ROOMMATE Episode 7

Episode Title: Nana the Magical Girl and Funny Kang Dash Man

It is another day at the share house. Bom is heading out to the airport for the Philippines, styled by Sora. Min Woo and Kang Joon are off to Daejun to Min Woo's parent's blanket shop. Some of the roommates remaining are gathered in the dining area after breakfast. Nana announces she bought presents for everyone while she was in Japan. The first two to get presents were Sung Woo and Ga Yeon. Ga Yeon is gifted portable exercise equipment. Sung Woo is given a cute set of cooking tools for eggs. In his interview, we find out it was actually Sung Woo's birthday. He expressed how it felt like he was getting a birthday gift. Upstairs in their room, Nana gives Soo Hyun her present, a breathalyzer since she enjoys drinking.

Se Ho and Sung Woo are on their way to surprise Chanyeol at SBS Inkigayo, where he was performing that day. In the car, they start memorizing the members of EXO. Se Ho is surprised at how much Sung Woo knows about each member. Later on, Sung Woo is reflecting back on his career and how he would also go on music shows. Se Ho, who always has a lot of sense starts playing one of Sung Woo's songs. Sung Woo mentions because of Se Ho he has been able to listen to his old songs lately. Finally the duo arrive with sandwiches in hand. Chanyeol is both shocked and excited to have his roommates there. When Sung Woo calls the rest of the members over, Se Ho starts quizzing him on who was who. Sung Woo says they all look different from the pictures and managed to only name one member correctly. Se Ho was not only able to name the others correctly, but he also busted out in their newest song, dance moves and all. They all sit down to chat. The members were dying of laughter from Se Ho talking. A little while later, the last two members arrive. The roommates ask if they thought they were going to win today. While Suho gave a humble answer, Sung Woo outed Chanyeol by telling them he expressed earlier that they will win.

We see some clips of Bom in the Philippines. At a press conference, a fan amongst the crowd was holding a BoDong banner. In her interview, Bom expresses how she was surprised to see the banner. She also mentions that later at their concert, the fans were screaming BoDong and holding up various signs.

Min Woo and Kang Joon attract a crowd as they head to the shop. Once there, they ask the parents who is prettier between the two and looked at old photos. Kang Joon asked the parents who would they want as a daughter-in-law amongst the roommates. Min Woo's father names Soo Hyun, claiming to be a fan. Min Woo says Soo Hyun is his father's type. Min Woo cheekily asks if his father had a chance, who would he marry - Soo Hyun or his mother. His father answers Soo Hyun. Kang Joon gives Soo Hyun a call and the phone is handed over to Min Woo's mother. She tells Soo Hyun that her husband would marry her if given the chance. Soo Hyun is a bit flustered and said of course he meant his wife. Now with their blankets, the pair are ready to go. Min Woo's father hand picks one for Soo Hyun as well.

Back at Inkigayo, Se Ho and Sung Woo join the audience as they watch. During an interview, Chanyeol gives a shout out to his roommates who came. The camera pans to them with Se Ho enthusiastically waving his glow sticks and Sung Woo waving. Back at the share house, Gayeon is surprised to see her roommates on the TV screen. As EXO is performing, Se Ho is seen following along to the dance. The time has come for the winner announcement- EXO wins. The roommates, both in studio and home are happily watching the group make their acceptance speech. Chanyeol thanks his roommates and does the house hand gesture he came up with earlier in the waiting room.

Nana and Ga Yeon are off to the supermarket for shaved ice supplies. Things aren't starting off well as they almost get into an accident as they pull out of the house. Once on the road, the car starts beeping. They stop the car to close the doors again, but that didn't stop the noise. They stop again, but try shutting the back doors. Again the car won't stop beeping. They stop at a car repair shop for help. The repairman was able to solve their problem before they knew it. They had the parking brakes on and didn't know. Not understanding, they ask the repairman to explain to them why it would be on in the first place. This isn't their only problem. The pair get lost while trying to find the market. After some time, they make it to the market to only park too close to the other cars. They had to crawl their way out of the car through Ga Yeon' side.

On their way back, Kang Joon is happily singing. Hilariously, not knowing the lyrics does not stop Kang Joon. Instead he just starts singing "I don't know the lyrics, I don't know the lyrics." But once he gets to a part he knows, he goes right back to singing the actual lyrics. Min Woo, on the other hand is nonchalant about it as he looks at his phone.

Soo Hyun, Sung Woo, and Se Ho have gathered in the dining area to chat. They talk about the times their friends contact them. Se Ho talks about how this friends are getting married and celebrating their kids' 1st birthdays now. Sung Woo informs him there sort of a pattern as you get older - later, friends will contact them if their parents pass away and then they will start contacting if there is an accident. Soo Hyun thinks it is a bit sad, but Sung Woo tells her that's life. They talk about how time seems to fly by and when they take trips they worry more if they are able to come back than where they want to go. Se Ho expresses how he feels he can have more serious conversations with people in their 30s and 40s. They say that the younger roommates wouldn't understand any of this conversation since they are still young. 

At the market, Nana and Ga Yeon happily fill their cart. As they are checking out, their total exceeds their money. They start removing items one by one, including the watermelon that Ga Yeon wanted.  Ga Yeon suggests they remove the ice, which Nana refuses. The caption during the scene was funny - "How can you have shaved ice without ice?" One point Nana didn't realize until later is they actually have an ice dispenser at home. When they finally get their total below 60,000 won, Nana reluctantly hands over the money.

Finally on their way home after 3 hours, Ga Yeon and Nana get lost again. Just when they think they are on the right track, the GPS reroutes them. They make u-turn after u-turn. Ga Yeon notices that they passed the same store they were talking about earlier. The distance from the house to the market is actually a 10 minute drive. Their next try takes them to a university. After many tries, they finally find a familiar road and are home in no time.

Now that the roommates are back, Sora prepares dinner- steak salad. After dinner, Nana hands out some more presents. For Min Woo, he is gifted a bald wig. He is dumbfounded and resistant when the roommates egg him on to try it. Se Ho sets the example and tries it on, which earns him some laughs. What is funny is the cap also comes with a toupee, which makes for more gags. Kang Joon agrees to give it a try and Min Woo agrees he'll try as well. When Kang Joon came out, the ladies couldn't help, but compliment him. Min Woo finally tries it and earns a lot of laughs. In his interview, Min Woo was surprised that it wasn't as bad and feels thankful that Kang Joon did it as well. 

Nana's gift to Kang Joon is a blue Dash Man costume. She explains she also got one for Chanyeol so they can become closer. He tries it on and makes a grand entrance. This gets him some laughs and compliments. No matter what Kang Joon puts on he still looks good. When asked, Kang Joon tells the roommates he feels confident in his suit. What unravels next was just too funny. Se Ho comes up with a skit on the spot. The roommates are sitting around with Sora expressing how there isn't anything fun to do. Nana yells out "Kang Dash Man, help us." Kang Dash Man slides in and breaks into a dance. The roommates were highly amused and dying of laughter. They keep the charade going by asking Kang Dash Man to find Kang Joon. Before leaving, Kang Dash Man strikes a pose and leaves for his mission. A bit later, Kang Joon strolls into the room. The roommates ask if he saw Kang Dash Man, which replies no. Se Ho tries to keep it up by asking if they can get Kang Dash Man back here. Kang Joon wittily informs them that he heard Kang Dash Man went on a business trip overseas.

Things are winding down as the roommates retreat to rest. Ga Yeon offers to switch beds with Sora. Later in her interview, Sora expressed how the bed was more comfortable than her home. Se Ho and Sung Woo are chatting and listening to music on their bench. They praised Nana for her thoughtfulness and talk about how the gifts they received today felt like getting birthday presents. Se Ho proceeds to ask Sung Woo when his birthday is. He informs Se Ho that it is actually today. Surprised, Se Ho says they have to celebrate. Sung Woo declines, but Se Ho starts serenading him instead. As they are talking, Ga Yeon, Kang Joon, and Min Woo sneak up on them. After their successful scare, Se Ho informs them of Sung Woo's birthday. Se Ho puts on a song and the roommates do a little dance. Sung Woo is a bit embarrassed and tell them that's enough. 

It is now time for the ambush interview with the victim for tonight - Dong Wook. This interview is special since Kang Dash Man will make an appearance. The interview is held upstairs with Se Ho acting as both reporter and cameraman. Se Ho asks the usual- where have you been? As Dong Wook tries to walk away, Se Ho calls for Kang Dash Man. Kang Dash Man rushes out, which surprises Dong Wook. As soon as the music starts, Kang Dash Man starts dancing and Dong Wook reluctantly joins in. He keeps asking Kang Dash Man if he really is Kang Joon, which he denies. But Dong Wook is sure that he is Kang Joon. Se Ho tells Kang Dash Man to attack, but Dong Wook just casually walks away. Defeated, Kang Dash Man walks down the stairs with his head down.

The guys are sitting around the dining room table. Se Ho tries to get another appearance from Kang Dash Man by pretending to call him to tell him Chanyeol was on the way home. Sung Woo and Dong Wook looked on amused. Se Ho tells Kang Joon his phone battery is low and to go charge it. Kang Joon tells him his battery is at 94%. Se Ho tells hims that his stomach must hurt from eating too much. Kang Joon informs him he is actually hungry. Dong Wook ends their back and forth conversation by telling Kang Joon to just put his costume on.

There is a second interview tonight - Chanyeol. Dong Wook takes back his position as reporter. Right as Chanyeol walks in, they congratulate him and start singing. Dong Wook informs him there is someone wanting to see him and tells him to yell how much he wants to see this person. This is the cue for Kang Dash Man to come out. He rushes down the stairs, which shocks Chanyeol. Kang Dash Man breaks out in a dance and Chanyeol follows. They take a picture together before Kang Dash Man returns to his room. The rest go on like nothing happened.

Ga Yeon and Min Woo return after buying a cake for Sung Woo. The rest of the roommates are gathered upstairs. Ga Yeon enters with the cake and the roommates start putting on the party hats. They sing happy birthday and Sung Woo blows out the candle. When asked what he wished for, Sung Woo says he wishes the roommates would be comfortable around each other. There is a flashback of scenes from the day - his gifts from Nana, eating cake with Se Ho in the car, getting free bones from the butcher for his beef bone soup. After the celebration, Sung Woo goes back to his room. He talks to one of the cameras and expresses his thoughts. He thought he would let his birthday quietly pass, but thanks his roommates for celebrating with him. He expresses that this birthday was meaningful for him and how he is happy to have a family. We cut into the next scene where his family is seen taking over the duty of checking on his beef bone soup for the rest of the night.

This episode was both fun and touching. It seems like Nana's thoughtfulness affected how the others viewed her. Sung Woo and Se Ho seemed impressed to see another side to her. The way that the roommates quickly came together for the birthday celebration was touching. Even though the preparation may seem small, it was actually a big deal for Sung Woo.
The scenes where Nana and Ga Yeon were lost were amusing. I can totally relate and understand how hard of a time they had. It looks like anyone can get easily lost with all of the exits and merging and short distance you get before choosing.
The highlight for me was Kang Dash Man. I found it funny how Kang Joon just went along everything the roommates suggested. I found myself replaying their skit over and over again.


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