TRIANGLE Episode 11

When you're at the bottom, the only way is up supposedly.

Young Dal is being escorted to his cell. Once inside, he introduces himself and shares his prior record as a youth and adult. The inmates take this as him trying to scare the others. A fight ensues between Young Dal and two inmates with Young Dal with the upper hand. The others
watch on with fearful looks. After the scuffle, Young Dal apologizes to the eldest inmate in the cell and sits away from the group. Later that night, we see Young Dal wide awake as the others are sound asleep. Flashback to the police station. Young Dal and his crew are getting cuffed and ready to be escorted to the jail. Jung Hee makes it just in time, but unfortunately for her, Young Dal is hauled away without saying so much how he feels embarrassed that she had to see him like this.

The next day, Young Dal is reunited with the crew in the field. Jang Soo is a blubbering mess seeing as this is his first time in jail. It didn't help that his father was crying just as much when he paid a visit. Two of Young Dal's cell mates inform Young Dal someone wants to see him. Young Dal rebels so the inmates name drop. Jerry looks fearful as he whispers to Young Dal who he was. Young Dal straightens up and follows with the crew tagging behind. In a work room, Young Dal meets his summoner, Man Bok. Man Bok has a bone to pick with him. It turns out the 5 billion won that Young Dal snatched and lost was actually Man Bok's, not Do Ki Chan's or the detained fellow in the Philippines. He isn't happy and he most definitely wants his money back. In a bind, Young Dal promises he will return all of his money. Man Bok tells him to come up with a plan to how he'll do it. In the mean time, he orders his men to beat the trio.

At Dae-Jung, Dong Soo spots Yang Ha and Bok Tae together. He gets the inside scoop later that Bok Tae was in the VIP room, which he reserved directly from Yang Ha. Dong Soo asks Yang Ha to meet, which he agrees on for that night. Away from Dae-Jung, the pair grab a drink. Dong Soo gives Yang Ha an envelope with information on Bok Tae. Yang Ha tells him he doesn't need it since they reached a truce. He also informs Dong Soo that they no longer need his work, but he can keep his position as head of security. Dong Soo inquires why. Yang Ha's logic is why fight him when he can control him. He explains that Bok Tae was so easily won over with shares and a stake in their resort that he had no problem with throwing Young Dal into prison. The next day, Chairman expresses his displeasure with the unauthorized truce. Yang Ha explains to him it is a matter of control. After the meeting, Pil Sang expresses his support for Yang Ha, which he laughs off saying if he didn't, then he would've been the first he gets rid of.

Shin Hye is seen with Dong Soo's old team. She believes that Chairman has been lobbying support from officials and ask that they investigate to get concrete evidence. The team easily accepts this case after hearing that this is related of Dong Soo.

It's snack time in the cell. While everyone is enjoying, Young Dal notices the elder just sitting. He offers him his milk and pastry, which he gladly accepts. The other inmates whine about his generosity because they know the elder will end up urinating on himself later. After his gesture, a guard comes in to tell Young Dal he has a visitor, who ends up being Jung Hee. She jokes around a bit before asking if he is eating well to which he answers yes. This brings a smile to both of their faces. Jung Hee reveals that she was hesitant about coming. She explains she has been thinking a lot about what he asked her - what do they mean to each other. She says she is confused and asked him what he thought. Young Dal replies that they mean nothing to each other and she shouldn't visit him again. Frustrated, Jung Hee asks him what should she do with her feelings then. She reflected on Yang Ha's advice. She said that the advice giver (she doesn't tell Young Dal the advice was from Yang Ha) implied that dating Young Dal would be of no benefit to her. She explains that she doesn't date to get something out of the relationship- all she does wants is someone kind, good looking, and draws her in. She feels upset and disappointed when it comes to Young Dal because he doesn't take life seriously and is always looking for the easy route. She expresses her wish for him again- to stop wasting his life away with gambling. After noticing her nagging, she says to Young Dal that she'll wait to see if he really changes his life around. After the visit, Jung Hee arrives to the house to see a basket of flowers from Yang Ha for her birthday. She tells her grandma she doesn't want it and retreats to her room where she replays in her head her conversation with Young Dal.

Everyone is fast asleep until one inmate notices the elder defecated all over himself. This wakes up everyone and a guard is called over. Young Dal is appointed to taking care of the elder. He ends up bathing the elder as well as hand washing his jumpsuit. The elder is apologetic towards him, but Young Dal doesn't mind. Young Dal asks if he has any health problems to which the elder replies that it just comes with old age. Young Dal inquires why he was in prison. The elder just replied that it was all because of his greed. Young Dal believes that everyone greedy and explains that this was also the reason why he was here.

Dong Soo visits a food stall where he is enthusiastically greeted. He asks for a favor- rob a safe. The owner happily agrees, but his expression changes when he finds out where -Chairman's office.

President Min and Bok Tae meet to talk business. President Min has come to collect her part of the deal. Bok Tae tells her she doesn't suit the resort business and should just stay in the money lending business. He would happily support her in that. Feeling gypped, President Min declares she will withdrawal her money from their deal. After she storms out, Bok Tae's right hand man assures Bok Tae he'll take care of her.

Dong Soo has set up his plan. The power would only go off for a minute so him and his partner had little time to unlock the office. They were successful and proceeded to find the safe. After locating the safe, his partner manages to unlock it and Dong Soo goes to work. He takes a picture of each page of the locked up documents. In mean time, Shin Hye meets with the team to discuss their findings. The team managed to find concrete evidence that Dae-Jung group lobbied a senator. There are some photographs of Pil Sang with the senator and multiple women. Unknowing of their relationship, the team explains they could use these photos to get information out from him.

In the field, the elder asks why Young Dal hasn't met Man Bok yet. The elder is curious about them. Young Dal explains that he blew the stolen money that belonged to Man Bok. The elder wants to know how much and Young Dal asks if he even has money to help him out. He insists that the elder just use the money for milk and pastries instead. Just as he was leaving, the elder is clutching onto his chest. Young Dal stops a guard for help. The guard says he should take his medication and rest. Not happy with his answer, Young Dal confronts the guard on why he wasn't taking him to the infirmary. This only earns him a slap on the face. Not letting this go, Young Dal grabs the guard by the collar until the guard orders Young Dal's crew to take the elder to the infirmary.

Yang Ha is seen shopping at an outdoor apparel shop (product placement). We find out later it was for the upcoming team workshop. On the day of the workshop, Yang Ha waits for Jung Hee to take her to workshop. Once they arrive, Jung Hee finds out the location wasn't where the workshop was taking place. Yang Ha planned it out to spend time with her instead. Jung Hee demands that he take her to the real location. Yang Ha tells her she is no fun, which only gets him a slap in the face. Jung Hee is angry that he is toying with her for fun. As she is walking away, Yang Ha grabs her arm and tells her he never thought of her as a toy. He asks for one day together.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse for Young Dal it did. Who would have thought the real owner of the money was also in jail. It makes me wonder if Man Dok had a hand in Do Ki Chan's death...
The whole Jung Hee/Young Dal story line is sort of.... whatever. I don't care for it really. She can do better, but she doesn't want it. I found Yang Ha's advice spot on, but because it came from him I don't think she gets the real meaning. That must be why she went on and on about dating to get a benefit out of it.
Dong Soo has been caught and he knows, which makes me wonder what his next move is.
Yang Ha is a smart cookie - always ahead of everyone. It was smart of him to do the backstabbing instead of getting back-stabbed even if it meant siding with one enemy. He was also smart in making the truce. He was willing to give Bok Tae what he wanted in order to control him. I'm curious to see how long this truce will last.


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