ROOMMATE Episode 19

Episode Title: Chase or Be Chased All of the roommates are gathered in Chanyeol and Sung Woo's room. Se Ho brings up the wish that he won when they played games during the camping episode. In front of everyone, he asks Nana out to the movies. While Nana is pondering, the others speak up, saying things like "it's Se Ho's wish" and "she doesn't have time." Ultimately, Nana says yes. Dong Wook pipes in that they should go see Transformers. Se Ho questions him, asking why he was coming along. This causes the others to chime in that they want to go too. Se Ho diffuses the situation by telling them they could go another time. Dong Wook asks the couple what they plan to watch to which Se Ho answers a horror movie. The roommates are up in arms with how obvious he was. Nana jokingly warns Se Ho not to hug her if he gets scared. Se Ho denies that he will, claiming that he is a man.