ROOMMATE Episode 13

Episode Title: Achieve the Goal Sunday

Sora, Sung Woo, and Soo Hyun make it home safely from the trip. Soo Hyun goes right to calculating their budget. With the generous gift from Lee Deok Hwa, they have money left over. Sora joins the twosome, nicely dressed. The occasion is for the arrival of their guest, Baekhyun from EXO. Earlier, Chanyeol received a call from a bored Baekhyun. Chanyeol invited him to sleepover. Back at the house, the doorbell rings, but Soo Hyun brushes it aside, saying the sound came from the TV. The doorbell rings again and they rush downstairs. The roommates go to greet him outside. Baekhyun is told Chanyeol hasn't arrived yet. Sung Woo asks if he has ate yet to which he answers no. The roommates assemble in the kitchen to prepare a meal for him. Soo Hyun gives him a snack in the mean time. Baekhyun awkwardly sits at the table. He tries to join in on the conversation in the kitchen, but no one is paying attention to him. The roommates are looking in the refrigerator, pondering what to make. Baekhyun tells them they don't have to make much. When he turns his attention back to the table, he is joined by Sora and Soo Hyun. This turns awkward.

To counter the awkwardness, Soo Hyun gives him a house tour. Baekhyun knows all about the house since he has seen the show. While heading back to the kitchen, Soo Hyun asks about his power. He embarrassingly tells her his power is light.

The roommates are bustling in the kitchen. Baekhyun offers to help, but they decline. So he stands in the kitchen awkwardly.  Sung Woo tells him to sit and eat fruit. He asks if Baekhyun cooks at the dorms. Baekhyun tells him the members who cook the most are Chanyeol and D.O. Sung Woo asks if D.O. is one of the Chinese members of the group. Baekhyun corrects him, saying D.O. is Korean. Sung Woo tells him he gets confused no matter how he tries to remember the members of EXO. Baekhyun watches as Sung Woo is working hard on the meal. This makes him feel burdened. At the table, he gets a call from Chanyeol. Baekhyun informs him he is at the house and tells him to hurry home. Chanyeol informs him they are almost there. Baekhyun again tells him to hurry since he can't do anything. After the call, Soo Hyun repeats to the others what Baekhyun told Chanyeol. Baekhyun explains there is more to talk about if Chanyeol was present.

Baekhyun's special meal is kimchi octopus fried rice. Sora notices the cucumbers Baekhyun set to the side. Baekhyun explains that he can't eat cucumbers. Sung Woo gives him a shocked look. He tells him he should have told him before. Sung Woo complains there is always something 5% wrong when he cooks. Baekhyun tries to fix the situation, telling Sung Woo he ate 2 pieces since Sung Woo prepared this specially for him. He explains that he really hates the smell of cucumbers, but the cucumbers in the dish don't smell. This situation reminds Sung Woo of the time where Chanyeol kept quiet about how he can't handle spicy foods. After he finishes his meal, Baekhyun takes a proof shot with the almost empty dish.

After the meal, Baekhyun expresses his envy of Chanyeol living in the share house and getting to eat good food. Sung Woo tells him to let him know what he wants to eat when he comes over. Baekhyun tells him he'll stop by when he is in the area and hungry. They look over towards the kitchen where the ladies are busy cleaning up. Sung Woo shares how the ladies never ran to the door to greet a guest before.

The rest of the roommates arrive. Chanyeol and Baekhyun have some small talk. Min Woo approaches and says he feels sorry for Baekhyun. The reason being he is meeting him the first time with a beard. He explains how he shaved yesterday, but because of the hardships, it grew back quickly. Chanyeol leads Baekhyun to the living room where everyone is. He introduces the roommates one by one.

Se Ho arrives soon after. He notices Baekhyun. Chanyeol asks if Se Ho knows which member this is. Se Ho confidently answers right and starts dancing to "Overdose." With everyone gathered, they talk about Baekhyun's musical, "Singing in the Rain." Se Ho gets up and sings and dances the song. The roommates want Baekhyun to perform so they can compare. Baekhyun starts out singing before showing off his tap dancing. This doesn't turn out exactly as he wanted since he was tap dancing in slippers, which ended up hurting.

Sung Woo asks if Baekhyun was interested in meeting a particular female roommate. Baekhyun answers Ga Yeon because he used to practice hapkido. Sora suggests they spar, but Baekhyun immediately refuses. Chanyeol asks if he wants a choke hold instead. Baekhyun explains he doesn't want to faint the first time he meets everyone. Se Ho offers to go first if Baekhyun was willing to follow. Se Ho experiences the choke hold and jokingly recommends everyone to try it before they die. It is now Baekhyun's turn. Ga Yeon starts off gentle before showing him a proper choke hold. He immediately taps outs. He shares that it felt like his tongue was going to roll out. He suggests that Ga Yeon give choke holds as a part time job.

It is now time for the cake that Sora bought for the occasion. Chanyeol suggests Baekhyun show off his power. He walks off somewhere while Baekhyun laughs at the idea. The roommates watch in suspense as Baekhyun focuses before turning off the lights by yelling out "ha." The lights go out and the roommates pretend to be impressed. In actuality, Chanyeol went to turn the lights off. He tries to play it off by saying he was in the bathroom. Before lighting the candles, Chanyeol says they have to sing quickly since the candle burns out fast. Once the candle is lit, the roommates break into a fast rendition of a congratulatory song to celebrate Baekhyun's musical. After the candle is blown out, Se Ho starts singing the song again in the normal pace. Baekhyun asks if each EXO member will get a cake if they all showed up. Se Ho tells him Sora is in charge of cakes in the house. He asks if his friends were to show up and Sora cuts him off by saying no. Chanyeol gets up to leave, which was Baekhyun's cue to turn the lights back on. He uses his power once again and turns the lights on.

The ladies start asking Baekhyun some questions. Nana asks about his impressions. Baekhyun shows them his impression of a female character from the movie Tazza. The roommates cheer after his performance, chanting for him to sleepover. Soo Hyun asks to see a dance. Chanyeol and Baekhyun performs "Overdose" for them. Se Ho wants try one specific move of the dance - the jump rope dance. Chanyeol plays teacher and the roommates get up to learn. Nana warms up by showing her jump rope dance. Se Ho shows his hilarious take on the dance. The roommates laugh and Bom comments that Se Ho only does this around Nana and asks why. Se Ho goes in front of Nana and does his dance again. After the warm up, Chanyeol teaches the roommates the dance. Being an idol herself, Nana performs the dance perfectly. Soo Hyun, on the other hand, can't seem to follow the moves. She enthusiastically shows them the dance, which isn't like the original one bit. Ga Yeon is called out. She is flustered as she tries to remember the steps. Sung Woo tells her to think she is actually jump roping. She reluctantly gives it a try and gets cheers.

The night is unwinding as the roommates retreat to their rooms. Se Ho gives Baekhyun clothes to change into. Chanyeol goes to check on the two before retreating back to his room. Se Ho follows and tells him to take care of his friend since he feels awkward.  Chanyeol pretends to follow him to the room before playfully closing the door of his room. Se Ho looks back and Chanyeol pops his head out from the room. They find this hilarious as they are on the floor of the hallway, laughing.

Baekhyun enters, commenting on how Se Ho's clothes fits him perfectly. He says he feels comfortable here. Se Ho comments that it is a bit awkward and Baekhyun agrees. Chanyeol enters the room and the guys go back to talking about the outfit. Although they wore the same pants, both guys give off a different feel.

Nana and Soo Hyun put on a show. They try to show what fury teeth brushing looks like like in one famous scene from a movie. They attempt, but fail due to the pain. Soo Hyun shows the viewers how she washes her face.

Kang Joon tries to film Min Woo showering. He gets a head to toe shot before Min Woo notices. Kang Joon asks to see Min Woo's abs, but Min Woo says he doesn't have any yet. Min Woo gives him to the count of three before he starts spraying him with water. Kang Joon makes it out dry, but attempts to enter again. He slowly opens the door and gets some shots before Min Woo tries to spray him again. Before his next attempt, Kang Joon covers the camera in a clear plastic bag. As soon he opens the door, Min Woo pops out to scare him.

Back in Se Ho's room, Baekhyun and Se Ho take a commemorative picture before crawling into bed. Baekhyun still can't believe he is in the house. He comments that he doesn't feel like a celebrity here. Se Ho agrees, saying when you are here, you're like family. Although they might argue and fight, it turns into affection for each other. It's to the point they know what someone wants just by looking at them. Baekhyun starts talking about EXO and how they use to argue at first. Their leader, Suho was the one to take care of everything and listen to everyone's opinion. There came a point where they became a family. He shares how he has a short temper, but has been working on it with the group. Se Ho comments that there are parts that we try to understand about each other. If it is kept inside, it'll eventually come up and blow up. Instead, if it is said from the start, it is more comfortable. Baekhyun feels like he was meant to meet the roommates. He explains how Chanyeol would always suggest that they watch the show after he returns from the share house. Even when they were traveling, Chanyeol would show the episodes to the group. Baekhyun wanted to come since Chanyeol seems to enjoy being in the house. Se Ho explains it as a place where they can take off their celebrity persona and just lie down and talk. He tells Baekhyun to come by often. Then the mood gets ruined when Se Ho starts to cough. So he ends the conversation there, telling Baekhyun to keep in touch. Not long after they fell asleep, Baekhyun has to leave.

The next day is filled with new adventures. Ga Yeon is training for her upcoming debut. She goes back to her training facility to run on the treadmill since she couldn't train outdoors. Her and her teammates sit down for lunch. While she is eating a healthy meal, her teammates are eating pizza and pasta, which is very enticing. The guys tease her a bit as she bitterly eats her meal. They give her some advice for the competition like how to make weight and what kind of mind frame she should have going into the competition. After lunch, she goes right into training in the ring. One of her company representatives, Jung Moon Hong is watching. He asks her about her shoulder and suggests they have it checked.

At the doctor's office, Ga Yeon gets a CT scan. After looking at the scan, the doctor gives her the OK to compete. She gets a shot in the shoulder and is told to rest for a few days. Afterwards, the two head to a cafe. They reminisce about when they first met. He mistook her for one of the guy's girlfriend. He remembers her asking him to let her stay in Seoul. At the time she was training abroad. He explains the reason he brought her to Seoul to train was because he saw how she really wanted it. He advises her to focus on the competition and to work really hard if she doesn't want to lose everything at once.

Soo Hyun is going to go record a song at the record label, Mystic89 (FYI-Mystic89's owner, Yoon Jong Shin is actually in charge of Roommate's soundtrack). On the way there, she is singing Yoon Jong Shin's songs. Not long after, she arrives to the studio. She brought pat bing soo and shyly starts singing Jong Shin's song, "Pat Bing Soo."

At the studio are Jong Shin, Muzie, and Eddy Kim. As they are eating, Soo Hyun asks if Jong Shin can sing one of his songs since she is such a fan. Jong Shin jokes that he gets paid to sing. Muzie asks if she had any training from anyone. Soo Hyun tells them Bom has been teaching her and that she even went to YG to record a bit. Jong Shin exclaims YG's style is different from his. Muzie jokes that Jong Shin is sensitive to the word "YG." Keeping the jokes going, Jong Shin says he has to get rid of the stain of YG. While on the subject, he asks if she met Yang Hyun Suk when she was there, which she tells him she didn't. Jong Shin pretends to get angry, questioning what that makes him since he came out to meet her directly. Soo Hyun explains it would be great to get one of his songs. Jong Shin asks if she thinks he is a song vending machine.

The show producer shares with the group that Soo Hyun has released a song before for a TV drama soundtrack. The guys ask her more about it. As she is telling them the song title, she laughs in embarrassment. After figuring out what she said, they pull up the song and have a listen. After listening, Jong Shin comments that she probably learned from Bom to sing in YG's style, which is more drawn out. Muzie says their style sounds more like being overwhelmed with fear. Jong Shin agrees, saying their style is more modest. He suggests she tries singing "All Right" by Kim Ye Rim (Mystic89 artist).

The music starts and Soo Hyun is barely heard. The guys tease her a bit before trying another take. In the second take, Soo Hyun's voice is only a whisper. Jong Shin comments that she sounds like his grandmother that passed away 22 years ago. Muzie comments that she sounds like their style, but too modest. She has another go at it without the back track on. She starts off fine, but starts going off into a whisper as she gets embarrassed. On her last take, Soo Hyun tries singing it her way as opposed to how the original singer sang it. The guys give her their assessment. Jong Shin believes she isn't fully singing because she lacks confidence. Eddy thinks she just needs to work on rhythm and pitch. Out of nowhere, Soo Hyun busts out a thermos and the guys playfully tell her she can't drink alcohol here. Jong Shin jokes that she is just like his grandmother.

They try singing another song. This time it is "Roommate" by Kim Ye Rim and Eddy Kim. The duet starts off well before Soo Hyun becomes flustered and starts nervously laughing. She tells Eddy, who was accompanying her to not sing. Jong Shin jokes that it is a duet, but she doesn't want him to sing. She tries again, but solo this time. The issue is she is too hesitant and it shows.

She goes into the recording booth with Eddy to record. She feels apologetic, but Eddy assures her it is fun. Kang Joon and Kim Ye Rim arrive to cheer her on. The recording starts and Soo Hyun does well. She didn't become flustered one bit and really tried. The one that does become flustered is Eddy. Before they start again, Soo Hyun asks Eddy if he can sing quieter. On the next take, Soo Hyun sings by herself. She goes to hit a high note, but fails. The bystanders find it amusing. After the recording, the rest give their advice. Jong Shin thinks she is concentrating on Eddy's part instead of her's. Ye Rim thinks she needs to work on her confidence. In some parts she sang well and on others it showed she wasn't as confident. Kang Joon exclaims it sounds like a new song. Jong Shin asks Kang Joon to try singing the song. On his take, Kang Joon starts too strong and on another part, his tone went down. After singing, he compliments Soo Hyun right away. He agrees when she asks if it was hard to sing.

Soo Hyun voluntarily wants to give it another try. She asks everyone to face forward. She sings "All Right" more confidently. They then proceed to seriously record "Roommate." Next they show a quick little video, using her duet in the background.

At a Pilates studio, Sora discusses with an instructor about obesity and Pilates. The instructors tells her about all of the benefits. Sora asks how many months will it take for Se Ho to get fit. Just then, Se Ho arrives and is struck by the instructor's beauty (or at least that is how it is edited). He goes to change and comes out in a skin tight workout outfit. Before the actual exercise, Se Ho gets a health assessment. The instructor asks how often is he going to come in. Sora suggests everyday. Se Ho tries to get out of it making up excuses like his schedule and the instructor's.

They start off by stretching. The instructor shows him the proper way to stretch. Sora comments that Se Ho looks like he grew a few centimeters just by his posture while stretching. The instructor hooks him up to one of the equipment to stretch and to see his flexibility. Turns out Se Ho is actually very flexible. Se Ho asks if there is a different equipment that will really stretch him out. He attempts the other equipment, which has him suspended in a leg split position. After getting on, he struggles from the pain and has to come down. Min Woo arrives to exercise with everyone. Se Ho jokingly tells him to go away. On a different piece of equipment, Sora shows them an exercise. She gracefully shows them how it is done. Se Ho goes to give it a try, but is too short. Min Woo gives it a try, but hides his pain. After adjusting the equipment to his height, Se Ho ends up struggling more than Min Woo. That sets the tone for the rest of their time as Se Ho continues to struggle. It is time to get on the scale. Se Ho weighs in at 80.5 kg.

The roommates have gathered in the living room. They open up their suggestion box, which is filled with each roommates' wants from the others' rooms. Soo Hyun reads aloud each want. Se Ho suggests they play games for these things.

Kang Joon challenges Sung Woo for his hair dryer. This surprises Sung Woo. Kang Joon explains he can't sleep when his hair is wet. Sung Woo chooses the game, flicking the cap. Whoever flicks their cap closes to the edge of the table without fall off wins. Kang Joon is up first and impressively flicks his cap very close to the edge. With the pressure on, Sung Woo flicks his cap, but it goes flying off the table. His hair dryer is now Kang Joon's possession. A clip from the same night is shown of Sung Woo using a fan to dry his hair.

Ga Yeon challenges Se Ho for the refrigerator in his room. The game is threading a needle after doing 10 elephant spins. As they are spinning, their heads collide. Both are on the ground. Ga Yeon gets up first and reminds Se Ho they still need to do 2 more spins.Ga Yeon finishes first and attempts to thread the needle. After finally getting up and completing his spins, Se Ho also attempts to. They both thread their needle at the same time, but Se Ho drops his. Ga Yeon is the victor.

Min Woo challenges Sung Woo. He wants free use of Sung Woo's bathroom, explaining theirs doesn't properly drain. The game is slipper throwing- Whoever kicks their slipper onto the table first wins. They both fail at their first attempt. Sung Woo is successful on his second try and Min Woo fails at his. Although he lost, Sung Woo tells Min Woo he can still use the bathroom anytime.

Sung Woo challenges Sora for their styler (according to Se Ho, you put your clothes into the styler and they come out like new). The game is a tickle contest. Whoever shows their teeth while laughing loses. In the first round, Sora loses quickly. She doesn't play around for the next round and tries hard to make Sung Woo laugh. Unfortunately, she loses.

Nana challenges Se Ho for his beam projector. Se Ho chooses limbo for their game. Although he was at an advantage because of his flexibility and height, Se Ho ends up losing.

Dong Wook suggests the final game be for something big. He asks Min Woo and Kang Joon if there is something they want. They want to change rooms. Dong Wook suggests they sleep in a tent in the yard if they lose. Min Woo challenges Dong Wook and Se Ho. The game is to see which team does the most sit ups. Kang Joon is up first. After he starts, Dong Wook and Se Ho start to look nervous. Kang Joon does 63 sit ups. Up next is Se Ho. He struggles right away. The roommates laugh at his facial expression as he continues to struggle. He ends up doing 49 sit ups. Min Woo is next and does 58 sit ups.  Dong Wook has to do 72 sit ups to keep their room. During his turn, Dong Wook does his sit ups furiously, but comes up short. He only does 58 sit ups. Kang Joon and Min Woo are happy with their win. That night, Se Ho is seen sleeping in his new bed, the top bunk.

This episode was alright. Baekhyun's appearance was pleasant. His conversation with Se Ho was insightful. It is nice to know the roommates have gotten closer and that they feel like they can just relax and be themselves when in the house.

I liked seeing Ga Yeon train for her upcoming debut. Her teammates seem supportive.

I applaud Soo Hyun for giving singing a try. It seems like she wants to do it, but has doubt. She seemed more comfortable singing in the recording booth than in front of everyone. She sounded good when she was more confident.

The Pilates bit was fun, but frustrating. I didn't like how Sora talked about Se Ho's weight with the instructor. It came off as a bit insensitive, but I know that was not her intention.

The games were so fun to watch. I wished they could have shown more of it instead of just 20 minutes.

Bom's exit from the show.....
I'm frustrated by the situation. Supposedly this is her last episode. One PD said in an article that there wasn't a discussion about her return and that they edited her out as much as possible due to "legal controversy." A different PD on the show insinuated that this might not be the end for her, but since she hasn't been to any of the recent filmings, she will not appear in upcoming episodes. Honestly, I don't see this show as a long running series (I read somewhere that the show may only last until November unless cancelled before then). So by the time she returns from her break from the industry, the show would likely be over.


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