ROOMMATE Episode 8

Episode Title: You're My Number One

The episode begins with a more recent event- the World Cup. Se Ho's friend, Chang Hee has come to the house bright and early. Se Ho gets the wake up call and lets him in before proceeding to wake the rest of the roommates. By 5:50 AM, Ga Yeon, Soo Hyun, Min Woo, Se Ho, and Chang Hee have made it to the streets where the game was going to broadcast on an enormous screen. The streets are already packed with a sea of red jerseys. The rest of the roommates are watching the game from home. The game starts and cheering ensues. Back at home, Bom talks about her 4 years of playing soccer in high school. By half time, the game is still scoreless. The group watching with the crowd are dancing and messing around. Se Ho suggests Ga Yeon low kick his friend. Chang Hee has a hard time standing after the kick. The game resumes and Korea scores a goal. The roommates go wild. At home, Nana and Bom fall down while celebrating. Bom whines that the guys don't care she got hurt. Chanyeol's attention shifts to Bom for only a few seconds before telling everyone to look at the screen, which everyone including Bom does. Later, Russia scores a goal and the game ends in a tie.

Now the events shown after happened before the World Cup. Soo Hyun and Nana decide to spend the day together at a busy neighborhood. Bom is in the Philippines. Min Woo and Kang Joon are heading to see Dong Wook at his photo shoot.

Before heading to the shoot, Min Woo and Kang Joon are off to the salon. In the car, they message Bom to find out when her flight is. They start talking about Bom's mannerism and her way of speaking. Min Woo thinks it is funny, but Kang Joon shows no reaction. Min Woo calls him out on it. Min Woo starts messing around at a red light and Kang Joon still shows no reactions. They talk about Dong Wook. Kang Joon says he is still awkward with him since they haven't really spent much time together. They get to the salon and get beautified.

Kang Joon gets a message from Bom. Min Woo tells him to call her. Once Bom picks up, Kang Joon manages to say hi before handing the phone off to Min Woo. She asks what they are doing. When they tell her about Dong Wook's shoot, Bom asks what about her. Min Woo says she is arriving later. Bom says she wants to go too to which Min Woo responds she should have came sooner. Bom is heading to the plane and they end the conversation. Bom starts talking to the camera about how she is close to Min Woo, but awkward with Kang Joon. She starts talking about an alien dictionary her fans made full of her mannerisms and way of speaking. Mid-conversation, she asks the camera man why he was filming far, but asks him to not film too close. She takes a look at the screen to see how she is coming out on camera and starts whining to the cameraman about the camera angle. She positions the camera at the right angle and tells the cameraman to hold it there even if his arms start to hurt. She finally takes the camera and starts filming herself. She resumes talking about the dictionary again like nothing happened.

The flower boys are finally heading to the shoot. They call Dong Wook to ask what he wanted to eat. He jokingly tells them blood sausage soup and soju. After the call, Kang Joon asks if they should bring it. Min Woo tells him Dong Wook can't eat that at the shoot. In his interview, Kang Joon asks if that was really true. He explains he never had an advertisement shoot so wouldn't know. He asked again if it wasn't allowed. The pair find a restaurant and Kang Joon really orders it. Min Woo tries to convince him that Dong Wook didn't mean it. As they wait, Min Woo tries to predict how Dong Wook would react. At the shoot, Kang Joon gives Dong Wook his food. Dong Wook asks how he is suppose to eat this right now. He asks Kang Joon if he did this intentionally. Kang Joon responds that he kind of did. They have lunch together and Dong Wook asks for the soup, saying the food was too dry. After Kang Joon leaves to retrieve the soup, Dong Wook asks Min Woo why he didn't stop Kang Joon from buying the soup. Min Woo explained that he tried, but Kang Joon does what he wants. Dong Wook tries the soup. It is actually really good. Kang Joon is glad he likes it. Dong Wook tells him he can't believe he actually bought it. The shoot resumes as the pair watch. Later, they hand out drinks to the staff. Min Woo jokingly says these drinks are on behalf of Dong Wook, even if he yells. The pair also prepared special drinks for the client and photographer. Special meaning more expensive. After they gave out these drinks, they ask who would they choose between Min Woo and Kang Joon. The client chose Kang Joon, while the photographer chose Min Woo. Dong Wook thinks they chose based on whoever handed them the drink.

Soo Hyun and Nana are heading to Myungdong via taxi. As they are walking, they start attracting a crowd. Nana interacts with the crowd, asking if they watch Roommate. She also takes the time to promote the show. The ladies stop for shaved ice after some shopping. Nana talks about her image. On the show, Style Log, Nana is a MC along with two others, both of whom are shy. She says that although she is also shy, she tried her best to be outgoing and to lighten the mood on set. Viewers interpreted her efforts negatively. She feels that she is misunderstood. She hasn't been on many shows so she feels that the public isn't familiar with the way she speaks. Nana speaks about the changes that resulted from the negativity. She is more cautious with her words and actions. She reveals that she can't really take the negative comments. Soo Hyun shares how she felt when she first came to the share house. She tried to get to close to everyone right away. Her intentions came off different than what the viewers saw and perceived. She mentions that sometimes they are forced to overreact to things to match the show's concept. She gives Nana the advice that we just need to be ourselves. In her interview, Nana has something she wants to say. She says all the roommates are trying to show their true selves and that there is no one fake in the house.

The guys go surprise Bom at the airport. Before heading to the airport, Kang Joon suggests that they buy bread and have Bom choose. The loser would have to be the chauffeur. During the car ride they change the lyrics of "Come Back Home" to "Bom Back Home." They start sing along before Min Woo gets into the spirit. He belts out "Bom Back Home" with all his might. Seriously watch it. Its a lot more funnier than how I am explaining it.

At the airport, Min Woo says that he wants to give Bom flowers instead, believing that all women would choose flowers. Right away, Bom is asked to choose between bread and flowers. Bom doesn't know which to choose, but she ends up choosing bread. Min Woo starts his chauffeur act right away, taking Bom's bags and leading the way out. Bom and Kang Joon are sitting in the backseat already, with Min Woo standing outside. Min Woo still can't believe she choose bread over flowers. Hilariously, Bom says "I'm not a woman I tell you." Kang Joon playfully rolls the windows up as Min Woo laughs in disbelief. They are heading home. Kang Joon is silent. They turn on some 2NE1 songs and the mood lightens- Kang Joon starts singing while Bom dances along. Bom declares she is bored and suggests they play rock-paper-scissors. The loser gets slapped in the face. Bom keeps losing, earning her some playful slaps.

Ga Yeon is off with a fellow fighter, Seo Doo Won. They are singing in the car while heading to a salon. At the salon, Ga Yeon gets made up. Doo Won is impressed with her transformation. Next we see Ga Yeon dressed up, heading to a venue. We find out she is at a wedding. Ga Yeon and Doo Won came to sing a congratulatory song for a member of their management. The two pull off an impressive duet. Later in the day, Ga Yeon and Sora are chatting over snacks. Sora brings up the topic of family. Ga Yeon doesn't really visit her family nor has her family came to visit. She discloses that her father passed away while she was in high school. Sora shares that she also loss her father at an early age. She thinks that is why Ga Yeon is so mature. Ga Yeon talks about her team and how she views them as her family. Sora gets teary eyed. When asked why, Sora explains that she is touched that Ga Yeon is sharing so much with her. Ga Yeon explains that she doesn't ask others about their families because she doesn't want to offend anyone. She says in her interview that she was glad that Sora asked about her's.

Everyone is arriving home. The plan for the night is a barbecue. Kang Joon invited members of his acting group, 5urprise. Nana hands out her remaining gifts - a flashman suit for Chanyeol and a bow tie and mic for Dong Wook. Kang Joon gets a call for a special MC position on Inkigayo. Everyone is happy for him and helps by giving him tips. Kang Joon gives it a try, but stumbles. Se Ho and Dong Wook take center stage to show him how it is done. The duo is hilarious as they show him the four key points in MCing. Kang Joon gives it another go with Chanyeol. Again he stumbles with his words. He gives it one last try, but forgets his script completely. Ga Yeon asks if Min Woo is okay because he was noticeably quiet. In his interview, Min Woo admits that he was jealous and that if he were to congratulate Kang Joon, it would've been fake.

Two members of 5urprise arrive with toilet paper and a picture of their group as house warming gifts. Right when they were going to introduce themselves, Soo Hyun is caught putting makeup on. The male roommates playfully hassle her about her changed demeanor now that there are male guests. Yoo Il introduces himself as the leader of the group. Lee Tae Hwan introduces himself  as the youngest of the group. Kang Joon reveals that Tae Hwan is the same age as Ga Yeon. Seung Woo jokes that they should commemorate their friendship with a low kick. The barbecue is underway and Min Woo is seen off to the side. Dong Wook asks their guest who they were excited to see and who would they want to room with. Yoo Il answers Soo Hyun and Seung Woo, respectively. Se Ho suggests a game to determine who will wash the dishes. They tried six different games before Yoo Il volunteers. Se Ho tells him he should have volunteered sooner so they didn't have to play all of the games. Everyone ended up helping with the chores anyway.

After the chores, the 5urprise members head off to Kang Joon's room. They are impressed with his bed and the cameras. Kang Joon and Min Woo were in the bathroom talking. Prior, we saw Min Woo pull Kang Joon aside to talk. He wanted to tell Kang Joon to introduce him to his members. He thinks that as the middleman, Kang Joon should at least introduce them since Min Woo was going to give them blankets from his parents. In his interview, Min Woo says he didn't want to speak in front of the cameras, but he had somethings to get off his chest before it builds up and ruin their friendship. Kang Joon says in his interview that he felt bad. Min Woo leaves the bathroom first. Kang Joon leaves and hangs with his members. He is obviously bothered, going back and forth from his members and to see where Min Woo went. He tells his members that they need to go introduce themselves to Min Woo. They follow Min Woo upstairs and while waiting, 5urprise were going to introduce themselves to Soo Hyun before changing directions to greet and introduce themselves to Min Woo. Min Woo tells them that his mother sent them blankets because she saw them as her sons too. In his interview, Min Woo thinks that as the oldest, he should have let everything slide. He feels bad and thinks he should have handled it better. Kang Joon also expresses that he felt bad about the situation and was sorry towards Min Woo.

Everyone gathers in the living room for watermelon. They agree to send off their guests with a low kick from Ga Yeon. The roommates were going to say goodbye after the kick while the guests had to accept it with a smile. It was a hilarious scene to watch as the guests tried to hide their pain with a smile and the roommates tried hard not to laugh as they said goodbye. Before leaving, they head to the kitchen. They break down in the kitchen, stating that it hurt so bad. The guests say their goodbyes with Min Woo's blankets and Seung Woo's beef bone soup in hand.

There is still awkwardness between Kang Joon and Min Woo. Dong Wook pulls Min Woo outside to talk. He noticed Min Woo's behavior after Kang Joon's announcement earlier. Min Woo tells him that he wasn't envious or comparing himself to Kang Joon. He knows that he receives more benefits from being on the show than what he contributes to the show. He also knows that Kang Joon is more successful than him these days. Dong Wook says that they should grow with every experience like what Chanyeol says. I feel that Dong Wook was watching out for him when he said that as Min Woo shows more of his personality, people will see that he is not like that. Dong Wook tells him he feels an amazing opportunity will come his way. Min Woo expresses his gratitude for the talk. We see a clip from the next day where Min Woo gets a call for a special MC position.

Late in the night, Bom is struggling while writing a note. The note basically says, this is mine so please don't eat it. She attaches the notes to her banana bread pudding. She makes sure to count how many she has before closing the fridge door. This sets up the next episode, which is the mystery of Bom's missing food.

I liked how things got real in this episode. Nana got to express how she really feels. I watch Style Log and find her to be a great addition to the show. She is outgoing and is very playful. It seemed to catch the other MCs off guard at first, but they are used to it now, plus she makes the show fun. The same goes for Roommate. I really think she is just being herself. I remember seeing a show she was on long ago and she was just really quiet. I'm glad that she has broken out of her shell and is showing her true self. Hopefully, she doesn't take the criticisms to heart.

It was touching to see Ga Yeon open up about herself to Sora. I think Sora is a great addition to the cast. She is the oldest of the ladies and is really like an older sister to the younger members.

The Min Woo and Kang Joon conflict is disheartening. I understand why Min Woo would be upset though. Its a tricky situation - meeting a friend's friends. Usually the mutual friend would introduce both sides. In Kang Joon's defense, he did introduce them to the group. Kang Joon probably thought the group introduction was enough. But then you bring in the blankets. If I were Min Woo, I would feel weird about giving them blankets when you haven't at least been introduced one-on-one. I feel bad about the situation. I can understand both sides so that's why its disheartening that it happened. Hopefully this doesn't make their friendship awkward.

I liked how Dong Wook pulled Min Woo aside. Dong Wook seems to care for his roommates a lot despite not being able to be in the house as much because of work. When he was talking to Min Woo, he was careful with his words - he wanted to help, but he didn't want to offend Min Woo either. At first, I  didn't get what he meant when he said that the more Min Woo showed his personality, then people will see he wasn't like that. I didn't get what he meant by "that." Dong Wook probably meant that those unfamiliar with Min Woo would have thought he was insecure because of all the comparisons with Kang Joon. But there is a lot more to Min Woo than what has been shown so far. I also didn't like how Min Woo says he didn't really contribute as much to the show. He hasn't been the main star for an episode, but he seems to be there for the roommates. He takes the time to talk and spend time with everyone and seems to have gotten close them.


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