Review: Pinocchio

Those with Pinocchio Syndrome cannot tell a lie without hiccuping. But for one "Pinocchio," she isn't going to let this condition get in the way of her dream of becoming a news reporter. Another character has a deep hatred for reporters for what they did to his family. To reveal the truth about his family's injustice, he has to become what he hates. This story depicts the inner workings of news reporting and their journey into this field..

Number of Episodes: 20

Coming into this drama, I didn't know the team of directors and writers for this drama were the same team behind the drama "I Hear Your Voice," which is one of my all time favorites. As I continued watching on, I can see some similarities and overlaps of the two shows. One similarity that I noticed is how much impact the first episode of both dramas have. There is something about the first episode where the writers really know how to pull at your heart, thus making you continue watching the show.

One overlapping theme is seeking justice and standing up against injustices. Whether it be as lawyers or news reporters, the main characters are looking to take down those who are doing wrong and helping those who have been wronged.

Another thing to note is the soundtrack and instrumentals. The band, Every Single Day, took part on both soundtracks, all of which were great. I find that this band really contributes great songs to not only these two dramas, but other dramas as well. Can I just say...I absolutely love the instrumentals played in both dramas. They just fit so perfectly well in the drama. It isn't a case where it seems overplayed, but just fits in multiple scenes. It even adds to the scenes, like an extra boost to get an emotion across.

Getting back to the drama... I like the flow of the show and how it escalates. Just when you think these junior reporters overcome a hurdle, there seems to be another one just ahead. Each hurdle seems to get more interesting as we get to see the bigger conflict.

The story line I enjoyed. Particularly, I liked watching the brothers and their dual personalities. The older of the two, Ki Jae Myung is innately good, but has gone through things that has caused him to do bad things as a result. His younger brother, Ki Ha Myung is also innately good, but gets a fresh start after starting anew as Choi Dal Po. It makes you wonder what would have happened if they never separated. Would they have gone together down a bad road? Or would they have been able to save each other from going down a bad road?

Park Shin Hye actually surprised me. I've found her past works either hit of miss. In this drama, she was a total hit. She actually stole the show after awhile. Lee Jong Suk acted well. I liked how he portrayed Choi Dal Po and Ki Ha Myung.

All in all, it is a great drama.
Definitely would recommend.


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