ROOMMATE Episode 6

Episode Title: Bom's Text Message Becomes a Reality

We jump right into the core of this week's episode - Bom's prank on the roommates. After being tricked time after time, Bom decides to get her revenge with the help of Min Woo. Their plan is to pretend to be a couple to see the roommates' reactions. They sent a series of messages to the cast's chat room where they announced they were dating.

The roommates gather in the living to discuss what needs to be done for the day. Soo Hyun, Ga Yeon, and Min Woo were staying back while Sung Woo, Bom, and Nana are off to the seafood market. Soo Hyun and Min Woo decide to go to the bakery to get a cake to celebrate Kang Joon finishing his drama. During the car ride, Soo Hyun points out a famous restaurant near their house. Min Woo mumbles how he wants to go to famous restaurants with his girlfriend. Soo hyun catches this and starts asking about his relationship with Bom. Min Woo avoids the topic by talking about the weather.

In the other vehicle, Mama Shin has his hands full with Bom and Nana together. They were discussing round worms, which Bom has never had. Bom forwardly asks if it is like dog [beep]. Sung Woo is shocked with her language. In his interview, he is still shocked at how she said it so bluntly. Bom starts playing one of Sung Woo's songs and talks about how popular he was back in the day. Nana agrees saying her mother told her he was the best back then. The girls start moving along to the song. Nana playfully pats Bom's head and a sibling like fight ensues. Bom annoyingly tells her to not to touch her hair. Nana comments that Bom looks ugly. Bom hilariously responds with "You just found that out now? You're pretty and I'm ugly." Nana and Sung Woo are laughing while Bom goes back to being cute and happy. Again Nana starts touching Bom's hair and calls her pretty this time.

Once they get to the market, Bom and Nana are like litttle kids - telling Mama Shin what they want to buy and eat. A funny little incident occurred when Nana told the seller to also give our mom some to try. The look on Sung Woo's face was funny. They move through the market buying and tasting the various seafood. Sung Woo seems to be a hit with the sellers since the girl's were able to use his popularity to get discounts. Before leaving the market, they had to stop for round worms. Bom is noticeably hesitant as she looks at the round worms. Sung Woo feeds her a piece and her mood changes. She actually really likes it. The crew eats it up while the auntie cuts up more. One small little scene I noticed was how Seung Woo would feed Bom, but when Nana tries to feed him a piece he motions for her to eat it instead.  He showed why he suited the nickname Mama Shin.

Soo Hyun and Min Woo picked out a cake and were picking out pastries when Min Woo gets a call. His ringtone is set as 2NE1's "Come Back Home" and he happily answers. Bom called to ask if he wanted anything at the market. He mentions what Kang Joon wanted to eat and ends the call. Soo Hyun was quietly observing the scene. When they sit down for coffee, Soo Hyun mentions that they should have asked the other girls if they wanted anything at the bakery. Min Woo whips out his phone and calls Bom. He calls her "Bomna" and asked if she wanted anything at the bakery and ends the call. Soo Hyun bombards him with questions - Why did you only ask Bom what she wanted? Do you like her? Are you two dating? All Min Woo could do is laugh and smile. To avoid answering these questions he gets up to buy what Bom wanted.

Now in the car, Soo Hyun asked if Min Woo has any worries. He said he had none, but then hypothetically asked what she would do if there was a couple in the house. Soo Hyun said she would congratulate the couple and take care of their 100 day anniversary. Soo Hyun ask if the couple talk every night, which Min Woo responds that they don't, but they do talk frequently. Soo Hyun congratulates them and starts giving love advice. Min Woo appreciates her words and says he'll come to her if he ever needed advice. In his interview, Min Woo said he was 100% sure Soo Hyun would believe him.

Everyone has made it home. Bom and Min Woo have a meeting in Min Woo's room. He gives her all of the matching couple items he bought- cell phone cases, hats, shirts, rings. As Bom leaves his room she runs into Chanyeol. In his interview, Chanyeol says he didn't think much of the hat she was wearing since Min Woo gives out hats to everyone. While in the living room, Bom and Min Woo have an emergency meeting after they notice no one is catching on. Chanyeol walks by and ducks into the bathroom. Once it was only Chanyeol and Bom in the room, she asks him about his piano skills. Chanyeol goes to the piano to play something for her. Min Woo joins in after changing into his matching couple's shirt. They strategically place their phones on the piano, but Chanyeol doesn't notice as he is concentrating on playing. Then Bom places both phones next to Chanyeol's to see what he says, but again Chanyeol doesn't notice. Min Woo had to ask if Chanyeol noticed anything similiar. He starts to notice all of the matching items and deducts they are a couple. Our duo tells him he is the first person they told and to keep it a secret. Chanyeol thanks them for telling him first. In his interview, Chanyeol said he didn't think much of the phones at first. He just thought Bom had two phones and had the same case for both because she liked the case.

Everyone gathers in the kitchen and dining area. Ga Yeon notices the phone cases and tells Soo Hyun and Chanyeol. She asks if this was for real to which Soo Hyun tells her to ask them. Ga Yeon appears happy about this and says they should help the couple get the overseas trip. Chanyeol wittily says they should send them away. The rule says that any successful couple will get a free overseas trip right away.

After the seafood dinner, Bom and Nana are talking in Bom's room. She asks Nana if she noticed anything at all. After noticing all of the hints Bom was throwing at her, Nana asked if Bom has a boyfriend. No matter what Bom said Nana did not believe her. Min Woo, who was eavesdropping on their conversation tries to help by calling Bom. Bom shows Nana that Min Woo was calling her. Min Woo explains that they were going to tell everyone individually today. Nana knows better and stands her ground. Bom asks why and Nana says she knows Bom wouldn't date someone easily. Bom goes off on a tangent and says she doesn't know her that well and that people can fall head over heels in love. Bom explains that their mental worlds match - he isn't in his right mind either.

After their talk, Nana goes to Soo Hyun to discuss this new couple. Nana reveals that she is divided about if she thinks they are real or not. Min Woo and Kang Joon are also having a conversation. Min Woo's game plan is look straight into his eyes while talking. He starts his talk by asking who was suited for him in the house. Kang Joon replies with Soo Hyun. Min Woo asks what about Bom to which Kang Joon replies that they look good together, but Soo Hyun suited him more. Kang Joon asks if it's really Bom (that he is in a realtionship with). Min Woo answers yes and tells him how they wanted to tell everyone individually instead of a group reveal. Bom comes into the room and shows him their couple cases.

The last two in the house to tell were Seung Woo and Se Ho. Min Woo pulls them aside to reveal the relationship. In contrast to the ladies' reactions, Sung Woo and Se Ho just congratulated them. Since that night was full of good news, Sung Woo offers to buy pizza to celebrate. What I find funny was Min Woo was all for it and was even the one to call and make the order. To celebrate Kang Joon's drama ending, Chanyeol's group comeback, and the new couple, Se Ho makes up a song. Midway through singing the song, Dong Wook shows up. The roommates tell why they were celebrating and even added his homecoming into the song. Dongwook doesn't believe it and thinks everyone is tricking him since he was the last one home. The couple try showing their rings, but Dong Wook says anyone could wear matching rings and pretend. The roommates start questioning their relationship - when and how did you fall in love? When do you meet outside the house? Do you have nicknames for each other? How many days have you been dating?

Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, the couple excuse themselves to the kitchen. Dong Wook eyes them suspiciously while Sung Woo says they are going off to hold hands. Downstairs, Min Woo and Bom are planning for their reveal. The roommates upstairs are trying to make sense of it all. Min Woo decides that he'll present Bom with a hat upstairs and when Bom says the magic phrase, he'll reveal that it was all lies.

The hat ceremony goes on with majority of the roommates confused by this action. Mid conversation, Bom blurts out the phrase and Min Woo yells out it was all a lie. The room goes silent. Dong Wook quietly asks if it really was a lie. Quickly the tables turn and the roommates blurt out things like "just date," "how about a dating contract," "did you develop feelings for each other," and "you're really dating, but are lying to us now to hide it right." All of this is a bit much so Bom yells out that honestly she likes Dong Wook. They get into an argument while the other roommmates are dying of laughter. In their individual interviews the cast tell how they really felt. Seung Woo said he felt a weird emptiness while Ga Yeon wanted to throw her hands in the air. Soo Hyun said she felt unsatisfied that they weren't actually dating. Dong Wook on the other hands think they are really dating and decided to say it was all a trick to hide their relationship. His logic through all of this is entertaining.

Now that the prank is over we see the roommates back  in their room. Bom, Sora and Ga Yeon are sharing beauty tips and secrets. Seung Woo and Chanyeol are working on some music. Soo Hyun and Nana are having a dance party. Se Ho is showing his acting skills to Dong Wook. Kang Joon and Min Woo are playing a game called "Of course,"  turned into a greasy, but hilarious complimenting session.

Some time later, the cast sans Nana and Bom plan their revenge. As soon as everyone gathered, their plan commenced. Se Ho was pretending to be drunk. He calls Sung Woo a loser and talks to Soo Hyun disrespectfully. Dong Wook pretends to get mad. Chanyeol is seen trying hard not to laugh. All of a sudden Sung Woo yells at Se Ho. The guys start getting up from their seats. Se Ho and Dong Wook walk toward their room and a loud bang is heard. The roommates including Bom and Nana go see what happened. Dong Wook is hiding out in his room laughing. When he comes back out he asks Se Ho why he called Sung Woo a loser while bursting out in laughter. The roommates are in an uproar of laughter while Bom and Nana are slowly catching on to what just happened. After the realization, Nana gets teary eyed. In her interview, she says that she thought Se Ho was going through a hard time since he wasn't his usual bright self. The producer asked if she really cried for him. She was surprised herself when she admitted it.

The faux couple end the show talking about their interview. Min Woo didn't think they would fight so much during the interview, while Bom expected it. She said they always fight when they meet. The producer catches that and asked if they met outside the house without the cameras. They admit they have. The producer thanks them. Bom thinks the producer is thinking something weird while Min Woo thinks they are going to use the footage for something.

The show bounces back in a big way from the less than par episode last week. Overall, this episode is hilarious. I like that although they focused majority of the episode on the prank all of the other scenes were just as funny. For me this episode also demolished any love lines. The roommates just seem like like that - roommates. The editors need to keep it that way.


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