ROOMMATE Episode 19

Episode Title: Chase or Be Chased

All of the roommates are gathered in Chanyeol and Sung Woo's room. Se Ho brings up the wish that he won when they played games during the camping episode. In front of everyone, he asks Nana out to the movies. While Nana is pondering, the others speak up, saying things like "it's Se Ho's wish" and "she doesn't have time." Ultimately, Nana says yes. Dong Wook pipes in that they should go see Transformers. Se Ho questions him, asking why he was coming along. This causes the others to chime in that they want to go too. Se Ho diffuses the situation by telling them they could go another time. Dong Wook asks the couple what they plan to watch to which Se Ho answers a horror movie. The roommates are up in arms with how obvious he was. Nana jokingly warns Se Ho not to hug her if he gets scared. Se Ho denies that he will, claiming that he is a man.

Se Ho leaves the room to get ready. In the room still, Dong Wook asks Nana what she wants to see. She answers that she wants to see a 4D movie. Dong Wook leaves to tell Se Ho. In the hallway, Dong Wook exclaims that he will show them a 4D movie.

Se Ho is dressed to the nines, wearing a full suit. He finishes off his preparations with a lot of cologne. He goes to meet Nana, who is still dressed in her casual attire. Dong Wook sends off the couple before assembling his team.

In the backyard, Dong Wook, Min Woo, and Chanyeol have gathered. They reveal that they plan to scare the couple as they are watching the movie, giving them the 4D experience.

The couple leaves first and the others follow in a taxi. In the taxi, the team decides on the name "Room Black." They all agree not to follow each other while on dates since they are now allies. As they make a cheer for this, we learn that Chanyeol is an expert in idioms. Dong Wook asks him the idiom he would choose to describe this situation. Chanyeol comes up with "birds of a feather." They all have a laugh and Dong Wook comments that Chanyeol isn't completely wrong. Just as Chanyeol is explaining why he chose this idiom, their taxi comes close to the couple's car. The team ducks down, but fortunately for them, Se Ho does not see them. After the light turns green, the team feels relieved. Dong Wook asks for an idiom to describe what just happened. Chanyeol suggests "being scared half to death." Dong Wook and Min Woo are in awe as they compliment his intelligence.

In the couple car, Se Ho shares that his father thinks highly of Nana. Nana asks if his parents are well. They are and Se Ho asks if she talks to her parents about him. Nana explains that she does talk about him a lot to her parents and how he takes care of care. She shares that her parents and agency staff are all grateful towards him because of this.

In the taxi, the team deducts which movie the couple is planning to see. Min Woo is freaked out, explaining how he couldn't sleep for a week after seeing the movie when he was younger. Dong Wook tries to get the team together, reminding them of their mission. They arrive to the theater before the couple, which leads them to stay ducked down in their seats.

Finally the couple arrives, still clueless of the others in the taxi. Se Ho parks the car so that Nana has plenty of room to get out. This gentlemanly act only leaves Se Ho with a little bit of room to get out. The couple is chatting away as they head to the theater. Se Ho shares that he has been to this theater a few times. Nana jokingly asks if he came with his girlfriend. Se Ho quickly denies it, which brings a smile to both of their faces.

Inside of the theater, Se Ho picks up his tickets that he had prepaid for. The team is slowly making their way inside the theater. Chanyeol is on lookout. When the coast is clear, he enters the theater before running back out. He explains to his team members that he got scared of the automatic door. They decide to hang outside for a bit longer. During this time, Chanyeol becomes intrigued by a parking meter machine and Min Woo whines that he needs to use the restroom. Annoyed, Dong Wook lets out a sigh. Suddenly, the producers announce that someone is coming. This sends the team sprinting away.

With snacks in tow, the couple have a bit of time before the movie starts. Se Ho pulls out a chair for Nana. Nana makes a fuss out of it by exclaiming that actions like that make her uncomfortable. After their tiff, Nana jokingly asks if Se Ho rented out the theater seeing as there is barely any people there. Se Ho denies it, while in reality he did. Nana exclaims that Se Ho must be nervous since he is quiet. Se Ho asks if she feels strange, which she denies. In his interview, Se Ho explains that he was nervous because he thought it was date. In her interview, Nana is prying the producers, asking them if Se Ho said he was nervous.

They enter the theater, which is quite fancy and comfortable and take their seats. Nana tries feeding Se Ho popcorn. He questions why she is doing this. Rejected, Nana feeds the popcorn to herself. Seeing this, Se Ho asks her to feed him some too. She tries feeding him again to which he accepts this time. They play rock-paper-scissors to see who has to feed the other.

Room Black finally head in. The show edits in descriptions of the members. Leader Dong Wook is the eldest of the idiot brothers and is currently unemployed. James Chanyeol is the youngest of the idiots. Min Woo Cruise is the middle child and actor. They enter the theater while singing the James Bond theme song and acting out an action movie. Dong Wook points out that a worker is staring. They quickly apologize to the worker, who finds them amusing. The team asks another worker about Se Ho and Nana, who've only been watching the movie for 10 minutes. Min Woo asks to borrow some worker uniforms, which he is granted.

The couple is busily eating and watching the movie. Se Ho could sense something is going to happen in the movie. When it does, he shouts and shrivels back into his seat. Nana is laughing at his actions. As the movie continues on, Se Ho is having a hard time as he is scared. Nana, on the other hand is busy laughing at him.

Dong Wook goes to assess the situation. He comes back and tells the team they don't need the uniforms. Dong Wook goes back and enters the room this time. He gets into position and could hear Se Ho yelling in fear. The others get Dong Wook's text message and enter the room. The team is assembled and sketch out their plan on their phone. As they are getting into their positions, the couple is too into the movie to notice anything. On the count of three, the team charges up behind the couple. Se Ho is so scared that he looks like he is being shocked. Nana on the other hand is unaffected by the scare. The team is laughing away as Se Ho tries to recover. Se Ho tells them to go home while Nana compliments them on their timing. In his interview, Se Ho declares that he'll get his revenge on them. In the theater, Se Ho tells them again to go home. The guys tell him they're watching the movie too. Defeated, Se Ho sits back and claims that this is the worst date ever. After awhile, the guys leave to give the couple some alone time.

After the movie ends, a compilation of their moments together on the show is shown on the screen. After it is over, Nana asks if Se Ho did this. He claims that he did. Nana explains how this brought back old memories. She confesses that she is glad they are close and is grateful. She hopes that this can continue in the future. Se Ho suggests they shouldn't see a horror movie in the future and promises to go see a 4D movie instead. Se Ho extends out his pinky to promise her, but she asks why they have to go to this extent. She finally caves in and they make the promise. Se Ho claims that he'll wear the same suit next time. Nana exclaims she'll wear an evening gown.

All are finally home. Se Ho and Dong Wook grumble as they head to their new room (they lost their old room in a game against Min Woo and Kang Joon). The next day, they suggest a trivia competition to win back their room.

The time has come for the competition. Everyone marches to the first floor living room. There are the competitors and onlookers, Chanyeol, Sung Woo Soo Hyun, and Ga Yeon. The staff not only prepared the questions, but also enlisted an SBS announcer to facilitate the game. The door bells rings and the ladies are surprised to see a male member from the SBS news team. The anchorman enters and the guys can't help but show their disappointment. The anchorman is Jo Jung Shik from "Live Today." He has 2 years of experience as an anchor, but no experience in variety programs. Se Ho asks what he thinks of being in the roommate house. Jung Shik explains that he has been a fan of Soo Hyun. Se Ho asks him to name three of her works. Flustered, he tries to go right into the quiz. Se Ho tries asking him again. Jung Shik reveals he became a fan after seeing her at an award ceremony. To get even, Jung Shik asks Se Ho about Ye Won (a fellow anchorwoman). He continues on saying there was a rumor that Se Ho used to hang around the SBS studios. Soo Hyun asks if Se Ho has someone other than Nana. Jung Shik chimes in that Ye Won found it awkward. Se Ho shares that he was close to Ye Won's stylist. Jung Shik asks if he got Ye Won's number through the stylist. Se Ho states that he did and tries to explain the situation until Sung Woo points out how he is shaking.

Before the game begins, the competitors list off the pros and cons of the rooms. The teams are asked to come up with a team name and slogan. Min Woo replies right away that they already have one -"With strength and speed...KangMin!" Se Ho and Dong Wook come up with "The popular one meets the unemployed one! We're DaeBaek!" Hilariously they are out of sync while chanting and later defeated after a number of attempts.

The format of the quiz is laid out: 10 points for level 1 questions, 20 points for level 2, etc. There are also special chances to be used wisely (doubling points, changing scores). Jung Shik reveals he is the one to choose which and when, which causes the teams to playfully suck up to him.

The quiz begins with a question about girl groups: What is the total number of ladies when added together from the groups Orange Caramel, Girl's Day, Girl's Generation, F(x), and Sistar? Se Ho answers right away, 27. Jung Shik asks why 27. Se Ho starts breaking it down by each group, but he is wrong. Min Woo guesses wrong as well. Dong Wook correctly guesses 25, which gains them 10 points. The next question is language: A cow's offspring is called? Se Ho shouts right away and answers calf. Jung Shik asks what a baby dog is called. Se Ho shouts again the right answer. Jung Shik continues on like this until Se Ho figures none of these are the final question. He finally gets to the question, which is "a pollack's offspring is called ?" Kang Joon answers "pollack's offspring." The rest of the roommates are dumbfounded by his answer. Jung Shik gives him the right answer as that was not the real question. The real question is "what is a whale's offspring called?" Min Woo shouts and answers the question correctly ("calf"), which gives his team 20 points. When asked how he knew, he tells them he saw the question on TV before.

The next question is for 30 points. Jung Shik changes things up. To answer the question, they need to kick up their slipper and catch it in addition to shouting their team name. The next question asks what the four people listed have in common. Dong Wook answers apple. He starts explaining how apples are related to the three names read (4th name wasn't read yet). Everyone is impressed. Jung Shik asks who they thought was the 4th name on the list. Se Ho guesses the evil mother in Cinderella. When asked for the name, Dong Wook hilariously says "Mama Shin."

Jung Shik plays the old trick for the next question. The real question for this level is: how do you spell "most valuable player." Dong Wook answers correctly to gain 40 points. The next level is a head to head question about proverbs. Representing their teams are Se Ho and Kang Joon. The question is fill in the blank: "Poverty, love and ________. You can't hide these things." Dong Wook is dying to answer. Jung Shik warns him that he can't give Se Ho a hint. He asks Soo Hyun for an answer and she answers "cold." Se Ho takes this answer for himself, but is incorrect. Jung Shik hints that it is similar. Both teams have an answer, but Se Ho was just a bit quicker. He answers "sneeze" and explains why. The answer is correct, which puts them at 130 points.

The next level is language for 60 points. The question is "how many things did Mama Shin buy: a bunch of garlic, a rope of dried yellow croakers, and a handful of mackerel." Se Ho jokingly asks Mama Shin when he went to buy all of these things. Dong Wook guesses 122, which is surprising right (100 garlic cloves, 20 dried yellow croakers, 2 mackerel). Se Ho asks Jung Shik why 20 fish on a rope. Jung Shik can't answer. Kang Joon wittily answers it is 20 because you can carry it. Se Ho asks him why 100 garlic cloves. Kang Joon is at it again and answers 100 garlic cloves can fit in a small bowl.

For the next level, Jung Shik reveals the winner for this level can switch scores. Se Ho tries to argue that if they get switched, there is no way for them to win. Jung Shik declares that there is a way since he is the MC. He ensures them he'll make the end very climatic. The topic is shortened phrases. Se Ho gives an example which stands for falling in love. Jung Shik asks if it is related to Ye Won. Se Ho tries to explain. Jung Shik asks Se Ho to choose between him and Ye Won. Obviously, Se Ho chooses Jung Shik, who asks him why he ate with Ye Won instead of with him when they  were on another show together. Se Ho tries to explain that someone wanted to eat with Jung Shik so he left them alone. He then starts complimenting him to get on his good side.

The question for this round is "what does WMSF mean?" Dong Wook correctly answers "watching the main scenes first." He explains that drama fans use this acronym a lot.

The next level is language: What body parts are used to describe the sentiments in the phrases "this is a pressing matter" and "i'm terrified." Both teams answer incorrectly so Jung Shik give them a hint: These are body parts I am confident about. Kang Joon answers eyebrows and the back of the leg. He explains people knit their eyebrows when under pressure. Jung Shik exposes his eyebrows and monotonously asks if his eye brows are nice. He gets positive feedback and tells Kang Joon he is correct.

The next question is about Chanyeol (question wasn't revealed, but Min Woo got it correct). The score is: DaeBaek 260 to KangMin 190. The last level is level 10, which is worth 100 points. For this round, they can have 1 roommate answer for them. The question is: what 4 musicals are the most popular worldwide? Team DaeBaek gets to answer first and choose Ga Yeon, who answers incorrectly. Team KangMin gets to answer next and chooses Chanyeol. Chanyeol answers Les Miserable, Miss Saigon, Cats, and Phantom of the Opera, which is correct. Se Ho is disheartened that he lost. Jung Shik approaches him and shows him that this was only round one. With higher spirits, Se Ho tells him to start round two. Jung Shik replies with another time since he is tired. This sends Se Ho to fake cry.

The next day, Se Ho and Dong Wook are up early to make breakfast. They decide on curry and are diligently cooking away. Soo Hyun greets the twosome and mentions she is going to pick up Ruby (host from their Taiwan trip) with Min Woo. Once breakfast is done, Se Ho goes to wake the others. He goes to Chanyeol's room first. He makes his attempt, but ends up sleeping with Chanyeol in his bed. Min Woo and Soo Hyun are off the airport after the delicious breakfast.

Soon after, Dong Wook, Se Ho, Sung Woo, and Chanyeol are off on their excursion. The guys make Chanyeol drive since he just got his driver's license not too long ago. During the ride, Se Ho is giving Chanyeol driving tips while Sung Woo tests his knowledge about the rules of the road. Se Ho asks Sung Woo what they are going to do today. Sung Woo mentions that'll it be hot today. Se Ho suggests getting chicken ginseng soup. He doesn't see the adventure in doing that which leads Sung Woo to suggest they go catch their own chickens.

After some fun and sleep, they finally make it to their destination, a chicken farm in Yangju. They divide into teams (according to their rooms) to see who'll catch the most chickens. Dong Wook is whining about not being able to catch any. Chanyeol is determined as he chases down his targeted chicken. As much as he sprints, the chicken is just too fast. The first to actually catch one is Sung Woo. But not soon after, he feels remorseful. He apologizes to the chicken as he puts it in a cage. Se Ho catches one afterwards, but quickly loses it.

One by one, everyone catches one except for Dong Wook. Se Ho finds a net and gives it to Dong Wook, saying this is the only way he'll catch one. He catches one in the net, but is unable to grab it. Sung Woo grabs a chicken and hands it to Dong Wook, who is in a panic as he heads to the cages. After his struggle, he successfully gets it into the cage. Se Ho tries to hand him another chicken, but he fails. Chanyeol catches one last chicken and his team wins (4 to 2). The losing team heads to the hen house to pick eggs, which ends up being just as terrifying.

Min Woo and Soo Hyun arrive to airport early. They make a sign and practice their welcoming chant. Ruby finally arrives and the ladies happily greet each other. As they are making their way to the car, Soo Hyun and Ruby are chatting away as Min Woo is behind, carrying the luggage.

During the car ride back to the house, Ruby shares that she wants to meet Sung Woo, seeing as he seems nice and is a good cook. Soo Hyun gives Sung Woo a call and introduces him to Ruby. She asks Sung Woo about what kimchi they should make to which he suggests stuffed cucumber pickles. For the rest of the ride, the two ladies are talking and taking pictures together like close friends.

They arrive to Moran market to pick up some ingredients for later. They have a look around at the different stands and what they are selling. After looking around for a bit, they sit to have lunch, which Ruby enjoys very much.

The crew resumes exploring the market after lunch. They stumble onto some puppies for sale. Unable to resist, they take home one of the puppies, naming her Cucumber.


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