My Journey into Dramaland...

Here is my back story  of how I've become the avid drama watcher I am today...

As a youngin, I remember my mother being into soap operas while I was a typical 90s kid who only watched Nickelodeon. As I grew older, I read more books and moved on from watching cartoons to actual humans. I watched some sitcoms, but than a little show called Dawson's Creek aired and I was hooked. Like really hooked... I would re-watch episodes, buy and read the books, and cried a bunch because of how friend-zoned Joey was. I got my first taste of dramas. So when the series ended, I was looking for more dramas to get lost in. So over the years, I've watched some dramas and tried soap operas out. I would watch for a while before dropping a series once I grew bored of it. This went on for a long while.

Fast forward to to the days of WiFi. I discovered YouTube and the broader dramaland that existed there. I started off with English subbed Thai dramas as a way to connect with my Southeast Asian roots. Through different forums and blogs on Thai dramas, I came across Korean dramas. Since then I haven't turned back. I loved being able to watch a drama from beginning to end on my own time. So when I did have time I would pick one and have a go...and by that I mean I would stay up way longer than I should and end up finishing a drama in 2-3 days.  But hey, who hasn't?

So here I am today, an avid drama watcher. I don't marathon dramas as much, but I have now mastered watching simulcasts without getting too worked up over weekly cliffhangers [dang cliffhangers].


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