TRIANGLE Episode 12

This episode marks the halfway point of the series. Things just keep turning around and around again.

Young Dal goes into his meeting with Man Bok with an agenda. He strikes a deal with him - he'll get all of Man Bok's money returned within 1 year of his release. In the case that he can't, Man Bok can do anything with his life. Man Bok is amused. He agrees with this deal, but warns Young Dal he will chase him down and kill him with his bare hands if he fails. They end the meeting without any beatings.

Back at their "workshop," things seem to have calmed down. Yang Ha and Jung Hee sit down to talk. Yang Ha apologizes for not knowing how to express his feelings, which in turn caused Jung Hee anger. Jung Hee corrects him saying his problem is he doesn't consider others. Yang Ha quickly agrees, explaining that was how he was raised. He concludes that he doesn't what to be like that with her. Jung Hee voices out she has no interest in him and asks what will change between them after one day. Yang Ha proceeds to confess. Jung Hee is the first woman to reject him, which sparked his interest. As time went on, he became genuinely interested in her. She had told him in the past that they were from different worlds. Yang Ha comments that he noticed the contrast of her behavior when she was in his world and her own. He was interested in finding out why. He confesses that he wants to tell her stories and things that he never told anyone. He asks if she would listen to his stories. Jung Hee calls him a selfish son from a rich family, but expressed she was a bit curious to know what he is really like.  Yang Ha takes her answer as a yes and is elated. The moment is cut short after Chairman calls and tells him to return to the office immediately. Yang Ha breaks the news, but Jung Hee tells him they could do this some other time.

Now in the Chairman's office, Yang Ha gets the news about Dong Soo. Dong Soo revealed that he knows of their slush fund and lobbying and threatens them to come clean about his father's murder or else he would reveal all. Yang Ha says he'll take care of it while using Bok Tae. He later meets with Bok Tae to tell him Dong Soo knows everything. They come to the conclusion that they have to get rid of him. Bok Tae's right hand man tells them they can't rid of him easily or else Bok Tae would look like the prime suspect. He says that they had 10 years to gather information on Dong Soo and that they should proceed with this angle. Yang Ha ruthlessly says if there is no way to take him out, they just need to make a way.

The next meeting of sorts is between Yang Ha and Dong Soo. Yang Ha provokes him by asking if his threats are even possible. Dong Soo counters that they weren't threats, just facts. Yang Ha warns him not to go through with this because Dong Soo will only get hurt. Yang Ha even says he'll act like nothing happened if he doesn't reveal anything. Dong Soo stands his ground and Yang Ha says again the only one that will hurt is Dong Soo. Ticked off, Dong Soo grabs Yang Ha by the collar, telling him he is too young to behave so ruthlessly. Yang Ha says this is all a matter of protecting one's honor. Dong Soo punches Yang Ha and tells him this isn't about honor, only about money. Yang Ha enlightens him that money is honor/pride/everything. As Dong Soo is leaving, he leaves one last warning for the Chairman - come clean or it will mean the end for Dae-Jung.

Back in the jail, Young Dal is seen writing a letter. He narrates the scene explaining how things got better after his deal with Man Bok. He says he dreamt of Jung Hee and misses her so much. He wished she would visit him again. He says he writes a letter to her every night, but never once sent them. The next day, the crew is gathered in the field. As they were messing around, Jerry says he sees Dong Soo. Everyone draws their attention towards where Jerry was looking. It was in fact Dong Soo, clothed in prison attire. Young Dal and Dong Soo privately talk. Dong Soo reveals that Yang Ha is behind everything. He also tells Young Dal that Chairman and Bok Tae were behind his father's murder and that those two have an alliance now. He also explains to Young Dal that Bok Tae knelt down to Dae-Jung for money in return that he throws Young Dal in jail.

There is flashback scene where we see how and why Dong Soo ended up in prison. Dong Soo entered the Chairman's office only to see Yang Ha. Before they know it, the police barge in to arrest Dong Soo for aggravated assault. Dong Soo is livid at this set up. Yang Ha's parting words were for Dong Soo to go reflect on his life, which he has been wasting by being naive.


Jung Hee is still a dealer. She was selected to represent the casino at an upcoming tournament after she placed first at last year's workshop (she ended up going to the workshop after Yang Ha was called away). The team leader tells her that not only was there a big prize, but this is could be very important for her career. After her day at work, Jung Hee comes home to see grandma conversing with a man. The man suggests they rent out Young Dal's room since there is a flux of renters. Jung Hee politely declines. The man inquires more after she leaves. Grandma expressed they shouldn't since it was his room and all of his stuff is still there.

Young Dal and crew are released from jail. Their old gang runs to greet them. Young Dal asks who made them come to which the gang said it was their own decision. They even brought a slab of tofu as per tradition of being released. During their reunion, a man in a fancy suit and car show up. He is looking for Young Dal because someone wanted to meet with him. It turns out that man is the elder from prison. They meet in a park. The elder looks well and is dressed nicely in a suit. The elder explains he is alive because of Young Dal and wants to repay his kindness. Young Dal tells him there is no need. The elder says he is good at reading fortunes. He reveals that Young Dal has had a hard life, but the hard part is over. Young Dal takes this with a grain of salt, saying he has always had rotten luck. The elder offers his aid, saying when Young Dal is fighting his biggest battle to come see him. The elder will be his hidden card that can win him the battle. Young Dal ends their conversation on a lighter note saying if he knew he was meeting with elder he would have brought pastries and milk.

After his meeting, Young Dal catches up with the crew for BBQ. Jang Soo's father is there and sort of reconciles with Young Dal, explaining that although his son was in jail because of him, Young Dal still mattered to him. Father fills them in on what has happened in Sabuk when they were gone- Noonim is newest big time player now that she a lot more high roller customers and President Min was back stabbed by Bok Tae. During their meal, Jang Soo asks if Young Dal is going to return to Jung Hee's. Young Dal reveals that he is embarrassed to show his face back there. Cut to the next scene where Young Dal is lurking outside her home, not daring to go in. After a long time, he finally leaves.

At Dae-Jung, Yang Ha is working in his office when Jung Hee comes in. They talk about the tournament and Jung Hee reveals that she hasn't really played the game. Yang Ha suggests that she get real experience with the game. Jung Hee deducts that he means the underground casino since employees can't play in the casino. While waiting for his car, the pair are happily chatting. Jung Hee reveals she is uncomfortable betting with Yang Ha's money. Yang Ha assures that it is fine and that if anything goes wrong, he'll take responsibility. He even says he'll pay for a trip to Las Vegas if she wins the tournament. Jung Hee seems excited about this added bonus. All the while they were talking, Young Dal is watching from a distance.

They arrive to the casino and were happily greeted by Noonim and Madame Jang. Yang Ha informs them Jung Hee was the one playing today. Yang Ha starts explaining the game while the ladies are closely watching them from a distance. Yang Ha tells Jung Hee the game is all about luck and betting. Since you can bet on either the player or dealer winning, you can't really tell how everything will play out. He also explains that when betting, you want to win big and lose small. Jung Hee tries playing one game. She couldn't help, but show her excitement when she sees her hand. She wins, which brings a smile to both of their faces. Madame Jang also can't help, but smile when she watches the two.

Dong Soo is finally released. Shin Hye is there to meet him. They hug and Dong Soo assures Shin Hye that he won't push her away or do anything he'll regret. There is a flashback to when Dong Soo is in jail. He is asking Young Dal to teach him every card game and everything he knows about casinos. Later that night, Dong Soo is still awake, lost in thought. Shin Hye wakes to tell him he shouldn't be deceived any more. This only brings back Yang Ha's words- you've been wasting your life away by being naive, go reflect on your life.

The crew is back to work. Jerry and Jang Soo go to the casino to guilt trip their old neighborhood friend into getting him to get them the list of VIP casino clients. Young Dal pays President Min a visit. He hears how her business has been down still Bok Tae back-stabbed her. Young Dal inquires if she knows people who have lost over 10 billion won at the casino VIP room.

Dae-Jung group is hard at work. There is an upcoming deal with a group from America to sell some of their shares. The Chairman and Yang Ha are assured that they're monitoring the situation and nothing should arise and put the deal in danger. In Bok Tae's office, his right hand man informs of this information. Bok Tae states they they must be desperate to fund the resort, which is why they want to sell shares. He only sees money signs, saying the stock prices will definitely rise when the deal is done. He orders his man to gather up money and buy as many stocks as they can.

Young Dal pays a visit to Shin Hye's home where Dong Soo has been staying. They explain to her their plan. They know about Dae-Jung's upcoming deal and wants to wreck it. The plan is to gather some of the casino's VIP clients and file a class action lawsuit against Dae-Jung. They explained that usually the maximum bet on a game is 1 million won per person. High rollers usually hire 5 other people to fill out the table. Each person at the table bets 1 million won, which is essentially like one player betting 6 million won. The hired people are called sergeants. Young Dal knows about this practice since he has been hired for this job before. He explains the casino knows that this happens, but choose to ignore. The angle they are going with is that since the casino ignores the practice, they can be held liable for these high rollers losing billions of won. Shin Hye asks if anyone would put themselves out there to be ostracized, but the men think they can gather enough people if they explain to the others that they can help get their money back.

Young Dal and Dong Soo meet their first man. The man denies losing such a large amount. They tell him they could get all of his money back. The man perks up just a bit, but he returns to being skeptic. Young Dal says they can do this, which was enough to make the man consent to the lawsuit. The duo are seen trying to convince others to consent. Some refuse, but they get enough signatures to file the lawsuit.

Word about a lawsuit reaches back to Yang Ha. He gets a call from Chairman telling him share prices are plummeting and their deal in great danger. Bok Tae is livid to find out he lost several billion won in the last three days because of Dae-Jung. He takes his anger out by destroying his desk with a golf club.

In the Chairman's office, everyone is discussing what to do next. The deal won't likely happen. They think they have to lower share prices, which the Chairman doesn't want. Yang Ha explains that they have to do this or else their plans for the resort are damaged. Chairman won't have any of it since this is a project he has been working on for 10 years. He tells them they'll just take out a loan. Yang Ha dislikes this idea. He believes there has to be someone behind all of this.

Young Dal, Dong Soo, and Shin Hye are celebrating with wine. They have the inside scoop that Dae-Jung group is looking to get a loan from someone who controls the private lending in Myungdong and Yeouido. Young Dal smiles when he finds out who. Chairman and Yang Ha meet up with this man, who ends being the prison elder.

Jung Hee bumps into her youngest brother on her way out. They talk about his grades and she promises to buy him a smart phone if he doesn't come in the last five places in his class. Her brother informs her he saw Young Dal just now. She runs to catch him in time. She calls out to him after spotting him. Cue in the different camera angles as we see the two just stare at each other.

Pil Sang informs Yang Ha that the one behind all of this is Dong Soo. To makes things even worse, one of the team leaders announces that Dong Soo is in one of the VIP rooms. Yang Ha checks it out for himself through the live feed. He barges into the VIP room. Dong Soo greets him and thanks him for enlightening him on his naivety. He exclaims that he had a lot of time to reflect on how foolish he has been.

It seems like Dong Soo is playing smart this time around. He doesn't seem like the detective he once was. Instead he seems ruthless. But to play with the giants, you have to be able to hold your own. I was surprised to see him in jail in the first place, but that time away seemed to be put to good use since they were able to get the game rolling after being released. I wonder how long will it be until his temper appears because I don't think 1 year was enough time for him to get it completely under control.

Dae-Jung seemed to be in trouble even before the lawsuit. All because of the resort, there seems to be a lot of issues arising. You can say the Chairman's greed for the resort is the cause of a lot of his troubles. I am curious to why this resort is important to him. For some reason, I think it is beyond just being a money maker.

It was good to see Jung Hee and Yang Ha play nice. Maybe they had their powwow and she understands him better. I liked seeing things looking up for Jung Hee. She won a hefty amount of money before and could possibly win more with the upcoming tournament. Not only that, it could mean big things for her career advancement. I desperately hope this doesn't all fall down now that Young Dal is back.

The prison elder intrigues me. He has a great amount of money. It was said that he would rather go to jail than pay fines for his wrong doings. I'm curious to see if he'll be swayed by Dae-Jung group, but I think his loyalty towards Young Dal may weigh more than anything. Or at least that's what I hope. It doesn't appear like he is money hungry like some of the other characters, but then again we haven't seen how he is in the business world.


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