In View: Hyde, Jekyll, Me

The general manger of an amusement park has two personalities. He seems to have them under control until the the new circus troop leader arrives. Her appearance causes him to lose control of what personality he shows.

Number of Episodes Watched So Far: 1

I try to reserve my judgement until after viewing a few episodes, but I can already tell this drama is not for me.

My thought on just the first episode: What is going on here? Like really.... you'll know what I mean after watching the episode. It just all seems excessive to me.

Also it feels as if the writers are trying to give a twist to the cliche rich male/hard working female pairing, but to me it just doesn't work. I didn't take the bait and all I'm left seeing is what the show is about - another rich guy falling for the hard working female.

The writers took a disorder and gave it a fantasy twist, which I am not feeling. I kind of have a gripe about it actually. There seems to be a trend among dramas lately that revolve around mental disorders. I've heard of some that depicted the topic well. But this drama seems to twist an already existing disorder (dissociative personality disorder) too much. This disorder exists so the depiction of it in the drama can give people the wrong idea (ie: in real life there isn't a clear cut way to know when there will be a switch in personalities in order to prevent it from happening like how it is in the show). Some may argue that this is just for entertainment, but I have a hard time just accepting it (fyi: I've taken a class on mental health and had a clinical rotation in a mental health unit while in school, which shaped how I now view the topic). The writers could have given the disorder a different name, played up the whole fantasy aspect, and made it so outlandish. That could have worked for me. But to take an already existing disorder and twist the facts is just too much.

I'm not into it.
Sorry Sung Joon, but you're handsome face won't persuade me to watch.


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