, who saw them at the restaurant. Jung Hee is frustrated with the small town and having everyone know what is going on with her. She explains that she only treated Yang Ha to dinner as a thank you for something he did for her.

Miss Sung meets with Young Dal at a restaurant. Young Dal tries to charm her by telling her he came to Seoul just meet with her. Miss Sung tells Young Dal to get straight to the point. He says he can help Hanchang take over all of the big foreign customers. Miss Sung finds this offer tempting.

Yang Ha is looking over documents when he receives a text from Shin Hye, asking him to call her when he has time. He calls right away. She asks how he has been. He explains that he feels nervous since everything is going too well. He mentions he was going to ask her for medications for this. She tells him that there aren't medications and advises him to just accept these feelings. She asks to meet in person. He was going to the Seoul the next day anyway and they plan to meet then.

Dong Soo and Young Dal catch up at a restaurant. Dong Soo asks about Myung Jae. Young Dal informs him of Myung Jae's next move. Young Dal says he has a plan - he is going to teach Myung Jae a lesson by leaving him penniless. Dong Soo wants the details, but Young Dal doesn't divulge. He says it won't be fun if he tells him. Dong Soo shows him the picture of Young Dal and their father with Jung Hee and her father. He explains the other man in the picture was their father's good friend and that his daughter was really close to Young Dal. They used to play house together and pretend to be married. Dong Soo asks if he remembers her. Young Dal doesn't at all. He confesses that as he remember memories bit by bit, he starts to feel guilty for not finding their younger brother. He declares that he will do anything to find Dong Woo. It doesn't matter if they need money or to hire someone, he will do what he has to do. Dong Soo tells Young Dal not to blame himself too much since it is his fault.

Myung Jae is gambling away at the underground casino. Jang Soo and Jerry enter and spots him. They make their way to the office where Madame Jang and Man Kang are. Jang Soo asks if they have a dealer that knows any tricks. Man Kang and Madame Jang deny it at first before ultimately admitting they do. Jang Soo asks to use the dealer just one time. They ask who their target is and Jang Soo tells them it is Myung Jae. Man Kang thinks they have lost their minds if they think they are going to trick Myung Jae. Jung Soo persuades them them with big players.

Jung Hee's dealer friend becomes the floor manager.

The next day, the crew report to Young Dal that the plan is moving forward. Young Dal warns them to not go overboard or else the underground casino will be ruined. He tells the crew that they have to accept Myung Jae's VIP room request if he puts one in. Junho reminds him that the rules about the VIP rooms have tightened. Young Dal argues that aside from being a mob boss, Myung Jae is a successful business man who meets the qualifications of getting in. The plan is to get Myung Jae to the VIP room after he is worked up.

At the underground, Myung Jae just lost. He plays another hand. Madame Jang and Man Kang are watching nervously, contemplating whether they should stop their plan. Man Kang says they still have a long way to go. Man Bok arrives and gets an update from Madame Jang and Man Kang. The house is up 500 million won. Man Bok approaches Myung Jae and exchanges some words. Myung Jae is already on edge and threatens Man Bok. He yells to the dealer for another round. The dealer hesitantly looks at Man Kang, who nods for her to continue. Myung Jae tells the dealer to show her cards. After she does, Myung Jae tears up his cards. Man Bok says something like "I told you so," which causes Myung Jae to snap up and make another threat. Man Bok informs him that everyone is watching. Myung Bae yells at his man to get more chips. Unfortunately for him, there isn't anymore money. Myung Jae warns the dealer not to leave as he leaves with his man. Madame Jang and Man Kang still feel uneasy. Man Bok assures them that once word gets out about Myung Jae's outburst, his reputation will definitely take a hit.

Jung Hee is looking at her childhood picture with Dong Chul. Junho approaches her and takes a look. Jung Hee shares that she doesn't remember the boy in the picture, but she was told they played house together and that he was her first love. Junho jokes that they also played house together and asks why he wasn't her first love. In his office, Young Dal is also looking at his old picture. He gets a call and leaves the office. A little while later, Junho enters and places some documents on the desk. He takes a look at the picture on Young Dal's desk. Jerry approaches Jung Hee and asks about Young Dal. She confesses that they don't talk anymore. Jerry reveals to her that Young Dal only said those things to save her and that he didn't mean any of it. Jung Hee is shocked as Jerry leaves.

Dong Soo meets with one of the old miners to ask about the Dae-Jung aid, Kim Jin Soo. The miner reveals Jin Soo was his father's friend. Not only was he close friends with his father, but he was friends with all the miners. Dong Soo thought he was always loyal to the Chairman. The miner corrects him, saying it is more like the Chairman wanted Jin Soo.

Shin Hye and Yang Ha meet for coffee. They catch up with each other's love life. Shin Hye asks if he knows anything about his adoption. When asked why she wanted to know, Shin Hye explained that she was going to use his case in a thesis paper since their relationship was unique. Yang Ha admits he tried to find out, but wasn't told anything. Back at Dae-Jung, Yang Ha runs into Jin Soo. He casually asks about his adoption. Jin Soo apologetically informs him he knows nothing. Jin Soo asks if he met with Shin Hye, which surprises Yang Ha because they just met. Jin Soo plays it off by saying he was just asking about their session. Yang Ha informs him they haven't had a session in a while and that he wasn't on any medications. They continue walking with Jin Soo in deep thought. This catches Yang Ha's attention.

Jin Soo is approached by Dong Soo later on. Dong Soo reveals he knows how he was like a brother to his father. He asks point blank if Jin Soo had anything to do with Yang Ha's adoption and if Yang Ha is his brother. They take the conversation to somewhere more private. Jin Soo confesses that they were close like brother, but because of the strike, their relationship became strained. He also confesses that he didn't know his father's death was a murder until after it happened. He went to the orphanage where he found Dong Soo gone and Dong Chul taking care of the youngest. He was heartbroken. To make things up to his friend, he had Dong Woo adopted by Yoon Tae Joon. Dong Soo is absolutely furious with this and wants to know why. Jin Soo explains that Dong Woo could live in wealth and privilege instead of misery at the orphanage. He tells Dong Soo to stop everything if they care about their youngest brother. He says Yang Ha has been fine until they showed up. Dong Soo is silenced. As Dong Soo is mindlessly walking the streets, the only thing he can think of is past incidents with the Chairman and Yang Ha. Frustrated, he suddenly yells and we see tears streaming down.

Jung Hee calls out to Young Dal at work. He tries to leave, but stops when she calls him. She wants to talk, but Young Dal rejects her. When he is walking away, she blurts out that she knows he didn't mean what he said. He stops in his tracks. She asks him not to do this. Young Dal is frozen on the spot before he leaves. He returns to his office. Jung Hee is frozen on the spot, crying.

The Myung Jae plan is underway. They enlisted Nup Chi to lure Myung Jae. Nup Chi approaches Myung Jae and asks if he needs a loan. Myung Jae is interested and Nup Chi leads the way to Jang Soo's father. They want 1 billion won upfront. Jang Soo's father says it is possible if they have a guarantee and says he can even get them 2 billion won. The catch is there is a 10% interest per week. Myung Jae's man calls him out as a con artist to which he denies. As they were leaving, Myung Jae agrees to the terms. He tells his man to request the VIP room at Dae-Jung Casino. He declares that he going to go all out. Jang Soo's father reports back to President Min and Man Bok after his successful mission.

Leader Hwan is called into Young Dal's office. He tells her they are having the scariest client coming into the VIP room and wants a veteran dealer like her in it. Junho enters to tell him about Myung Jae's request. Young Dal orders to stall with a background check. Young Dal goes to meet with President Min and Man Bok outside. He informs them they are going to the VIP room too. They are going to beat him in a game instead of with strength. He tells them the deal - bet opposite of Myung Jae and only bet the minimum.

Leader Bae rushes into the office. He informs Yang Ha that Hanchang canceled their contract. Right then Yang Ha gets an angry call from the Chairman. Chairman wants to know what he did to the chairman's daughter that has him so furious. Chairman says everything is now ruined. Yang Ha is in shock as he hangs up. Young Dal is reentering the building before he is stopped by Yang Ha, who grabs him by the collar. Yang Ha wants to know why he did this. Young Dal explains he was just returning a favor with a little bit of added interest. Dong Soo sees the commotion and calls out Young Dal by his real name, Dong Chul.

What an episode....

I was surprised to find out that Young Dal and Jung Hee were actually really close during their childhood, first love even. How can this not change my view on their relationship.... this makes me a bit more accepting of the relationship, maybe i'll even start rooting for them. Dang childhood first loves... you just can't hate on that.

The confirmation of Yang Ha's true identity came fast, which I appreciate. Now this reveal will change everything and will have an even greater impact than Young Dal's reveal. But I'm not too sure if and when Dong Soo will reveal things. I think the aid's words got to him. This can change as he witnesses his brothers go at each other's throats.

The aid knowing everything was shocking. I've always had a hunch that there are characters that aren't  like what they seem, something like they have a hidden agenda/secret. But the aid I did not suspect. No only that, the fact that he was a friend of Dong Soo's father was mind boggling.

Shin Hye... I don't really mention her. Mostly because at first I just thought her story line was going to be all about her relationships. But she has proven herself to be an important figure in the plan. She has a lot of connections and her investigation skills are top notch. Thank goodness the writers gave her some meaning/relevance in this drama instead writing her off as some women that is trying to hold onto a relationship the entire time.

When Young Dal was declaring how he would do whatever he had to do to find Dong Woo, it kind of pained me. I wonder how he would feel when he finds out the brother he desperately wants to find was actually his enemy. Will he be accepting? Feel guilty? Angry?... I can't even fathom what both of them will feel when they find out.


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