ROOMMATE Episode 20 (Season 1 Finale)

Episode Title:  A Passionate Goodbye

Cucumber arrives home with her new family. As Ruby is getting a tour of the house, Dong Wook is sleeping away in his bed. He goes unnoticed when Ruby is shown his room. After the tour, Dong Wook emerges from his room. Soo Hyun questions why he is home alone. Dong Wook forwardly answers that it is because he doesn't have any work. He is introduced to Ruby and Cucumber.

While the ladies are upstairs unpacking, Dong Wook is watching Cucumber. Cucumber ends up urinating on the chair to Dong Wook's disbelief. Not only that, once she hops off the chair, Cucumber urinates again. While Dong Wook is cleaning the mess, Cucumber proceeds to poop on the rug, After cleaning up everything, Dong Wook tries to get Cucumber to climb up the stairs. She doesn't make it up all the way, but Dong Wook commends her on her efforts before taking her outside to run around. Despite the big backyard, Cucumber prefers to be on Dong Wook's lap.

Dinner for the night is prepared by Dong Wook, using the chickens they caught earlier. While cooking, his brother-in-law arrives. He comes barring gifts and to give Cucumber a check up. Once it is all done, he joins the rest for dinner. While he waits with Ruby at the table, he teaches her some Korean. Dinner is served and Dong Wook's dish receives praises.

One by one, some of the roommates arrive home. Soo Hyun gifts Ruby a hanbok. Se Ho is back with some street food for Ruby to try. As all of the guys are waiting patiently in the living room, Soo Hyun and Ruby emerge wearing hanboks. The looks on the guys' faces says it all. After the shock, they start chatting away. Chanyeol asks Ruby who she found to be most handsome of the guys. They do the stare down (In Korean shows, they do this thing where they stare into each others eyes to see how they'll react.). In the end, Ruby chooses Min Woo, who gave her a cute expression and Sung Woo, who is totally surprised by the choice.

Not wanting to let this go, the rest of the guys have Ruby rank them. Unable to do so, Ruby asks the guys to do the stare down again. The guys agree to do all cute poses. Kang Joon is up first, but is awkward. Se Ho is up next and Dong Wook decides to mess with him. Instead of revealing his face, he only reveals Se Ho's hands. Finally Se Ho's cute expression is revealed, which is over the top. Dong Wook and Chanyeol show off their cute expressions after. Now Ruby has to choose. Dong Wook thinks it'll be between Se Ho and Chanyeol. Ruby starts off by saying Se Ho's name before breaking it to him that he overdid the cute expression and chooses Chanyeol instead.

After their fun, Dong Wook goes to check on Cucumber. While they were all upstairs, Cucumber pooped all over the rug. The guys end up having to take the rug outside and cleaning up the living room. Their night ends there and Dong Wook takes Cucumber to sleep with him. 2 hours later, Dong Wook wakes up to Cucumber whining. He sees that she threw up. A few hours after cleaning up, Dong Wook is waken again by Cucumber's whining. He sees that she has diarrhea. Dong Wook gives his brother-in-law a call, who advises him to bring Cucumber in for him to check.

At the office, the brother-in-law notes that Cucumber's stomach looks smaller. He gives her some food, which she scarfs down immediately. The guys seem embarrassed to which Dong Wook compares it to having a computer suddenly start working after calling a repair man. His brother-in-law explains that Cucumber was likely not hungry when they tried to feed her before, but is now. While there, Cucumber gets the full experience of being examined again, getting a shot, having her x-ray taken, and is sent home with medication.

Back at the house, Sung Woo, Soo Hyun, and Ruby are making stuffed cucumbers. Afterwards, they tour Insadong before Ruby has to leave to go back to Taiwan.

After the visit to the vet, Dong Wook, Se Ho, and Min Woo are hanging out, talking about nail care. Cut to the next scene where they are off to the nail salon. Now at the salon, Dong Wook suggests a game to determine who will get their nails painted. Se Ho suggests they have the workers choose instead. As Dong Wook is explaining the scenario to the ladies, Min Woo and Se Ho give each other a look. While Dong Wook isn't looking, Min Woo is pointing for the ladies to choose Dong Wook. The ladies unanimously choose Dong Wook.

As they get their nails done, the guys talk about guys who do get their nails painted. Dong Wook asks the ladies how guys are when they come get manicures. One worker explains that those who are embarrassed usually look away towards their left. They guys find it funny and give it a try. Dong Wook is also curious about if guys come in together to which one worker tells them yes. He then asks them who they wanted to meet among the male roommates. Two workers chose Dong Wook and one chose Kang Joon.

As they are getting their nails done, the guys talk about various topics. Se Ho asks if they have any feminine aspects. Dong Wook shares that he is picky about his clothes and proceeds to go into detail. Mid-conversation, Dong Wook starts laughing about how he is talking about this while getting a manicure. He asks the ladies if guys are usually chatty when they come into the nail salon. They break it to him that they don't. Dong Wook explains that it must be because he talks a lot.

Chanyeol arrives to the nail salon after his schedule. While Chanyeol is getting a manicure, Dong Wook is shaking as he gets his nails painted. Se Ho explains to Chanyeol that women get their nails done to relieve stress. Chanyeol turns to Dong Wook and asks is he is relieving his stress right now. Dong Wook tells him that it is the opposite. As his nails are being painted, Dong Wook questions why he is there. The worker comes back with glue for the Superman emblem he wanted. She sticks it on his nail as the guys watch. Dong Wook asks how he is supposed to remove it afterwards. The lady informs him that he'll need to come back to have it removed. Dong Wook get worked up and asks if the salon will be open later at midnight. He then asks when the salon opens in the morning. Defeated, he just keeps his head down.

Chanyeol asks if they have eaten yet. Dong Wook suggests they eat at home. Se Ho tries to convince him that they should go eat out since they haven't done so in awhile. Chanyeol plays along and says he wants to eat somewhere crowded. Se Ho suggests Indian food, which they would have to use their hands. As Se Ho is talking, he catches Dong Wook blowing on his nails. He asks him about it and Dong Wook isn't sure what to say. Se Ho believes that it is natural for them to do that after getting manicures. So they all start doing it.

Fast forward a few days, we see Soo Hyun, Chanyeol, Sung Woo, and Ga Yeon packing their things. In their interviews, they share their memories. Ga Yeon remembers their first day. Chanyeol's favorite moment was leading the camping trip. He explains how became a better leader and went home proud of himself. Soo Hyun talks about learning the Catallena dance from Nana. Sung Woo talks about the vinegar drink prank by Se Ho. He jokes that he never got his revenge and holds grudges.

Also in their closing interviews, they talk about their feelings. Chanyeol shares that he felt like they were a family and is grateful for how they treated him like a younger brother. This experience for him is something he won't forget. Soo Hyun regrets not doing more for her roommates. She wishes for the new roommates to make many good memories together. Sung Woo shares that it was great to live as Mama Shin. Ga Yeon reveals that it was nice to not be lonely and is grateful for everyone treating her like their younger sister. She wants to keep contact with everyone and show them that she has become a good adult.

The roommates are seen bidding their farewells. Ga Yeon reluctantly announces that it is time to leave. Sung Woo tells them to call if they need him and that he'll come right over. Soo Hyun wishes for them to meet soon as she is leaving. Chanyeol is happily waving as he leaves.

A passionate goodbye....not so much. It was just like any other episode with less than 10 minutes to wrap up the season. Plus the episode was only 49 minutes.

With that small rant aside....
After months together, it is sad to see some of the roommates go. Despite some controversy and negative comments about the show, I thoroughly enjoyed this season. They really became a family, which is what I liked most about the show. No matter what they did, they were just entertaining together.


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