Episode Title: You're My Number One The episode begins with a more recent event- the World Cup. Se Ho's friend, Chang Hee has come to the house bright and early. Se Ho gets the wake up call and lets him in before proceeding to wake the rest of the roommates. By 5:50 AM, Ga Yeon, Soo Hyun, Min Woo, Se Ho, and Chang Hee have made it to the streets where the game was going to broadcast on an enormous screen. The streets are already packed with a sea of red jerseys. The rest of the roommates are watching the game from home. The game starts and cheering ensues. Back at home, Bom talks about her 4 years of playing soccer in high school. By half time, the game is still scoreless. The group watching with the crowd are dancing and messing around. Se Ho suggests Ga Yeon low kick his friend. Chang Hee has a hard time standing after the kick. The game resumes and Korea scores a goal. The roommates go wild. At home, Nana and Bom fall down while celebrating. Bom whines that the guys don...